Work Psychology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
In line with the general purposes of the Degree Course in Management of organization and labour (MOL), this course aims to provide the students with theoretical and methodological tools to understand and analyze the subjective dimensions involved in work activities. Specifically, the first objective is to illustrate the main psychological theories that explain how individual differences (e.g., abilities, mindset and beliefs, values, needs, and personality traits) can affect work experiences. The second objective is to improve knowledge about the antecedents and consequences of the work motivation and stress processes by emphasizing the interactive effects of personal, job and organizational factors. The emergent psychosocial risks and the impacts of new forms of organization on employee wellbeing will also be explored. The third objective is to enhance a critical understanding of the approaches at the basis of intervention plans designed to improve employee wellbeing and prevent stress in workplaces.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
-Illustrate the main individual differences that can affect work experiences.
-Explain why and how specific organizational, social and personal factors can affect employees' health and wellbeing as well as their performance.
-Explain how employees' job satisfaction, work engagement, burnout, citizenship behaviors or counterproductive behaviors can be generated.
-Apply the psychological theories to evaluate the presence of psychosocial risks and to identify personal and organizational resources that can help to enhance employee wellbeing and individual-level performance.
-Critically evaluate the main interventions able to improve employees' well-being and performance.
-Design a strategy to evaluate working conditions and improve employee well-being.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
During the classes, the following topics will be analyzed:
1) How work psychology studies organizational issues: Aims, topics, methodologies, main intervention fields, and ethical issues.
2) Motivational and stress processes: the main theories.
3) Personal and situational antecedents of employee well-being, burnout, and counterproductive behaviours.
4) Understanding and evaluating emergent psychosocial risks at the workplace and job quality: methodological approaches and ethical issues.
5) How to monitor digital transformation's effects on employee well-being and social sustainability: contributions from the Job demand-resources theory.
6) Models and types of intervention to prevent work distress and promote employee well-being.
Prerequisites for admission
Prerequisites for admission are not required.
Teaching methods
Teaching methods include frontal lessons, workgroups, analysis of case studies, and contributions from professionals on their managerial experiences.
Attending students will be organized in small groups and engaged in preparing short reports and presenting their analyses to the class.
Teaching Resources
Textbooks for attending and non-attending students:

Di Stefano G., Ashleigh M., Mansi A. (2024). Psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni. Milano: Pearson.

At the beginning of the course, all the information on the FINAL exam program will be available on the course webpage on Ariel.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is a written test with open questions aimed at evaluating:
a) knowledge of theoretical and methodological frameworks explaining human behaviour at the workplace and their empirical evidence;
b) ability to critically apply theoretical and methodological frameworks to analyze psychosocial risks at the workplace and to design systems aimed at improving employee wellbeing;
c) ability to properly use the specific disciplinary language of work psychology.
The exam lasts for 1 hour.
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Gilardi Silvia
Professor: Gilardi Silvia
Mondays: 4 pm - 7 pm (by appointment via email).
via Conservatorio 7, room n. 11