The National Plan for Science degrees (PLS)

Launched by MIUR, the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, the National Plan for Science Degrees (PLS) has the aim of stimulating students' interest in science, and offers refresher courses for teachers. It also favours interaction between the University and businesses to facilitate student entry into the high-tech job world.

The Plan stems from an agreement between MIUR,  Italian universities, Regional School Authorities, associations and businesses.

The National Plan for Science degrees

Visit official project website

The National Plan for Science degrees projects

The University of Milan takes part in the Plan for Science Degrees by offering upper secondary school students and teachers the following:

  • educational workshops
  • conferences
  • internships
  • courses and seminars
  • visits to research laboratories
  • science theatre and cinema, 

The University PLS operates at Milan Città Studi (divided into five subsections: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology and Biotechnology, Geology) and in the area of Computer Science.

Activities by area
Computer Science

For students and teacher of upper secondary school:
- laboratories
- conferences
- stage
- courses

For information: [email protected]


Introductive seminars, laboratories, individual paths and summer schools dedicated to students;
Refresher courses for teachers

For information and further details contact the reference person for the project, Prof.ssa Alessandra Silvani [email protected]


Sono proposti:

- Laboratori e corsi a distanza
- Laboratori inquiry per studenti e insegnanti
- Corsi di formazione per insegnanti
- Corsi di approfondimento disciplinare per insegnanti e studenti
- Summer school
- Laboratori di avvicinamento alla fisica

Per informazioni e ulteriori dettagli contattare il Referente prof. Marco Giliberti 



Attività del Dipartimento F. Enriques 

Laboratori per l’insegnamento delle scienze di base: orientamento, autovalutazione e formazione degli insegnanti

Per informazioni e ulteriori dettagli contattare la Referente del progetto Prof.ssa Paola Causin – [email protected]

Biology and biotechnology
  • Self-evaluation tests
  • Laboratories for upper secondary school students
  • Teacher training
  • Meetings and conferences

For information and further details contact the reference person Prof.ssa Isabella Dalle Donne – [email protected]

Earth Sciences
  • Teacher training
  • Outreach lectures and conferences
  • Educational workshops on minerals and / or rocks
  • Guided visits of the collections and of laboratories
  • Field excursions.

For information and further details contact the reference person for the project, Prof.ssa Patrizia Fumagalli – [email protected]

Natural and Environmental Science

The Department of Environmental Science and Politics (DESP) proposes a series of initiatives aimed at students and teachers of high schools to stimulate interest in environmental issues and bring students closer to the world of University.

For information and further details contact the reference person for the project, Prof. Roberta Pennati [email protected]