Workshop: the Professional Figure of the Editorial Editor

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The laboratory aims to raise awareness of the most important professional figure in the publishing chain who acts directly on the text: the editorial editor.
The laboratory aims to clarify the main characteristics of the editorial writer: his mindset in relation to the text he works on, his working method, his knowledge and the tools he uses to carry it out.
The reflection on this professional figure also has the function of training the new generations of editorial editors, so that, entering their profession aware of the key role in the editorial chain and the responsibility of their task, they carry out their work with an approach to the text and to the book as scientific as possible, with the idea of textual quality, methodological, critical and historical rigor.
Expected learning outcomes
The laboratory proposes a methodology and mentality aimed at providing the student with the possibility of improving the understanding, re-elaboration and formal and content correction of a written Italian text, with the aim of creating a correct text, structured in a logical, coherent and therefore understandable.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The Editorial Editor: Role and Position
A little-known figure
The lack of clarity in defining the role and responsibilities
The difference between the editorial editor and the editor
The profession
Work environment and contractual modalities
Project management activities and textual work

Methodological Customs and Attitudes of the Editor
Working on the text: different phases, modalities, and types of reading
The text: definition and properties
Preparatory work and the organizing reading of the manuscript
Method setting and exploratory and guiding reading
Editing and its types of readings
The editor's attitude toward reading
The editor's attitude toward writing
Mastery of grammar
Verifying the truthfulness of content
Work on paratextual elements
Textual normalization
Reading of the "visto si stampi" (final approval for printing)
Disciplines that constitute fundamental knowledge
Linguistics and branches of interest for the editor

Exercises on Text Comprehension and Accuracy
Prerequisites for admission
The interest in textual understanding and the curiosity to learn the methods for achieving textual accuracy.
Teaching methods
The methodology is based on the teacher's presentation of principles, but it also involves constant active participation from the students.
The workshop is initially more theoretical in nature, but becomes increasingly practical, in order to guide the students toward preparing for the final exercise.
The use of projected sample material (in pdf format) will be employed to support learning and help students concretely apply the concepts presented.
Teaching Resources
The material for the classroom exercises will be provided to students in pdf files or given as photocopies during the lessons.

For those who may want to further explore the subject:

Manuals on Editing
Dal testo al libro. Manuale pratico per redattori, Milano, Bibliografica, 2017.
EDIGEO (a cura di), Manuale di redazione, vademecum per chi scrive e pubblica libri, Milano, Bibliografica, 2013.
ROBERTO LESINA, Il nuovo manuale di stile. Guida alla redazione di documenti, relazioni, articoli, manuali, tesi di laurea, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2009.

Proofreading Manuals
FERDINANDO SCALA (a cura di), Piccolo manuale del correttore di bozze, Milano, Modern Publishing House, 2011.
ALESSIA VINCI, Lavorare sul testo. Correzione di bozze, Roma, Il Segnalibro, 2009.
MARILÌ CAMMARATA, Il correttore di bozze, Milano, Bibliografica, 2001.

Piccolo dizionario dell'editoria, le parole più comuni delle case editrici, Milano, Modern Publishing, 2008.
ANTONIO STREPPAROLA, Il Manuzio. Dizionario del libro, Milano, Mondolibri, 2006.
Manuale enciclopedico della bibliofilia, Milano, Sylvestre Bonnard, 2005.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment will be based both on the student's attention, level of participation, and the relevance of their comments during theoretical lessons, as well as through the classroom exercises, which will allow the evaluation of their understanding of the concepts presented. The final exercise will also be used to assess the level of autonomy achieved.
- University credits: 3
Humanities workshops: 20 hours
Professor: Grisanti Isabella