Exercise and Sport Sciences

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2023/2024
Study area
Medicine and Healthcare
Doctoral programme (PhD)
Università degli Studi di Milano; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
The Ph.D. in Exercise and Sport Sciences aims to train professional figures of excellence capable of exercising a qualified research activity - basic and applied - at private entities, public bodies and universities. In particular, the doctoral pathway aims to train figures capable of exercising their skills from an interdisciplinary perspective, resorting to the knowledge acquired in the methodological field and in the different areas of interest of exercise and sport sciences. More specifically, the following objectives are pursued: knowledge of the different paradigms and theories in the field of exercise and sports sciences; knowledge of the different methodological approaches to research and intervention, useful for study and improvement with reference to the areas listed above; knowledge of the different techniques of research and intervention; in-depth knowledge of the phenomena, cultures that characterize the areas, activities and sports practice; ability to interdisciplinary synthesis of knowledge; design and implementation of applied and innovative projects inspired by the principles of research based on hypotheses and scientific evidence; development of critical and reflexive skills.
Our aim is to increase knowledge, skills and experience in sport, exercise and health sciences through internationally excellent research in the themes of performance, adapted physical activity, sports and exercise psychology and pedagogy.
The main education goal consists in providing students with the essential knowledge and skills to reach high quality research activities required in the academic and private-public research context.
Students will be trained at planning and accomplishing original projects inspired by the principles of the hypothesis-driven and evidence-based research, grounding teaching, and of the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis.
Tutte le classi di laurea - All classes of master's degree
Università degli Studi di Milano; Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Title Professor(s)
Electromyographic activity of the prime movers in different exercises used in strength training
Analysis of the external load in team sports
Study of the problems and changes related to physical activity and sport of aspects related to energy metabolism, sports performance, and morpho-functional changes in sports
Study of the problems and modifications related to physical activity of the aspects inherent to neuromuscular activation and muscle contraction
Physical activity protocol to counteract the effects of sarcopenia in older people
Bioenergetic and gait variability of human locomotion (walking, nordic walking, race-walking, running, pedalling)
Magnitude and aetiology of neuromuscular fatigue by studying the changes both in the corticospinal and in the muscle excitability and with an integrative approach
Effects of a structured program of physical activity on metabolic parameters, activity levels and sleep quality in patients with different pathologies
Effects of chronotype, circadian rhythms, and sleep quality on physical and sport performance
Physical performance in patients with chronic cardiac pathologies: from evaluation to physical training
The proactive office UP150: a workplace promoting employee health and wellbeing through physical exercise
Technologies and analytical methods for functional and performance assessment in football
The use of adaptive speed technology on treadmills: from assessment to high-intensity interval training protocols
Business Model innovation in sport clubs and industry
F. Antoldi
Managerial competences and management systems for the sport industry
F. Antoldi
C. Gozzoli
Talent development
C. D'Angelo
C. Gozzoli
Relationship between motor system and language and memory processes
C. Repetto
Social media and Sport’s Communication.
N. Vittadini
Physical Activity and ageing.
F. Casolo
Sport for social development, diversity management in sport /inclusion
D. Marzana
C. Gozzoli
C. Burnett
R. Sanchéz
New challenges for Sport professions : precariousness, new forms of malaise, resources and re / upskilling.
C. Gozzoli
Sport and Civic mindedness
P. Triani
Study of novel molecular players impinging on brain health and neurocognitive function during physical activity
D. Tavian

Courses list

January 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Participatory Research and Dialogic Planning in Sport
3 15 Spanish
February 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Methodology and Research Processes
3 15 Italian
Muscle Architecture and Muscle-Tendon Unit Stiffness Assessment 3 15 Italian
Vascular and Endothelial Functions Assessment: Physiological Aspects, Signals Analysis, and Practical Applications
4 20 English
March 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Communicating Sport Through Storytelling
3 15 Italian
Neuromuscular Fatigue Assessment: Physiological Foundations, Analysis and Practical Application
3 15 Italian
Talent Development and Career Transitions in Elite Sport
3 15 Italian
Wellbeing and Discomfort in Athletes and Coaches
3 15 Italian
April 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Assessment of the Cardiac Autonomic Control in Healthy and in Cardiovascular and Neuromuscular Diseases
4 20 English
Ethics of Research in the Sports Context
3 15 Italian
Surface Electromyography and Mechanomyography, Neuromuscular Evaluation
5 25 Italian
May 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Speech Design: Scientific Communication Strategies 2 10 Italian
Sport and Cognitive Skills Development and New Technologies
3 15 Italian
Sustainable Management in Sport
3 15 Italian
June 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Circa Diem: the Implications of the Circadian Periodicity of Biological Phenomena in Sports Practice
2 10 Italian
Educational Aspects of Sport
3 15 Italian
Sport and Community Development
3 15 Italian
September 2024
Courses or activities Professor(s) ECTS Total hours Language
Sport for Inclusion and Social Development: Impact Evaluation
3 15 English