Workshop: Generative Artificial Intelligence and Writing

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Through a series of lectures that combine theoretical exposition with hands-on exercises, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of generative artificial intelligence from a historical and critical perspective. The course will begin with an introduction to writing technologies, followed by an exploration of the fundamentals of AI, Large Language Models, and the influence of literary avant-gardes. Participants will then delve into prompting and the tools of generative AI for writing, culminating in an examination of contemporary applications and an analysis of future trends in this technology.
As each lesson incorporates a practical exercise component, participants are encouraged to bring their own working device (laptop, notebook, or similar) to class.
Expected learning outcomes
This workshop aims to empower students with a deeper understanding of the transformative potential of generative AI, particularly in the realm of writing. Through hands-on exercises and guided discussions, participants will gain the ability to:

- Harness the Power of Generative AI for Writing: Explore the diverse applications of generative AI in writing, including creative text generation, content ideation, and style transfer.
- Ethical Considerations in AI-Powered Writing: Critically examine the ethical implications of using generative AI for writing, addressing issues such as bias, fairness, and transparency.
- Identifying Clichés, Stereotypes, and Biases: Develop a keen eye for identifying and avoiding clichés, stereotypes, and biases in AI-generated text, ensuring responsible and inclusive writing practices.
- Integrating AI into Writing Processes: Master practical techniques for seamlessly integrating AI into writing processes, enhancing creativity, productivity, and overall writing effectiveness.
- AI-Powered Revision and Editing: Leverage AI-powered tools for revision and editing, refining writing style, grammar, and clarity.

At the end of the workshop, participants will have gained a comprehensive - albeit non-technical - understanding of the capabilities and limitations of generative AI, along with the practical skills to harness its power for responsible and effective writing. They will be equipped to critically evaluate AI-generated text, identify potential biases, and integrate AI into their writing workflows to enhance their creativity and productivity. Additionally, they will have developed a keen awareness of the ethical considerations surrounding AI-powered writing, ensuring that their use of this technology aligns with responsible and inclusive practices.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
- University credits: 3
Humanities workshops: 20 hours