International Medical School (IMS)

Medici in ospedale
International Medical School (IMS)
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
Single-cycle master
LM-41 R - Medicina e chirurgia
Single-cycle master
Limited enrolment with admission test
Course location
The degree course consists of 360 credits overall, spread over a six-year program, of which at least 60 must be acquired in training aimed at the acquisition of specific professional abilities. Graduates in the degree courses in Medicine and Surgery must have:
1) acquired the scientific bases and the necessary theorical-practical preparation to Directive 75/363/CEE on the practice of the medical profession;
2) acquired a level of professional awareness, decisional and operative autonomy safety with a deep sensitivity to the complex human problems and social diseases;
3) acquired the theoretical knowledge arising from basic sciences and the ability to properly apply it in the perspective of subsequent professional application;
4) acquired the knowledge of physiopathology and organ and apparatus pathologies, interpreting them in the light of basic scientific knowledge from a clinical point of view;
5) acquired the competence to properly obtain and examine data and elements related to the state of health and illness of an individual;
6) acquired the ability and the experience of facing, and solving, the priority health problems considering the preventive, diagnostic, prognostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative aspects;
7) been exposed to the content and methods of scientific research as a tool to access the clinical field, always in the context of a training translational "from bench-to-bedside" and vice versa;
8) acquired the knowledge of historic, epistemological and ethical dimension of medicine;
9) acquired how to communicate properly and clearly with the patient and his/her relatives relating to them with humanity;
10) learnt how to co-operate with the different professional figures in the various health activities they will be exposed to;
11) learnt how to apply the principles of health economics in medical decisions and acquired the ability to recognize health problems in the community and intervene in a competent manner.
The professional profile of our graduates is characterized by a sound scientific knowledge of diseases and diagnostic procedures, by a strong ethical structure, accountability, consciousness of his/her own limitations, understanding of culture diversity, capability to solve urgent health problems, and respect for each individual, regardless of his/her religion, values, race, sex or any other peculiarities. They are supposed to mature a strongly integrated approach to the patient, critically assessing the clinical as much as the relational aspects. During the course they acquire the educational, social and ethical aspects involved in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of illness, as well as the rehabilitation and recovery of the highest possible level of psychophysical well-being. Our graduates are exposed to the content and methods of scientific research in the context of a translational training aimed at leading them in their lifelong learning and/or in their profession of biomedical scientists. Graduates in the Medicine and Surgery degree courses acquire the professional profile adequate to carry out medical-surgical work in the different professional clinical, health and bio-medical roles and spheres.

The achievement of the IMS degree enables to practice as a physician (Legislative Decree 17-3-2020, n.18, Art.102) and to register in the Italian medical register, upon acquisition of a positive evaluation in the Evaluation Training Internship, as referred to Art.3 of the Decree of the Ministry of Education, University and research (MIUR) 9-5-2018, n.58. Graduates can pursue a medical career in a wide range of clinical, healthcare and bio-medical roles and domains. IMS degree is a prerequisite for entering medical Residencies programs, the School of General Medicine (upon National Admission test) and/or PhD programs (upon Universities Admission test).
During the Degree course, students can participate to study and internship experiences abroad within the Erasmus + Programme. Students can apply for the recognition of the periods of study abroad as Electives.
The International Medical School set up an "Erasmus Desk" dedicated to students interested in both incoming and outgoing international mobility programmes, both within the Erasmus+ projects (Student Exchange and Traineeship Program) and other non-European mobility programmes, or other internships abroad (Free Movers program). The desk ([email protected]) is managed by the Erasmus tutor of the course who supports the students in the choice of the mobility programs, welcomes and manages the requests of foreign students interested in organizing a study/internship period in IMS, and assists both incoming and outgoing students in the drafting of learning agreements.

The student is required to attend all the teaching activities, with a tolerance of no more than 1/3 of the hours, according to the Regolamento. Students are required to sign their attendance at each learning activities. Should the number of absences be higher than 1/3, the Teaching Committee will take the necessary measures.

Practical instructions
All the degree courses in Medicine and Surgery of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milan have programmed access and require an admission test. Upon the Law 264 date 2.8.1999, the test is the same for all Italian public universities offering an international medical curriculum, and takes place on the same day at the same time all over the world. The main focus of the admission test is to examine and judge the fundamentals of scientific knowledge and reasoning. The number of students who can be admitted is defined annually by a Decree of the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), taking account of the training potential declared by the university on the basis of the teaching and clinical resources and structures available, and also the requirements reported by the Lombardy Region and the Ministry of Health. Candidates who have a High School Diploma, or alternative qualification achieved abroad and recognized as suitable, can be admitted to the single cycle degree courses in Medicine and Surgery. Candidates in eligible positions in the ranking of the admission test must enroll according to the procedure of the university.

Entry test
The admission test is designed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. The admission test consists of sixty multiple choice questions with five options (of which only one is correct) on the following topics: general knowledge and logical reasoning; biology; chemistry; physics and mathematics.

Additional Educational Obligations (OFA):
Students admitted with a total score of less than 45/90 and who achieved a score <13.5/27 for questions addressing knowledge in Biology, will be assigned additional educational obligations (OFAs). These obligations
can be filled through remedial activities specifically provided. Failure to pass the OFA will not allow to take the Cells Molecules and Genes and Genetics exams.
The teaching activities aimed at supporting students submitted to OFA will be advertised on IMS website.

Lecture Planning
Academic Calendar of teaching activities:
- first semester courses are scheduled from mid-September through the end of January, for all years except the 1st year course, usually beginning mid-October;
- the courses of the second semester are scheduled from the first week of March to the end of May/first week of June.
The schedules of classes and non-formal activities (exercises, professionalizing activities, etc.) are published on the IMS website

Call for applications

The call for applications is being finalized. Please refer to the call, once it is available, for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for admission: application deadlines will be published shortly.

The call for applications is being finalized

Programme description and courses list
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Cells, Molecules and Genes 6 75 English BIO/11 BIO/13
- Biology2
- Molecular biology4
Fundamentals of Basic Sciences 12 153.5 English BIO/10 FIS/07
- Chemistry and introductory biochemistry7
- Medical physics5
Histology 7 91 English BIO/17
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Anatomy 12 160.5 English BIO/16
Biochemistry 6 76.8 English BIO/10
Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging 3 37.5 English FIS/07 MED/36
- Medical physics2
- Radiology1
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Functions 1 15 187.5 English BIO/09 BIO/10
- Biochemistry6
- Physiology9
Genetics 8 100 English BIO/13 MED/03
- Biology4
- Genetics4
Microbiology 4 50 English MED/07
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Functions 2 12 150 English BIO/09 BIO/16
- Anatomy4
- Physiology8
Mechanisms of Diseases 14 175 English MED/04
Study plan rules
1 - By the end of 2 years students should acquire 3 more credits in Additional Language Skill:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Additional language skills (ENG) 3 750 Italian Second semester
Additional language skills (ITA) 3 60 Italian Second semester
be activated by the A.Y. 2027/2028
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 1 (Clerkships) - cardiovascular diseases 4 100 English MED/11
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 1 (Clerkships) - nephrology 4 100 English MED/14
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 1 (Clerkships) - respiratory diseases 4 100 English MED/10
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 2 (Clerkships) - blood diseases 4 100 English MED/15
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 2 (Clerkships) - internal medicine 4 100 English MED/09
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 2 (Clerkships) - rheumatology 4 100 English MED/16
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 (Clerkships) - dermatology 4 100 English MED/35
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 (Clerkships) - endocrinology 4 100 English MED/13
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 (Clerkships) - gastroenterology 4 100 English MED/12
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 (Clerkships) - physical training sciences and methodology 4 100 English M-EDF/01
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 1 14 175 English MED/09 MED/10 MED/11 MED/14 MED/18
- Cardiovascular diseases3
- General surgery2
- Internal medicine3
- Nephrology3
- Respiratory diseases3
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 1 (Clerkships) 5 125 English MED/09 MED/10 MED/14 MED/18 MED/23
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- General surgery1
- Internal medicine1
- Nephrology1
- Respiratory diseases1
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 2 5 62.5 English MED/09 MED/15 MED/16
- Blood diseases2
- Internal medicine1
- Rheumatology2
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 2 (Clerkships) 1 25 English MED/16
Translational Medicine and Biotechnologies 1 9 112.5 English BIO/11 BIO/12 INF/01 MED/07 MED/46
- Biotechnology and methods in laboratory medicine2
- Clinical Biochemistry2
- Informatics2
- Microbiology2
- Molecular biology1
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Biostatistics 5 112.5 English MED/01
Foundational Pharmacological Principles 3 37.5 English BIO/14
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3 11 137.5 English M-EDF/01 MED/12 MED/13 MED/35
- Dermatology3
- Endocrinology3
- Gastroenterology3
- Physical training sciences and methodology2
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3 (Clerkships) 3 75 English MED/12 MED/13 MED/35
- Dermatology1
- Endocrinology1
- Gastroenterology1
be activated by the A.Y. 2028/2029
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Clinical and surgical pathology (Clerkships) - pathology 4 100 English MED/08
Clinical imaging (Clerkships) - radiology and radiotherapy 4 100 English MED/36
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy (Clerkships) - blood diseases 4 100 English MED/15
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy (Clerkships) - medical oncology 4 100 English MED/06
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy (Clerkships) - pathology 4 100 English MED/08
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy (Clerkships) - pharmacology 4 100 English BIO/14
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy (Clerkships) - radiology and radiotherapy 4 100 English MED/36
Head and neck (Clerkships) - odontostomatological diseases 4 100 English MED/28
Head and neck (Clerkships) - ophthalmology 4 100 English MED/30
Head and neck (Clerkships) - otorhinolaryngology 4 100 English MED/31
Infectious diseases (Clerkships) - infectious diseases 4 100 English MED/17
Infectious diseases (Clerkships) - pharmacology 4 100 English BIO/14
Medical psychology (Clerkships) - clinical psychology 4 100 English M-PSI/08
Medical psychology (Clerkships) - general psychology 4 100 English M-PSI/01
Medical psychology (Clerkships) - psychobiology and physiological psychology 4 100 English M-PSI/02
Orthopedics, tramuatology and rehabilitation (Clekships) - orthopedics 4 100 English MED/33
Orthopedics, tramuatology and rehabilitation (Clekships) - rehabilitation medicine 4 100 English MED/34
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 (Clerkships) - biotechnology and methods in laboratory medicine 4 100 English MED/46
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 (Clerkships) - clinical biochemistry 4 100 English BIO/12
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 (Clerkships) - clinical pathology 4 100 English MED/05
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 (Clerkships) - microbiology 4 100 English MED/07
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Clinical Oncology, Hemato-Oncology and Radiotherapy 7 87.5 English BIO/14 MED/06 MED/08 MED/15 MED/36
- Blood diseases1
- Medical oncology3
- Pathology1
- Pharmacology1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
Clinical Oncology, Hemato-Oncology and Radiotherapy (Clerkships) 2 50 English MED/06 MED/15
- Blood diseases1
- Medical oncology1
Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Therapeutics 3 37.5 English BIO/14
Head and Neck 8 100 English BIO/09 BIO/16 MED/28 MED/30 MED/31
- Anatomy1
- Human physiology1
- Odontostomatological diseases2
- Ophtalmological diseases2
- Otorhinolaryngology2
Head and Neck (Clerkships) 2 50 English MED/30 MED/31
- Ophtalmological diseases1
- Otorhinolaryngology1
Infectious Diseases 6 75 English BIO/14 MED/17
- Infectious diseases5
- Pharmacology1
Infectious Diseases (Clerkships) 1 25 English MED/17
Orthopedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation 5 62.5 English MED/33 MED/34
- Orthopedics4
- Rehabilitation medicine1
Orthopedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation (Clerkships) 1 25 English MED/33
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Clinical and Surgical Pathology 7 87.5 English MED/08
Clinical and Surgical Pathology (Clerkships) 1 25 English MED/08
Clinical Imaging 4 50 English MED/36
Clinical Imaging (Clerkships) 1 25 English MED/36
Medical Psychology 6 75 English M-PSI/01 M-PSI/02 M-PSI/05 M-PSI/08
- Clinical psychology1
- General psychology3
- Psychobiology and physiological psychology1
- Social psychology1
Translational Medicine and Biotechnologies 2 5 62.5 English BIO/12 MED/05 MED/07 MED/46
- Biotechnology and methods in laboratory medicine1
- Clinical biochemistry2
- Clinical pathology1
- Microbiology1
be activated by the A.Y. 2029/2030
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - cardiac surgery 4 100 English MED/23
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - general surgery 4 100 English MED/18
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - maxillofacial surgery 4 100 English MED/29
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - neurosurgery 4 100 English MED/27
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - plastic surgery 4 100 English MED/19
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - thoracic surgery 4 100 English MED/21
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - urology 4 100 English MED/24
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - vascular surgery 4 100 English MED/22
Gynecology and reproductive medicine (Clerkships) - obstetrics and gynecology 4 100 English MED/40
Gynecology and reproductive medicine (Clerkships) - urology 4 100 English MED/24
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - blood diseases 4 100 English MED/15
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - cardiovascular disease 4 100 English MED/11
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - endocrinology 4 100 English MED/13
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - gastroenterology 4 100 English MED/12
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - nephrology 4 100 English MED/14
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - physical training sciences and methodology 4 100 English M-EDF/01
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - respiratory diseases 4 100 English MED/10
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - rheumatology 4 100 English MED/16
Neurological and behavioural disorders (Clerkships) - neurology 4 100 English MED/26
Neurological and behavioural disorders (Clerkships) - neuroradiology 4 100 English MED/37
Neurological and behavioural disorders (Clerkships) - neurosurgery 4 100 English MED/27
Neurological and behavioural disorders (Clerkships) - psychiatry 4 100 English MED/25
Neurological and behavioural disorders (Clerkships) - rehabilitation medicine 4 100 English MED/34
Pediatrics and child care (Clerkships) - child neuropsychiatry 4 100 English MED/39
Pediatrics and child care (Clerkships) - pediatrics 4 100 English MED/38
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences (Clerkships) - forensic medicine 4 100 English MED/43
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences (Clerkships) - general and applied hygiene 4 100 English MED/42
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences (Clerkships) - medical statistics 4 100 English MED/01
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences (Clerkships) - occupational medicine 4 100 English MED/44
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Fundamentals of Surgery 11 112.5 English MED/18 MED/19 MED/21 MED/22 MED/23 MED/27 MED/29
- Cardiac surgery1
- General surgery5
- Maxillofacial surgery1
- Neurosurgery1
- Plastic surgery1
- Thoracic surgery1
- Vascular surgery1
Fundamentals of Surgery (Clerkships) 3 75 English MED/18
Medical Science and Clinical Investigation 5 62.5 English MED/09
Medical Science and Clinical Investigation (Clerkships) 3 75 English MED/09 MED/16
- Internal medicine2
- Rheumatology1
Neurological and Behavioral Disorders 12 150 English BIO/14 MED/25 MED/26 MED/34 MED/37
- Mental health4
- Neurology4
- Neuroradiology1
- Pharmacology2
- Rehabilitation medicine1
Neurological and Behavioral Disorders (Clerkships) 2 50 English MED/25 MED/26
- Mental health1
- Neurology1
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine 6 75 English MED/24 MED/40
- Obstetrics, gynecology5
- Urology1
Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine (Clerkships) 2 50 English MED/24 MED/40
- Obstetrics, gynecology1
- Urology1
Pediatrics and Child Care 1 25 English MED/38
Pediatrics and Child Care (Clerkships) 6 150 English MED/38 MED/39
- Child neuropsychiatry1
- Pediatrics5
Public, Global Health, Occupational Medicine and Forensic Sciences 12 150 English MED/01 MED/42 MED/43 MED/44 SECS-P/07
- Applied economics1
- Forensic medicine4
- General and applied hygiene3
- Medical statistics1
- Occupational medicine3
Tpves Evaluation Internship - Medical Sciences 5 100 English
Tpves Evaluation Internship - Surgical Sciences 5 100 English
be activated by the A.Y. 2030/2031
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Tpves evaluation internship - general medicine 5 100 English
Emergencies (Clerkships) - anesthesiology 4 100 English MED/41
Emergencies (Clerkships) - general surgery 4 100 English MED/18
Emergencies (Clerkships) - internal medicine 4 100 English MED/09
First semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Emergencies 6 75 English MED/09 MED/18 MED/41
- Anesthesiology2
- General surgery2
- Internal medicine2
Emergencies (Clerkships) 3 75 English MED/09 MED/18 MED/41
- Anesthesiology1
- General surgery1
- Internal medicine1
Multidisciplinary clinical management 10 125 English INF/01 MED/02 MED/06 MED/10 MED/11 MED/13 MED/14 MED/18 MED/36
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- Endocrinology1
- General surgery1
- Medical history2
- Medical informatics1
- Medical oncology1
- Nephrology1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
- Respiratory diseases1
Multidisciplinary clinical management (Clerkships) 2 50 English MED/09 MED/12
- Gastroenterology1
- Internal medicine1
Track1: community-based and lifestile medicine 10 125 English BIO/09 MED/03 MED/06 MED/09 MED/25 MED/34 MED/35 MED/38 MED/40
- Dermatology1
- Internal medicine1
- Medical genetics1
- Medical oncology1
- Obstetrics and Gynecology1
- Pediatrics1
- Physiology1
- Psychiatry1
- Rehabilitation medicine2
Track10: methodological approach to biomedical research 10 125 English BIO/09 BIO/10 BIO/14 BIO/17 MED/03 MED/04 MED/05 MED/07 MED/08 MED/46
- Biochemistry1
- Biotechnology and methods in laboratory medicine1
- Clinical pathology1
- General pathology1
- Genetics1
- Histology1
- Microbiology1
- Pathology1
- Pharmacology1
- Physiology1
Track2: primary care 10 125 English MED/09 MED/25 MED/28 MED/30 MED/31 MED/38 MED/39 MED/40 MED/45
- Child psychiatry1
- Internal medicine2
- Nursing1
- Obstetrics and gynecology1
- Odontostomatological diseases1
- Ophtalmological diseases1
- Otorhinolaryngology1
- Pediatrics1
- Psychiatry1
Track3: management of cronicity 10 125 English BIO/14 MED/09 MED/10 MED/11 MED/12 MED/13 MED/14 MED/16 MED/25 MED/26
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- Endocrinology1
- Gastroenterology1
- Internal medicine1
- Nephrology1
- Neurology1
- Pharmacology1
- Psychiatry1
- Respiratory diseases1
- Reumathology1
Track4: cancer 10 125 English MED/04 MED/06 MED/08 MED/10 MED/12 MED/15 MED/36 MED/38
- Blood diseases1
- Gastroenterology1
- General pathology1
- Medical oncology3
- Pathology1
- Pediatrics1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
- Respiratory diseases1
Track5: public, global & occupational health and healthcare management 10 125 English BIO/14 MED/04 MED/07 MED/17 MED/42 MED/43 MED/44
- Forensic medicine2
- General and applied hygiene2
- General pathology1
- Infectious diseases1
- Microbiology1
- Occupational medicine2
- Pharmacology1
Track6: intensive and emergency care 10 125 English MED/09 MED/11 MED/18 MED/23 MED/26 MED/27 MED/33 MED/36 MED/41
- Anestesiology2
- Cardiac surgery1
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- General surgery1
- Internal medicine1
- Neurology1
- Neurosurgery1
- Orthopedics1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
Track7: surgical approach to diseases 10 125 English MED/18 MED/19 MED/20 MED/22 MED/23 MED/24 MED/27 MED/28 MED/30 MED/33
- Cardiac surgery1
- General surgery1
- Neurosurgery1
- Odontostomatological diseases1
- Ophthalmology1
- Orthopedics1
- Pediatric surgery1
- Plastic surgery1
- Urology1
- Vascular surgery1
Track8: surgical and interventional oncology 10 125 English MED/18 MED/19 MED/21 MED/24 MED/27 MED/31 MED/33 MED/36 MED/40
- General surgery2
- Neurosurgery1
- Obstetrics and Gynecology1
- Orthopedics1
- Otorhinolaryngology1
- Plastic surgery1
- Radiology1
- Thoracic surgery1
- Urology1
Track9: advanced techniques in diagnostics and interventional imaging 10 125 English BIO/16 MED/08 MED/11 MED/12 MED/26 MED/30 MED/32 MED/36 MED/37
- Anatomy1
- Audiology1
- Cardiovascular diseases1
- Gastroenterology1
- Neurology1
- Neuroradiology1
- Ophtalmology1
- Pathology1
- Radiology and radiotherapy2
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Track1: community-based and lifestile medicine (Clerkships) 4 100 English M-EDF/01 MED/09 MED/25
- Internal medicine2
- Physical training sciences and methodology1
- Psychiatry1
Track10: methodological approach to biomedical research (Clerkships) 4 100 English BIO/12 MED/01 MED/02 MED/46
- Biotechnology and methods in laboratory medicine1
- Clinical biochemistry1
- Medical History1
- Medical statistics1
Track2: primary care (Clerkships) 4 100 English M-PSI/08 MED/09 MED/47
- Clinical psychology1
- Internal medicine2
- Midwifery1
Track3: management of cronicity (Clerkships) 4 100 English M-EDF/01 M-PSI/08 MED/09 MED/34
- Clinical psychology1
- Internal medicine1
- Physical training sciences and methodology1
- Rehabilitation medicine1
Track4: cancer (Clerkships) 4 100 English M-PSI/08 MED/06 MED/36 MED/41
- Anestesiology1
- Clinical psychology1
- Medical oncology1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
Track5: public, global & occupational health and healthcare management (Clerkships) 4 100 English MED/01 MED/02 MED/42 MED/43
- Forensic medicine1
- General and applied hygiene1
- Medical history1
- Medical statistics1
Track6: intensive and emergency care (Clerkships) 4 100 English MED/09 MED/18 MED/38 MED/41
- Anestesiology1
- General surgery1
- Internal medicine1
- Pediatrics1
Track7: surgical approach to diseases (Clerkships) 4 100 English MED/18 MED/29 MED/30 MED/40
- General surgery1
- Maxillofacial surgery1
- Obstetrics and gynecology1
- Ophthalmology1
Track8: surgical and interventional oncology (Clerkships) 4 100 English MED/12 MED/18 MED/29 MED/38
- Gastroenterology1
- General surgery1
- Maxillofacial surgery1
- Pediatric surgery1
Track9: advanced techniques in diagnostics and interventional imaging (Clerkships) 4 100 English MED/22 MED/36 MED/37 MED/46
- Biotechnology and methods in laboratory medicine1
- Neuroradiology1
- Radiology and radiotherapy1
- Vascular surgery1
Conclusive activities
There are no specific sessions for these activities (e.g. open online courses).
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Final examination 13 0 English
Study plan rules
2 - At the end of the 1st semester of 5th year students must choose the last exam (Track) of the IMC course among the 10 Track options (Frontal lesson + Clerkships)
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Track1: community-based and lifestile medicine 10 125 English First semester BIO/09 MED/03 MED/06 MED/09 MED/25 MED/34 MED/35 MED/38 MED/40
Track10: methodological approach to biomedical research 10 125 English First semester BIO/09 BIO/10 BIO/14 BIO/17 MED/03 MED/04 MED/05 MED/07 MED/08 MED/46
Track2: primary care 10 125 English First semester MED/09 MED/25 MED/28 MED/30 MED/31 MED/38 MED/39 MED/40 MED/45
Track3: management of cronicity 10 125 English First semester BIO/14 MED/09 MED/10 MED/11 MED/12 MED/13 MED/14 MED/16 MED/25 MED/26
Track4: cancer 10 125 English First semester MED/04 MED/06 MED/08 MED/10 MED/12 MED/15 MED/36 MED/38
Track5: public, global & occupational health and healthcare management 10 125 English First semester BIO/14 MED/04 MED/07 MED/17 MED/42 MED/43 MED/44
Track6: intensive and emergency care 10 125 English First semester MED/09 MED/11 MED/18 MED/23 MED/26 MED/27 MED/33 MED/36 MED/41
Track7: surgical approach to diseases 10 125 English First semester MED/18 MED/19 MED/20 MED/22 MED/23 MED/24 MED/27 MED/28 MED/30 MED/33
Track8: surgical and interventional oncology 10 125 English First semester MED/18 MED/19 MED/21 MED/24 MED/27 MED/31 MED/33 MED/36 MED/40
Track9: advanced techniques in diagnostics and interventional imaging 10 125 English First semester BIO/16 MED/08 MED/11 MED/12 MED/26 MED/30 MED/32 MED/36 MED/37
Track1: community-based and lifestile medicine (Clerkships) 4 100 English Second semester M-EDF/01 MED/09 MED/25
Track10: methodological approach to biomedical research (Clerkships) 4 100 English Second semester BIO/12 MED/01 MED/02 MED/46
Track2: primary care (Clerkships) 4 100 English Second semester M-PSI/08 MED/09 MED/47
Track3: management of cronicity (Clerkships) 4 100 English Second semester M-EDF/01 M-PSI/08 MED/09 MED/34
Track4: cancer (Clerkships) 4 100 English Second semester M-PSI/08 MED/06 MED/36 MED/41
Track5: public, global & occupational health and healthcare management (Clerkships) 4 100 English Second semester MED/01 MED/02 MED/42 MED/43
Track6: intensive and emergency care (Clerkships) 4 100 English Second semester MED/09 MED/18 MED/38 MED/41
Track7: surgical approach to diseases (Clerkships) 4 100 English Second semester MED/18 MED/29 MED/30 MED/40
Track8: surgical and interventional oncology (Clerkships) 4 100 English Second semester MED/12 MED/18 MED/29 MED/38
Track9: advanced techniques in diagnostics and interventional imaging (Clerkships) 4 100 English Second semester MED/22 MED/36 MED/37 MED/46
Second semester
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language SSD
Additional language skills (ENG) 3 750 Italian
Additional language skills (ITA) 3 60 Italian
Study plan rules
3 - By the end of 6 years students should acquire also 8 CFU/ECTS in optional clerkships to be chosen among the following:
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Clinical and surgical pathology (Clerkships) - pathology 4 100 English year MED/08
Clinical imaging (Clerkships) - radiology and radiotherapy 4 100 English year MED/36
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy (Clerkships) - blood diseases 4 100 English year MED/15
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy (Clerkships) - medical oncology 4 100 English year MED/06
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy (Clerkships) - pathology 4 100 English year MED/08
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy (Clerkships) - pharmacology 4 100 English year BIO/14
Clinical oncology, emato-oncology and radiotherapy (Clerkships) - radiology and radiotherapy 4 100 English year MED/36
Emergencies (Clerkships) - anesthesiology 4 100 English year MED/41
Emergencies (Clerkships) - general surgery 4 100 English year MED/18
Emergencies (Clerkships) - internal medicine 4 100 English year MED/09
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 1 (Clerkships) - cardiovascular diseases 4 100 English year MED/11
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 1 (Clerkships) - nephrology 4 100 English year MED/14
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 1 (Clerkships) - respiratory diseases 4 100 English year MED/10
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 2 (Clerkships) - blood diseases 4 100 English year MED/15
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 2 (Clerkships) - internal medicine 4 100 English year MED/09
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 2 (Clerkships) - rheumatology 4 100 English year MED/16
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 (Clerkships) - dermatology 4 100 English year MED/35
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 (Clerkships) - endocrinology 4 100 English year MED/13
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 (Clerkships) - gastroenterology 4 100 English year MED/12
Fundamentals of clinical medicine 3 (Clerkships) - physical training sciences and methodology 4 100 English year M-EDF/01
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - cardiac surgery 4 100 English year MED/23
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - general surgery 4 100 English year MED/18
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - maxillofacial surgery 4 100 English year MED/29
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - neurosurgery 4 100 English year MED/27
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - plastic surgery 4 100 English year MED/19
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - thoracic surgery 4 100 English year MED/21
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - urology 4 100 English year MED/24
Fundamentals of surgery (Clerkships) - vascular surgery 4 100 English year MED/22
Gynecology and reproductive medicine (Clerkships) - obstetrics and gynecology 4 100 English year MED/40
Gynecology and reproductive medicine (Clerkships) - urology 4 100 English year MED/24
Head and neck (Clerkships) - odontostomatological diseases 4 100 English year MED/28
Head and neck (Clerkships) - ophthalmology 4 100 English year MED/30
Head and neck (Clerkships) - otorhinolaryngology 4 100 English year MED/31
Infectious diseases (Clerkships) - infectious diseases 4 100 English year MED/17
Infectious diseases (Clerkships) - pharmacology 4 100 English year BIO/14
Medical psychology (Clerkships) - clinical psychology 4 100 English year M-PSI/08
Medical psychology (Clerkships) - general psychology 4 100 English year M-PSI/01
Medical psychology (Clerkships) - psychobiology and physiological psychology 4 100 English year M-PSI/02
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - blood diseases 4 100 English year MED/15
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - cardiovascular disease 4 100 English year MED/11
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - endocrinology 4 100 English year MED/13
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - gastroenterology 4 100 English year MED/12
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - nephrology 4 100 English year MED/14
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - physical training sciences and methodology 4 100 English year M-EDF/01
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - respiratory diseases 4 100 English year MED/10
Medical science and clinical investigation (Clerkships) - rheumatology 4 100 English year MED/16
Neurological and behavioural disorders (Clerkships) - neurology 4 100 English year MED/26
Neurological and behavioural disorders (Clerkships) - neuroradiology 4 100 English year MED/37
Neurological and behavioural disorders (Clerkships) - neurosurgery 4 100 English year MED/27
Neurological and behavioural disorders (Clerkships) - psychiatry 4 100 English year MED/25
Neurological and behavioural disorders (Clerkships) - rehabilitation medicine 4 100 English year MED/34
Orthopedics, tramuatology and rehabilitation (Clekships) - orthopedics 4 100 English year MED/33
Orthopedics, tramuatology and rehabilitation (Clekships) - rehabilitation medicine 4 100 English year MED/34
Pediatrics and child care (Clerkships) - child neuropsychiatry 4 100 English year MED/39
Pediatrics and child care (Clerkships) - pediatrics 4 100 English year MED/38
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences (Clerkships) - forensic medicine 4 100 English year MED/43
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences (Clerkships) - general and applied hygiene 4 100 English year MED/42
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences (Clerkships) - medical statistics 4 100 English year MED/01
Public, global health, occupational medicine and forensic sciences (Clerkships) - occupational medicine 4 100 English year MED/44
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 (Clerkships) - biotechnology and methods in laboratory medicine 4 100 English year MED/46
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 (Clerkships) - clinical biochemistry 4 100 English year BIO/12
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 (Clerkships) - clinical pathology 4 100 English year MED/05
Translational medicine and biotechnologies 2 (Clerkships) - microbiology 4 100 English year MED/07
4 - By the end of 6 years students should acquire 8 credits in elective activities:
- 5 CFU to be acquired in the Core curriculum;
- 3 CFU to be acquired in the Final track.
5 - By the end of 6 years students should acquire 1 more credit in other skills relevant for the medical profession
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Anatomy Histology (compulsory)
Biochemistry Cells, Molecules and Genes (compulsory), Fundamentals of Basic Sciences (compulsory)
Emergencies Clinical Imaging (optional), Clinical and Surgical Pathology (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 1 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 2 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (compulsory), Neurological and Behavioral Disorders (compulsory)
Functions 1 Anatomy (compulsory), Biochemistry (compulsory)
Functions 2 Anatomy (compulsory), Biochemistry (compulsory)
Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging Clinical Imaging (compulsory)
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 1 Mechanisms of Diseases (compulsory), Microbiology (compulsory)
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 2 Mechanisms of Diseases (compulsory), Microbiology (compulsory)
Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3 Mechanisms of Diseases (compulsory), Microbiology (compulsory)
Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Therapeutics Foundational Pharmacological Principles (compulsory)
Fundamentals of Surgery Clinical Imaging (compulsory), Clinical and Surgical Pathology (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 1 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 2 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (compulsory), Neurological and Behavioral Disorders (compulsory)
Genetics Cells, Molecules and Genes (compulsory), Fundamentals of Basic Sciences (compulsory)
Mechanisms of Diseases Anatomy (compulsory), Biochemistry (compulsory), Genetics (compulsory)
Medical Science and Clinical Investigation Clinical Imaging (compulsory), Clinical and Surgical Pathology (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 1 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 2 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Clinical Medicine 3 (compulsory), Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (compulsory), Neurological and Behavioral Disorders (compulsory)
Multidisciplinary clinical management Fundamentals of Surgery (compulsory), Medical Science and Clinical Investigation (compulsory)
Translational Medicine and Biotechnologies 1 Microbiology (compulsory)
Translational Medicine and Biotechnologies 2 Translational Medicine and Biotechnologies 1 (compulsory)
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Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Dissertation tutor
University and programme transfer tutor
Credit recognition tutor

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

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