Veterinary and Animal Science

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2023/2024
Study area
Science and Technology
Doctoral programme (PhD)
Dipartimento di Medicina veterinaria - Via dell'Università, 6 - Lodi
PhD Coordinator
The objectives of this programme are:
1. to coordinate third cycle learning activities for all disciplines related to Veterinary Sciences and Animal Productions;
2. to provide the opportunity for scientific and cultural development of young graduates in disciplines that belong to this sector by developing advanced research programmes and providing specialised teaching programmes;
3. to use the network of current collaborations and agreements between proponent teaching staff and industry and enterprise in the above sectors;
4. to exploit the many active partnerships with leading Italian and international research institutions to acquire authority and multidisciplinarity for the development of new and more functional partnerships;
5. to promote internationalisation by involving foreign scholars and students in organised research and training activities.
Tutte le classi di laurea magistrale - All classes of master's degree
Dipartimento di Medicina veterinaria - Via dell'Università, 6 - Lodi
Title Professor(s)
Development and application of laboratory methods for mastitis detection in dairy goats and for udder pathogen identification and characterization
Requirements: Bacteriological culture, microbial identification by MALDI-TOF MS, immunoassays (western immunoblotting, ELISA), PCR
Effect of diet supplementation with new sustainable foods on rabbit physiological and production parameters.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of physiological and productive aspects of the rabbit. Manual ability in handling and performing medical services on the animal.
Impact of Micro and Nanoplastic pollution on mammalian female reproduction and early embryo implantation
Requirements: Bi- and tri-dimensional tissue culture, use of matrix and scaffolds, advanced microscopy, molecular biology, embryology
Green approaches for sustainable aquaculture: morpho-functional studies for the assessment of fish health and muscle development.
Requirements: Advanced microscopy and cell culture skills; in vivo work ability (in the field)
Diagnostic imaging techniques in the study of ocular and orbital diseases in companion animals.
Requirements: Basic and advanced diagnostic imaging techniques, radiology, ultrasound, computed tomography
Disclosing the molecular mechanisms of the equine asthma pathophysiology: evaluation of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid microvesicles in micromanaging the horse immune response.
Requirements: Documented previous clinical experience in equine medicine
Animal welfare, farming and livestock biodiversity: framing the role of consumers and producers in a competitive sustainability perspective
Requirements: Animal production economics, technical/economic data collection in livestock farms, knowledge of the new Community Agricultural Policy (CAP 2023-2027), sustainability of livestock farms, marketing
Automated instrumental evaluation of body fluids cellular composition in different animal species
Requirements: Knowledge in laboratory techniques related to veterinary clinical pathology, with a focus on hematology and optical microscopy
Requirements: Knowledge of sampling methods for microbiological investigations from domestic and wild avian species. Basic knowledge of microbiological and molecular diagnostic techniques and various antimicrobial susceptibility evaluation methods.
Clinical challenges and insights into canine and feline pregnancy and parturition
Requirements: Basic skills in clinical care activity and laboratory of reproduction in small animals
Molecular and functional characterization of extracellular vesicles in farm animals during heat stress.
Requirements: Basic knowledge of wet lab (molecular and cell biology) techniques. Master’s degree in Biotechnology, Biology, Veterinary Medicine, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Animal Sciences
Echocardiography as screening tool in feline patient
Requirements: Basic skills in small animals internal medicine (especially feline patients)
Advanced assisted reproductive technologies in biodiversity conservation programs and animal breeding
Requirements: Applicants must possess scientific curiosity, a strong work ethic, and be willing to work in a multicultural environment. Previous research experience in reproductive/developmental biology lab, histology, and molecular biology will be advantageous.
Cryobanking of testicular tissue in feline animal model for male germplasm rescue
Requirements: Basic knowledge of reproductive biotechnologies and related laboratory techniques.
Effects of biodiversity change on the rise and spread of animal infectious disease
Requirements: Knowledge of wildlife health. Attitude towards field research
Adaptation Phenotypes and Germplasm Conservation in small species: genetic resources for a changing environment
Requirements: Knowledge of Avian Science and avian semen analysis and cryopreservation
Identification of animal-based measures leading to positive welfare in horses.
Requirements: Knowledge about horse management and welfare assessment
Conservation and promotion of local pig breeds: an integrated approach to enhancing biodiversity and local economies and exploring their potential as a sustainable source of high-quality meat product
Requirements: Knowledge of the pig farming system and pork meat supply chain
Role of inflammation and immune response in canine and feline diseases
Requirements: Previous pre- and post-graduate experiencees in veterinary hematology and clinical chemistry
Dog personality and cognition at different life stages and in various contexts of interaction with humans
Requirements: Ability to identify dog behaviour using scientific observational tools (e.g., DogFACS); behavioural coding using dedicated software; management and statistical analysis of behavioural data.
Effect of food waste supplementation on health and redox status in calves with neonatal diarrhea
Requirements: Expertise in clinical studies on cattle or other ruminants
Sustainable dietary intervention in livestock: effects on health and product quality
Requirements: The applicant must have experience in livestock handling. Previous skills related to lab techniques is also required.
Development and Optimization of VSD Tissue Bio-Architecture Models for Translational Studies in Veterinary Medicine
Requirements: The necessary skills for the project development are of a "biotechnological" nature in the veterinary field, involving operations on various tissues and organs belonging to different species, conducted in a comparative manner to identify new physiological, endocrine, paracrine, and immunological aspects. The more the bio-architecture produced resembles the naturally occurring three-dimensional systems in animal organs and glands, the greater and more qualified the scientific information produced will be. The candidates' skills will enable the refinement and stability of the models intended for 3D in vitro cultures, potentially with the support of microfluidics-based technologies, coupled with time-lapse imaging monitoring and density mass evaluation. This will constitute an innovative approach for translational studies starting from the veterinary domain.
Biodiversity, Welfare and Sustainability in poultry productions
Requirements: Knowledge of poultry science and qualitative analyses of poultry products
Evaluation of new strategies for preserving explanted organs using ex vivo pig models (ex DM 117/2023)
Requirements: Basic knowledge of wet lab (molecular and cell biology) techniques
Combined mode of action of novel emulsifiers in monogastric diets to improve feed efficiency, animal welfare and mitigate the environmental impact (ex DM 118/2023)

Courses list

November 2023
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Getting the Most Out of Practical Classes
3 16 English
December 2023
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Statistical Methods Applied to Epidemiology and Animal Sciences 2 12 English
Statistical Methods Applied to Epidemiology and Animal Sciences from Theory to Practice 4 20 English
January 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Empirical Surveys and Causal Experiments in Consumer Research 3 18 English
February 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Cell and Tissue Culture: from Basic Principles to Advanced Technologies 3 18 English
March 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Digital Imaging and Image Integrity in Scientific Publication 3 18 English
Digital Imaging, Image Integrity in Scientific Publication: Guidelines and Standards in Veterinary and Animal Sciences 4 20 English
Role of the Multimodal Imaging Modalities in the Pre-Clinical Animal Model Research 2 12 English
April 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Pathology of Laboratory Animals 2 12 English
May 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Omics Techniques Applied to Veterinary and Animal Sciences 4 20 English
The Animal Microbiome: Basic Concepts and Implications for Veterinary Medicine and Animal Productions 3 18 English
The Future of Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Lessons from the Past and Interpretations of the Present 3 18 English
July 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Non-Invasive Biomarkers for the Future Research Designs 2 16 English