Web Communication Theory and Techniques
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course is divided into two parts, one institutional, aimed at providing the student with an introduction to the discipline considered in its fundamental aspects, and another monographic, which will be dedicated each year to a different topic, chosen among those of greater interest and relevance to the discipline. On the one hand, the sociological, technical-informatics and humanistic aspects of the discipline, which are dealt with in Unit A, are decisive; on the other hand, an all-round study of a single topic, with the support of projects or activities carried out by the teacher. Both modules aim to offer the student an articulated, multidisciplinary, comprehensive and up-to-date view of the discipline: which, by its peculiar characteristic, is particularly subject to change.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course the student will have to have an adequate measure of Knowledge and Skills and will be able to use some work tools, no considered essential in the discipline:
Knowledge: the evolution of the internet (from 2.0 to the data web). History of social networks. HTML, XML, and CSS encoding basics; Social media marketing fundamentals. How to communicate on social networks. Digital Story telling. How the Google search engine works through its main algorithms and writing techniques for the web.
Skills: design and implement static and dynamic HTML pages and websites; use of major social networks (especially LinkedIn to make a digital CV); writing search engine-optimized web pages.
Tools: WordPress (for creating websites, with classroom tutorials); HTML and CSS editors (with tutorials); Google Search Console, Google Trends (for SEO).
Knowledge: the evolution of the internet (from 2.0 to the data web). History of social networks. HTML, XML, and CSS encoding basics; Social media marketing fundamentals. How to communicate on social networks. Digital Story telling. How the Google search engine works through its main algorithms and writing techniques for the web.
Skills: design and implement static and dynamic HTML pages and websites; use of major social networks (especially LinkedIn to make a digital CV); writing search engine-optimized web pages.
Tools: WordPress (for creating websites, with classroom tutorials); HTML and CSS editors (with tutorials); Google Search Console, Google Trends (for SEO).
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
In the general section, the following topics are planned to be covered: Web 2.0. Social networks: history, evolution, and characteristics (with a focus on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram). Communicating on social networks: theories, techniques, and strategies. Fundamentals of coding: HTML5 and CSS3; introduction to XML. Building a website: CMS. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for digital communication and marketing, with a particular focus on the Google search engine.
In the monographic section, the topic "Web 3 technologies for digital communication" will be addressed. Technical concepts related to generative artificial intelligence, Blockchain, and NFTs will be explored, along with the necessary hardware for virtual reality. The concept of the metaverse will be defined, and its opportunities for digital communication and marketing will be evaluated.
In the monographic section, the topic "Web 3 technologies for digital communication" will be addressed. Technical concepts related to generative artificial intelligence, Blockchain, and NFTs will be explored, along with the necessary hardware for virtual reality. The concept of the metaverse will be defined, and its opportunities for digital communication and marketing will be evaluated.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites, because the course is aimed at an audience of humanities students. What is required is the desire to develop one's own attitude towards digital (Digital Attitude) which consists in using consciously the digital hardware and software tools. The knowledge of the main coding languages (HTML and XML) is preferential.
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures, within which a specific space is regularly dedicated to soliciting comments, observations and questions from the students. For the lessons, the teacher uses digital tools, hardware and software, which in some cases will be illustrated to the class. The chosen software will be free, open source or freemium.
Given the technical nature of this course, attendance is particularly recommended. Students who attend at least two thirds of the lessons are considered attending students.
Given the technical nature of this course, attendance is particularly recommended. Students who attend at least two thirds of the lessons are considered attending students.
Teaching Resources
Attending students will have to know adequately the topics covered during the lectures and study:
01. F. Tissoni, Il web dei dati fra intelligenza artificiale e semantica. I cambiamenti della comunicazione e dell'editoria digitale, Milano, Unicopli 2022
02. F. Tissoni, Social Network: comunicazione e marketing, SECONDA EDIZIONE RIVEDUTA E AGGIORNATA, Milano, Apogeo Maggioli, 2022
03. M. Pometti - F. Tissoni, Comunicare con i dati, Milano, Ledizioni, 2018
04. G. Rossi, Web 3.0 per il lusso. Tecnologie digitali al servizio dei Luxury Brands, Monduzzi Editore, 2024.
Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher before taking the exam.
01. F. Tissoni, Il web dei dati fra intelligenza artificiale e semantica. I cambiamenti della comunicazione e dell'editoria digitale, Milano, Unicopli 2022
02. F. Tissoni, Social Network: comunicazione e marketing, SECONDA EDIZIONE RIVEDUTA E AGGIORNATA, Milano, Apogeo Maggioli, 2022
03. M. Pometti - F. Tissoni, Comunicare con i dati, Milano, Ledizioni, 2018
04. G. Rossi, Web 3.0 per il lusso. Tecnologie digitali al servizio dei Luxury Brands, Monduzzi Editore, 2024.
05. T. QuHarrison, M. Fortnow, The NFT Handbook: How to Create, Sell and Buy Non-Fungible Tokens, Wiley 2021
Attending students will have to know adequately the topics covered during the lectures and study:
01. F. Tissoni, Il web dei dati fra intelligenza artificiale e semantica. I cambiamenti della comunicazione e dell'editoria digitale, Milano, Unicopli 2022
02. F. Tissoni, Social Network: comunicazione e marketing, SECONDA EDIZIONE RIVEDUTA E AGGIORNATA, Milano, Apogeo Maggioli, 2022
03. M. Pometti - F. Tissoni, Comunicare con i dati, Milano, Ledizioni, 2018
04. G. Rossi, Web 3.0 per il lusso. Tecnologie digitali al servizio dei Luxury Brands, Monduzzi Editore, 2024.
Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher before taking the exam.
01. F. Tissoni, Il web dei dati fra intelligenza artificiale e semantica. I cambiamenti della comunicazione e dell'editoria digitale, Milano, Unicopli 2022
02. F. Tissoni, Social Network: comunicazione e marketing, SECONDA EDIZIONE RIVEDUTA E AGGIORNATA, Milano, Apogeo Maggioli, 2022
03. M. Pometti - F. Tissoni, Comunicare con i dati, Milano, Ledizioni, 2018
04. G. Rossi, Web 3.0 per il lusso. Tecnologie digitali al servizio dei Luxury Brands, Monduzzi Editore, 2024.
05. T. QuHarrison, M. Fortnow, The NFT Handbook: How to Create, Sell and Buy Non-Fungible Tokens, Wiley 2021
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral exam consists of an interview on the program topics, aimed at ascertaining the knowledge acquired both from a theoretical and a technical point of view.
The vote will be expressed in thirtieths.
If it is not possible to take the exam in attendance, the exam will be taken by students electronically on Microsoft Teams platform, according to the indications provided by the University and which will be communicated on the Ariel website of the course.
The incoming Erasmus students will have the opportunity, if they so request, to take the exam in English, according to a program to be agreed with the teacher.
Chinese students are invited to contact the teacher before taking the exam.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities and / or with DSA must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent Office.
The vote will be expressed in thirtieths.
If it is not possible to take the exam in attendance, the exam will be taken by students electronically on Microsoft Teams platform, according to the indications provided by the University and which will be communicated on the Ariel website of the course.
The incoming Erasmus students will have the opportunity, if they so request, to take the exam in English, according to a program to be agreed with the teacher.
Chinese students are invited to contact the teacher before taking the exam.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities and / or with DSA must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent Office.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Educational website(s)