During your stay
- Have your Certificate of Stay signed
Once you arrive at your destination, go to the Erasmus Office your host University and have the Certificate of Stay signed in the Arrival part: this is the official start date of your stay and, together with the end date, will certify the actual amount of the Erasmus scholarship you are due. You should use the form youcan find at this page. Only in case of blended mobility (virtual + physical), you should request a specific form to Informastudenti > International > Erasmus Study. - Scan and send the Certificate of Stay to the International Mobility Office through the InformaStudenti Contact Center within 10 days of arrival (International > During the mobility Erasmus Study).
The study plan indicated in the Learning Agreement can be modified within two months of arriving at the Host University, and no later than one month from the start of selected courses or training activities, both in the first and the second semester.
Changes must be submitted to the Erasmus coordinator (or Erasmus Help Desk) of the University of Milan and are also to be accepted by the Erasmus coordinator at the Host Institution.
Once the request is approved, the student can change the Online Learning Agreement by entering the online platform and selecting "other actions" > "Change form".
You can:
- delete an activity
- add an activity
- partially change an activity, such as the number of credits
For each action, you must indicate the reason for your change. If your reason is not listed, you can choose "other" (altro).
We suggest that you use the field "notes" at the bottom of the page to elaborate the reasons for your choices to your home coordinator, who will receive your new proposal.
After you confirm your changes, the steps to be followed are the same you already followed for your first submission.
Read the Guidelines here for further information on how to change your Learning Agreement.
If your Host University is using EWP, you do not have to send your final document to our Office (ATTENTION: UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, 23/24 STUDENTS MUST FOLLOW POINT 2 EVEN IF THEY FALL UNDER POINT 1)
If your Host University is still not active on EWP, you have to send your approved L.A. as pdf to the host university so they can sign it and approve it. Finally, send your final version to InformaStudenti Contact Center (International > During the mobility Erasmus Study) saved as a PDF file. Do not send your Learning Agreement if only partially approved.
Should the Host university request the change on its own Learning Agreement form, any changes must always be indicated on both documents.
The Erasmus period abroad must last no less than 2 months and no longer than 12 months, and cannot be extended past 31 July of the academic year to which the call for applications refers.
Extending or reducing the stay abroad may change the minimum number of credits required under the Learning Agreement and therefore have an impact on the amount of your Erasmus grant.
During your stay you may apply for an extension for academic reasons, up to 12 months and no later than July 31st (call 24/25).
Extensions are not granted automatically and must always be authorised by both your UNIMI coordinator and the responsible person abroad.
The new period will be financed with the Erasmus scholarship only in case of funds' availability; the students will not receive any additional grants.
After the extension's approval, students will receive a down payment of 80% of the Erasmus grant; the final balance will be paid after the mobility, according to the actual period spent abroad.
Students can apply for a stay extension no later than one month before the expected end of their mobility period.
Long extensions should involve a change in the previous Learning Agreement (see above) to include further activities to be taken over the additional time.
- Log in to https://unimi-studenti.gomp.it/mobilityExtension
- Select the new end date (that is the extension's end date) - you'll be able to see the dates you initially submitted on your Mobility Agreement;
- Select the type of mobility (in person or blended);
- Write the academic reasons for your request (your coordinator will read them);
- Your UNIMI academic coordinator will be notified and will approve or deny your request;
- You will receive a feedback in both cases. In case of approval, you can access the above link again and download the pdf of your Mobility Agreement's amendment with the digital approval of your Home coordinator (hand-written signatures are not accepted);
- Send an e-mail with a pdf of your approved Agreement's amendment to your host University for their final approval (hand-written signature or digital signature accepted);
- Upload and send the final approved document on InformaStudenti - International > During the mobility Erasmus Study. The procedure will be final when the International Mobility Office takes charge of your request on Informastudenti.
- Should your stay be longer than that originally stated on your Mobility Agreement, students are encouraged to follow the procedure described above, even for short periods.
Requests to reduce the stay may be authorized at least one month prior to the end of the agreed period of mobility by the University of Milan Erasmus coordinator.
Authorization granted by e-mail is sufficient, and the student must notify the International Mobility Office by contacting it through the InformaStudenti Contact center - International > During the mobility Erasmus Study.
A reduction in stay may decrease the amount of the Erasmus grant awarded, and partial reimbursement may be requested.