Veterinary Medicine

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at University of Milan offers a stimulating environment for study and research in the areas of ​​Veterinary Medicine, Animal Production and Veterinary Biotechnology.

After transferring the Faculty from Milan to Lodi in 2018, it now has the newest facilities designed by the Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, an educational hospital where students progressively approach clinical-assistance activities involving different animal species under the guidance of the medical staff, and an experimental zootechnical center for learning about the different aspects of animal husbandry.

The provision of educational programmes, which are constantly linked to both the professional realities and the needs of the territory, has gained strength from the consolidated knowledge and experience that is rooted in one of the oldest schools dedicated to the study of animal diseases and husbandry, namely, the Veterinary School that was founded in 1791 and merged into the University in 1932.

Lodi - Via dell'Università 6
Educational offering

A.Y. 2025/2026
Animal Production
A.Y. 2025/2026
A.Y. 2025/2026
Breeding and welfare of companions animals
A.Y. 2025/2026
Veterinary Medicine
No longer available degree programmes

These degree programmes are no longer available: courses are no longer delivered and no new students are accepted.

A.Y. 2025/2026
Animal Husbandry Sciences and Technologies
A.Y. 2025/2026
Veterinary Biotechnology Sciences



The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is located in Lodi on via dell’Università 6. It consists of a central educational building, a University Veterinary Hospital and an experimental zootechnical centre



The central educational building has 19 rooms while University Veterinary Hospital has 4 classrooms.

Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences
Via dell'Università 6 - 26900 Lodi

Course Administration

via Dell'Università 6 - 26900 Lodi 
Head: Ms. Silvia Milanesi


via Dell'Università 6 - 26900 Lodi

Faculty events

Quarto appuntamento della rassegna cinematografica Premio Lux del pubblico. Il documentario “Intercepted” di Oksana Karpovych racconta la distruzione causata dalla guerra contro l'Ucraina attraverso le registrazioni di conversazioni telefoniche intercettate tra soldati russi e le loro famiglie. Il film è in lingua originale (ucraino) con sottotitoli in italiano.

L’incontro si inserisce in una serie organizzata insieme alle/ai referenti delle Flagship 4EU+ – le aree tematiche interdisciplinari attorno a cui si articolano le attività dell’Alleanza – ed è in particolare dedicato alla Flagship 2 Europeanness: multilingualism, pluralities, citizenship. Saranno presentati i risultati raggiunti e le prossime opportunità che si apriranno per la comunità accademica nell’ambito della 4EU+ European University Alliance.Coordinano Elena Landone e Antonia Baraggia.

L’Università Statale di Milano ospita la campagna nazionale itinerante di Rai Radio1 e Giornale Radio Rai “Come un’Onda, contro la violenza sulle Donne”. Con il contributo di studenti, studentesse, docenti ed esperti, si parla del ruolo dell’accademia, di testimonianze e contesti internazionali. Ultima tappa del viaggio sul territorio nazionale nato per costruire consapevolezza e cambiamento culturale.