Agriculture, Environment and Bioenergy

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2024/2025
Study area
Science and Technology
PhD Coordinator
Our planet is experiencing a decline in its non-renewable resources and is exposed to risks deriving from climate change. The agricultural sector must supply food, non-food products, ecosystemic services and energy, whilst guaranteeing safety and food sovereignty. It is therefore essential to develop advanced training courses in order to achieve efficiency and sustainability in the agricultural sector and its various territorial contexts, taking into account the various elements of the production system and their organisation in agro-ecosystems. Reference will be made to:
a) phenotypic and genotypic features and the valorisation of genetic resources;
b) containment of biotic and abiotic adversities;
c) implementation of predictive IT models;
d) bioenergy production, use of residual substances, soil and water resource conservation;
e) analysis and management of technical means, agricultural processes, multi-functionality of rural areas and of agrobiodiversity.
The programme will enable researchers to:
a) develop autonomous research;
b) prepare and propose public and private research projects on a local, national and international level;
c) identify research needs and their scientific, social and economic relevance;
d) transfer knowledge through teaching activities and the presentation of data and results;
e) transfer research results to the public and private sphere.
a) phenotypic and genotypic features and the valorisation of genetic resources;
b) containment of biotic and abiotic adversities;
c) implementation of predictive IT models;
d) bioenergy production, use of residual substances, soil and water resource conservation;
e) analysis and management of technical means, agricultural processes, multi-functionality of rural areas and of agrobiodiversity.
The programme will enable researchers to:
a) develop autonomous research;
b) prepare and propose public and private research projects on a local, national and international level;
c) identify research needs and their scientific, social and economic relevance;
d) transfer knowledge through teaching activities and the presentation of data and results;
e) transfer research results to the public and private sphere.
Classi di laurea magistrale - Classes of master's degrees:
· LM-3 Architettura del paesaggio,
· LM-6 Biologia,
· LM-7 Biotecnologie agrarie,
· LM-8 Biotecnologie industriali,
· LM-9 Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche,
· LM-17 Fisica,
· LM-18 Informatica,
· LM-30 Ingegneria energetica e nucleare,
· LM-32 Ingegneria informatica,
· LM-33 Ingegneria meccanica,
· LM-35 Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio,
· LM-40 Matematica,
· LM-42 Medicina veterinaria,
· LM-44 Modellistica matematico-fisica per l'ingegneria,
· LM-48 Pianificazione territoriale urbanistica e ambientale,
· LM-56 Scienze dell'economia,
· LM-60 Scienze della natura,
· LM-69 Scienze e tecnologie agrarie,
· LM-70 Scienze e tecnologie alimentari,
· LM-73 Scienze e tecnologie forestali ed ambientali,
· LM-74 Scienze e tecnologie geologiche,
· LM-75 Scienze e tecnologie per l'ambiente e il territorio,
· LM-76 Scienze economiche per l'ambiente e la cultura,
· LM-77 Scienze economico-aziendali,
· LM-81 Scienze per la cooperazione allo sviluppo,
· LM-82 Scienze statistiche,
· LM-86 Scienze zootecniche e tecnologie animali.
· LM-3 Architettura del paesaggio,
· LM-6 Biologia,
· LM-7 Biotecnologie agrarie,
· LM-8 Biotecnologie industriali,
· LM-9 Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche,
· LM-17 Fisica,
· LM-18 Informatica,
· LM-30 Ingegneria energetica e nucleare,
· LM-32 Ingegneria informatica,
· LM-33 Ingegneria meccanica,
· LM-35 Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio,
· LM-40 Matematica,
· LM-42 Medicina veterinaria,
· LM-44 Modellistica matematico-fisica per l'ingegneria,
· LM-48 Pianificazione territoriale urbanistica e ambientale,
· LM-56 Scienze dell'economia,
· LM-60 Scienze della natura,
· LM-69 Scienze e tecnologie agrarie,
· LM-70 Scienze e tecnologie alimentari,
· LM-73 Scienze e tecnologie forestali ed ambientali,
· LM-74 Scienze e tecnologie geologiche,
· LM-75 Scienze e tecnologie per l'ambiente e il territorio,
· LM-76 Scienze economiche per l'ambiente e la cultura,
· LM-77 Scienze economico-aziendali,
· LM-81 Scienze per la cooperazione allo sviluppo,
· LM-82 Scienze statistiche,
· LM-86 Scienze zootecniche e tecnologie animali.
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia - Via Celoria, 2 - Milano
- Degree course coordinator: Pilu Salvatore Roberto
[email protected] - Main offices
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Produzione, Territorio, Agroenergia - Via Celoria, 2 - Milano - Degree course website
Title | Professor(s) |
Green and well-being in the workplace. Design and assessment of Nature-Based solutions (NBS) for reaching the E-Environment and S-Social components of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) (ex DM 630/2024)
Requirements: Skills in landscpale design. Knowledge of CAD systems. Skills on the ecosystem services provided by urban green areas. |
(Erica Srl)
Physiological and genetic determinants of water use efficiency in barley
Requirements: Previous experience in genetic analysis in crop plants is preferred |
A. Tondelli (CREA)
D. Guerra (CREA)
Innovation of irrigation practices through the use of measurements, models and automatic water distribution and delivery systems.
Requirements: Good background in hydrology and agricultural hydraulic; good computer and statistical skills. Knowledge of: (1) simulation models of the hydrological balance in soil-vegetation-atmosphere systems; (2) programming languages; (3) field instrumentation for the measurement of agro-hydrological variables, is strongly appreciated. |
Stable Isotope approaches for studying mineral nutrition in higher plants
Requirements: Basic knowledge in plant biochemistry and physiology is required. |
Biobased fertilizers from Hydrothermal Carbonization Technology: effects of hydrochar on microbioma and biological and chemical soil characteristics
Requirements: Basics of soil and biomasses chemistry and laboratory experience |
Biomass recovery producing biofertilizers activated with microbial consorzia
Requirements: Life science: moleular biology, soil chemistry, bioeconomy |
Developement of biorefinery from innovative crops (Arundo donax)
Requirements: Bioeconomy, life science |
Innovative artificial lighting systems and their application on horticultural crops. Characterization of the light/plant interaction through analysis of qualitative indices, physiological, biochemical, and molecular assessments.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of vegetable crops production systems and cultivation in protected environments. |
A. Ferrante
Exploring emotions through bioacoustic and behavioral analysis to enhance farm animal welfare
Requirements: Knowledge of animal behaviour and bioacustics |
Study on acid potential of grapevine cultivars for sparkling wine bases and low-alcohol wines.
Requirements: Knowledge of grapevine physiology, with particular reference to ripening dynamics, Experience in the management of open field and controlled environment experimental plans, in the specific context of tree crops |
Evaluation of the vineyard agronomic management to counteract climate change, considering different training systems
Requirements: Knowledge of grapevine physiology and its relation to abiotic stresses, Experience in the management of open field and controlled environment experimental plans, in the specific context of tree crops. Knowlenge and experience of precision viticulture methods. |
Precision Irrigation in Viticulture: Multisource Data Processing for the development of a Decision Support System.
Requirements: Good knowledge of agricultural hydrology and hydraulics. Good computer and statistical skills. It is appreciated the knowledge of: (1) agro-hydrological simulation models; (2) programming languages; (3) field instrumentation for the measurement of agro-hydrological variables; (4) grapevine physiology. |
Potential and limits of generative artificial intelligence in agronomic research and good practices for its use.
Requirements: Very good knowledge of agronomy. Good knoweledge of statistics and computer science. Preferential requisites: knowledge of cropping systems simulation models; knowledge of a programming language. |
A. Ferrara
Estimation of GHG emission in intensive cropping systems with monitoring and simulation models
Requirements: Extensive knowledge of processes occurring in the soil-culture-atmosphere continuum. Experience in data analysis with R and use of simulation models and programming languages. Experience with methods and tools for quantifying greenhouse gas emissions in intensive cropping systems. |
Dissection of GxExM interactions for fruit quality traits and environmental adaptation in stone fruit species
Requirements: Knowledge on fruit trees genetics, physiology and agronomy; use of genomics and phenotyping tools and approaches |
Production of mutants to study the pathogenesis determinants in phytopathogenic bacteria
Requirements: Basic knowledge of microbiology, molecular biology, and plant pathology. |
The impact of land use dynamics and climate change on farm profitability
Requirements: Good knowledge of agricultural, environmental and food economics. Statistical data analysis skills. Preferred requirements: skills in designing survey for data collection. |
Combining remote sensing and cropping system simulation models towards efficient monitor, report and verify protocols for crop productivity and net agroecosystem carbon balance
Requirements: Extensive knowledge of processes of the soil-culture-atmosphere system. Experience in data analysis with R and use of simulation models and processing of satellite data |
G. Ragaglini
Advanced Methodologies for Planning and Managing Water for Irrigation (ex DM 630/2024) | |
Research and evaluation of alternative Vitis species for the breeding of new rootstocks (ex DM 630/2024) | |
Design and management of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) and urban green areas for sustainable stormwater management (SUDS)
Requirements: Knowledge of GIS and CAD systems. Skills on the ecosystem services provided by urban green areas. |
Bioplastic bioderadability in the environment
Requirements: Knowledge of environment chemistry and molecular biology |
Courses list
January 2025
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Statistical Methodologies and Analysis of Agri-Environmental Data Ii | 4 | 20 | English |
February 2025
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Compulsory | ||||
Statistical Methodologies and Analysis of Agri-Environmental Data I | 4 | 20 | English |
March 2025
Courses or activities | Professor(s) | ECTS | Total hours | Language |
Optional | ||||
Microbiome Analysis Techniques and Their Use in Agricultural Sciences | 3 | 18 | English |
Places available: 13
Call for applications
Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.
Application for admission: from 29/05/2024 to 27/06/2024
Application for matriculation: from 09/08/2024 to 03/09/2024
Attachments and documents
Following the programme of study
Office and services for PhD students and companies