Comparative, Private, Civil Procedural and Business Law

Doctoral programme (PhD)
A.Y. 2021/2022
Study area
Humanities, Social Sciences and Law
Doctoral programme (PhD)
Dipartimento di Diritto privato e storia del diritto - Via Festa del Perdono, 7 - Milano
PhD Coordinator
The programme aims to promote scientific debate among experts who give the programme an interdisciplinary character while (given the links between the scientific sectors involved) providing a common perspective, so that discussion among jurists of differing competencies is fruitful and rich. Its main objective is that of adequately structuring and linking research training activities, focusing on comparative law with the aim of intensifying scientific debate among those studying private law, business law (in its two forms, commercial/industrial and occupational) and civil procedural law. Special attention is given to the formation of students in the methodological aspects of scientific research. The affinities among the various areas of legal studies addressed by the programme will allow for in-depth discussion during lecture series on cross-sector topics. As in the past, authorities in the field will be involved and collaborations with universities and foreign researchers will be intensified.
Classi di laurea magistrale - Classes of master's degrees:

LMG/01 Giurisprudenza
Dipartimento di Diritto privato e storia del diritto - Via Festa del Perdono, 7 - Milano
Title Professor(s)
Fintech law
Curriculum: Corporate Law and Securities Regulation
M. Cian
Corporate governance, Information technology and AI
Curriculum: Corporate Law and Securities Regulation
M. Cian
Enterprise groups in insolvency
Curriculum: Corporate Law and Securities Regulation
Distribution of surplus value created by preventive restructuring frameworks
Curriculum: Corporate Law and Securities Regulation
IP and EU law
Curriculum: Corporate Law and Securities Regulation
Organizational structures in bankruptcy and insolvency law
Curriculum: Corporate Law and Securities Regulation
De-merger transactions
Curriculum: Corporate Law and Securities Regulation
Parity of treatment and gender discrimination in Italy and Brazil
Curriculum: Labour law
Y. Frediani
Gender gap
Curriculum: Labour law
Instruments for the protection of fundamental rights in the framework of an employment relationship and their effectiveness
Curriculum: Labour Law
F. Fita Ortega
Collective bargaining in digital economy
Curriculum: Labour Law
F. Fita Ortega
The intergeneracional responsibility in the welfare state
Curriculum: Labour Law
J.L. Tortuero Plaza
Effects of robotization on the social security system
Curriculum: Labour Law
An accident while traveling between Italy and Spain
Curriculum: Labour Law
J. L. Tortuero Plaza
Subordination, employer powers and autonomy in the perspective of the digital economy
Curriculum: Labour Law
Personal rights and new technologies
Curriculum: Private Law
Conventional delimitation of contractual risks and mandatory rules
Curriculum: Private Law
Smart Contracts and Contract Law
Curriculum: Private Law
The protection of property rights between national rules and European principles
Curriculum: Private Law
The control of judicial remedies under Italian Civil Code (i.e. nullity and dissolution for non-performance/termination) in commercial contracts
Curriculum: Private Law
The allocation by agreement of the cost of performance: hardship and material adverse change clauses
Curriculum: Private Law
The Control Of Unnegotiated Standard Form Contracts Of Adhesion In Italy And Civil Law And Common Law American Jurisdictions
Curriculum: Private Law
New forms of securing credit in italian law and perspectives of legislative reform
Curriculum: Private Law
C. De Cores Helguera
Trust and fiduciary contracts and perspectives of legislative reform
Curriculum: Private Law
C. De Cores Helguera
Crisis marriage: legal rules and private autonomy
Curriculum: Private Law
Artificial intelligence and civil liiability
Curriculum: Private Law
Freedom to dispose mortis causa and inheritance planning
Curriculum: Private Law
F. A. Hung Gil
The management of the technological risk and of the unforeseable events between tortious liability and contractual relationships
Curriculum: Comparative private Law
N. Coggiola
Digitisation and health protection: the role of contractual tools in the light of the PNRR and their comparison with models implemented in Western systems and in the Far East (China and Japan
Curriculum: Comparative Private Law
Fintech and Insurtech: analysis of current trends in the most advanced legal experiences
Curriculum: Comparative Private Law
Foreign investments in strategic sectors: their regulation in European systems compared with those implemented in China and the United States
Curriculum: Comparative Private Law
The many EU and National legal sources in contract law for regulated markets: problems and perspectives.
Curriculum: Comparative Private Law
Security interests in personal property: a comparative perspective.
Curriculum: Comparative Private Law
Consumer profiling and filter bubble
Curriculum: Comparative Private Law
S. Lanni
Sports Law in a comparative perspective
Curriculum: Comparative Private Law
L. Velliscig
Case law and sources of law in Latin America
Curriculum: Comparative Private Law
Material Law and Civil process
Curriculum: Civil procedural Law
Reviewal of civil judicial decisions
Curriculum: Civil procedural Law
Transnational Recognition of civil judgments and arbitral awards
Curriculum: Civil procedural Law
Due process of Law in the Italian Constitution and in international Conventions
Curriculum: Civil procedural Law