World Englishes

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course is addressed to BA (LT) students in Foreign Languages and Literatures. For the complexity of the topics introduced, investigated, and discussed along with the high level of specificity of English required for understanding audio-visual materials, it is suitable for second- and third-year students. World Englishes can also be included in the MA (LM) student syllabus.

This course aims at introducing and discussing the notions of dialect, accent, and variety, along with the idea of language variation vs. language standard/s (standard variety/ies and standardising issues). This approach will also introduce the debate on the role of English in different socio-linguistic contexts of use (class, social group, ethnic group, age group; regional, everyday, institutional, professional contexts, etc.), at different levels of variation (spelling, phonetics/phonology, vocabulary, morpho-syntax), and for different functions (native, official, second, foreign, international, global, etc.).

Some case studies will also be used to highlight major differences/similarities across varieties. Both the synchronic and the diachronic perspectives will be considered.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: students are expected to a. explain and discuss the complex notions of accent, dialect, and variety from a diatopic (regional/geographical), diastratic (social, cultural or educational factors; sociolinguistic), and diachronic (historical/timeline); discuss the main linguistic standardising processes, in relation to the extra-linguistic context under scrutiny; c. highlight the linguistic and extra-linguistic relevance of variants at the basis of linguistic change, and differentiation processes (synchronic and diachronic perspectives).

Applying knowledge and understanding: students will a. identify the main distinctive features between accents (phonetic and phonological levels) and dialects (lexical and morpho-syntactic levels), either in the British Isles, or in a wider geographical context (English around the world); listen, understand, and analyse spoken interaction and written texts from a number of sources, identifying the major linguistic features which characterise/distinguish any single variety (case studies).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
Contact varieties around the world between past and present

6/9 CFU (credits) - Units A+B (compulsory) / C (optional)

The course is divided into two didactic units (A and B) for the 6-credit exam. Students interested in the 9-credit exam, please read carefully below.

Semester I (unit C) e II (units A and B)

Unit A (20 hours, 3 credits): Contact and variation: key concepts and processes (II semester)
Unit B (20 hours, 3 credits): Varieties of English and sociolinguistic issues (II semester)

Unit C (20 hours, 3 credits): Idiosyncrasies of present-day English, World Englishes, and the legacy of time (taken from English Linguistics BA/ LT, Unit C, I semester, Giovanni Iamartino)

The 6-credit exam consists of two compulsory didactic units (A and B); students interested in the 9-credit exam are requested to add unit C. This unit corresponds to (and is taken from) unit C of the English Linguistics course for BA students. English Linguistics (BA, Unit C) is taught in the first semester.

The syllabus is valid until February 2026.
Notice for non-attending students
The syllabus is the same for attending and non-attending students. However, given the complexity of the approach, of the multidimensional text analysis, and of the discussion/argumentation, non-attending students are kindly suggested to e-mail [email protected]
Prerequisites for admission
This course is mainly addressed to intermediate and upper intermediate students (2nd and 3rd-year BA, Foreign Languages and Literatures), and is completely delivered in English. Course materials and the reading list require B2/B2+ level (European Framework).
Teaching methods
World Englishes is mainly delivered as lectures, which also include practical activities on audio-file web materials.
Teaching Resources
The syllabus is the same for attending and non-attending students (non-attending students are kindly suggested to e-mail prof. e-mail).

Slides and authentic materials for linguistic anlysis (primary sources): phonetic/phonological, morpho-syntactic, textual, and discursive activities and discussion.
‐ Audio-video interviews, documentaries, presentations; web material.
Compulsory readings (attending and non-attending students):
- Schneider, Edgar W., 2011, English Around the World. An Introduction, Cambridge University Press.
- Hickey, Raymond (ed.), 2012, Standards of English. Codified Varieties around the World, Cambridge University Press.

‐ Select one of the following titles/books, according to individual interests. Contents and key concepts/notions will be presented and discussed at the oral exam.

1. Curzan, Anne, Fixing English. Prescriptivism and Language History, CUP, 2014.
2. Hickey, Raymond (ed.), Legacies of Colonial English. Studies in Transported Dialects, CUP, 2005 (Part I and II, or Part I-III-IV)
3. Machan, Tim William, What is English? And Why Should We Care? OUP, 2013. (Part One, Three, and Four)
4. Mair, Christian, Twenty-Century English. History, Variation and Standardization, CUP, 2006.
5. Ogilvie, Sarah (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to English Dictionaries, CUP, 2020 (pp. 155-323)
Assessment methods and Criteria
World Englishes exam consists of an oral discussion on the course contents and on one of the books in the reading list above. The final mark, between 18/30 (minimum) and 30/30 (maximum), is derived from the averaged total of the two (6-credit exam) or three (9-credit exam) didactic units.


Discussion on key concepts and notions: the focus is on those specific topics introduced in the two/three didactic units. Both the theoretical approach (metalinguistic, metatextual, metadiscursive), and the practical exemplification (case studies) will be assessed. Exposition and argumentation skills, and practical evidence will positively characterise oral interaction.

For attending students, mid-term assessment can be relevant for the exam averaged final mark (valid until January-February 2026, Winter exams). Mid-term assessment includes a written test on the course materials/contents.

Oral exam assessment criteria: 1. appropriate presentation and discussion of topics, notions, and concepts; 2. discourse organisation; 3. lexical richness and accuracy; 4. lexical propriety; 5. lexical variety; 6. detailed text analysis (especially related to spelling variants, phonological system, and morpho-syntax of the varieties examined and discussed); 7. discourse skills.
L-LIN/12 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - ENGLISH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professors: Iamartino Giovanni, Lonati Elisabetta
In the afternoons from Monday to Friday, by appointment only, either in person or via Microsoft Teams 6.00-7.30 pm via Microsoft Teams; please make an appointment by email
The English Studies (Anglistica) branch of the Department (Prof. Iamartino's room)