The Welfare State, New Social Rights and the Nonprofit Sector
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims at developing the knowledge of the Italian welfare system and, in particular, of the legal tools designed to protect and implement the so-called new social rights. The lectures will offer a theoretical framework and the analysis of practical cases related to the new rights; the course also includes meetings and interviews with subjects employed in the institutions involved in the protection of these rights in order to better understand the practical problems of their protection. At the end of the course, the student who has successfully attended the lessons will acquire a thorough knowledge of the topics covered in the course and will have acquired a method of reasoning suitable for dealing with related legal issues.
Expected learning outcomes
· Knowledge and understanding: students shall know the main features of the Italian welfare system and of the legal tools designed to protect and implement the so-called new social rights;
· Applying knowledge and understanding: students shall be able to read current events, ongoing case law and pending constitutional reforms;
· Making judgements: students shall acquire a critical approach on the course topics that will allow them to assess the importance, but also the critical points, of the Italian welfare system;
· Communication: students shall be able to express notions and opinions correctly, using the appropriate terminology;
· Lifelong learning skills: students shall acquire good individual study skills.
· Applying knowledge and understanding: students shall be able to read current events, ongoing case law and pending constitutional reforms;
· Making judgements: students shall acquire a critical approach on the course topics that will allow them to assess the importance, but also the critical points, of the Italian welfare system;
· Communication: students shall be able to express notions and opinions correctly, using the appropriate terminology;
· Lifelong learning skills: students shall acquire good individual study skills.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The teaching program includes the following topics: social rights; welfare state (models and issues); economic and social rights; social rights, Regions and Local Authorities; new rights and new social rights (right to environment; right to food and water, right to house; minimum income; new rights and scientific development); social rights and European Union; Third Sector regulation
Prerequisites for admission
To have passed the Constitutional law exam is required to attend the exam (even the partial exam).
Teaching methods
Professors will use: a) lectures; b) thematic insights proposed to students (with particular regard to the analysis of constitutional case-law on social rights and new social rights); c) interviews with subjects who, operating in the third sector or in specific institutions, are involved in protecting and promoting "new social rights"; d) practical exercises (e.g. drawing a Statute of a Third Sector Entity)
Teaching Resources
- P. Consorti, L. Gori, E. Rossi, Diritto del terzo settore, Il Mulino, ultima ed. disponibile (solo alcune parti e segnatamente cap. I, II, III, IV, VI, IX, X)
- M. Luciani, Diritti sociali e livelli essenziali delle prestazioni pubbliche nei sessant'anni della Corte costituzionale, in Rivista Aic
- G. Marchetti, Il diritto all'abitazione tra ordinamento statale ed europeo e prospettive di valorizzazione nel quadro dell'Europa sociale, in
- L. Violini, G. Formici, Doveri intergenerazionali e tutela dell'ambiente: riforme costituzionali e interventi della giurisprudenza, in Il diritto dell'economia
- A. Martelli, L'europeizzazione dei diritti sociali, FrancoAngeli, 2023
- B. Vimercati, Il diritto ai beni vitali, in or S. Scagliarini, Diritti sociali nuovi e diritti sociali in fieri nella giurisprudenza costituzionale, in
The papers will be available on the course page on Ariel
- M. Luciani, Diritti sociali e livelli essenziali delle prestazioni pubbliche nei sessant'anni della Corte costituzionale, in Rivista Aic
- G. Marchetti, Il diritto all'abitazione tra ordinamento statale ed europeo e prospettive di valorizzazione nel quadro dell'Europa sociale, in
- L. Violini, G. Formici, Doveri intergenerazionali e tutela dell'ambiente: riforme costituzionali e interventi della giurisprudenza, in Il diritto dell'economia
- A. Martelli, L'europeizzazione dei diritti sociali, FrancoAngeli, 2023
- B. Vimercati, Il diritto ai beni vitali, in or S. Scagliarini, Diritti sociali nuovi e diritti sociali in fieri nella giurisprudenza costituzionale, in
The papers will be available on the course page on Ariel
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will be oral. Attending students will be engaged in a written assignment. The evaluation will take into account, in addition to the acquisition of the contents of the teaching, the ability to organize the knowledge discursively, the capacity for critical reasoning, the quality of the exposure, and the competence in the use of the proper lexicon. The final mark/grade will be expressed in **/30.
For attending students, the evaluation will take into account active participation in the course and the in-depth initiatives proposed.
For attending students, the evaluation will take into account active participation in the course and the in-depth initiatives proposed.
IUS/08 - CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - University credits: 9
Lessons: 63 hours
Vimercati Benedetta
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