Orientation and Tutoring Programmes
Universities are required to undertake study orientation activities and tutoring activities for the successful completion of study courses.
The decline in the number of secondary school graduates enrolling into university, the high dropout rate and the difficulty of successfully completing a university course are issues that can be overcome by supporting young people in choosing a degree programme and during the first years of their university studies.
To support universities in this area, the Italian Ministry of Education (MIUR) has activated calls for Tutoring and Orientation Programmes to be implemented in the two-year period 2017/2018 (Ministerial Decree no. 1047/2017). This initiative reflects and completes the provisions of the National Plan for Science Degrees (PLS).
It aims at encouraging universities to integrate their development strategies with orientation and education success plans for all degree courses, scientific (as in the case of PLS) or otherwise.
ORIENTATION activities are organized in the last two years of upper secondary school as well as in the period between school graduation and university enrolment (thus in collaboration with high schools), and can include:
- laboratories for skill identification and vocational development, concerning university study and job opportunities;
- meetings between school teachers and university professors for the development of orientation strategies;
- designing student knowledge assessment and self-assessment tests.
There is a special focus on the "knowledge of professional sectors and their connection with university education".
TUTORING concerns:
- activities intended for students enrolled in the first or second year of a Bachelor's, Master's, or single-cycle Master's Degree programme, especially for those who have experienced initial challenges;
- training initiatives for tutors to provide them with the basic tools needed to support and guide students;
- the preparation of support material for tutoring activities, which can also be used in subsequent years, to consolidate good practices;
- the development of monitoring actions to identify the most effective tutoring methods.
Economics, Business administration, Administration