
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to learn the mechanisms that control the evolution of a volcanic system, from its roots to the surface and the impact of volcanic eruptions on the population, ecosystems and climate.
Expected learning outcomes
Learn about volcanic processes, recognize the volcanic deposits in the field, interpret hazard and risk maps.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Introduction: history of volcanology and key concepts. 2) The magmatic system: magma genesis and evolution. 3) Magma: chemical and physical properties of magmas and magmatic gases. 4) Volcanic eruptions: eruptive styles, characteristics, duration and "size" of eruptions. 5) Volcanic landforms: anatomy of a volcano and types of volcanic edifices. 6) Explosive eruptions (1): controlling factors of magmatic explosions. 7) Explosive eruptions (2): controlling factors of idromagmatic eruptions. 8) Eruptive columns: anatomy and controlling factors of eruptive columns. 9) Fallout deposits: characteristics and parameters. 10) Pyroclastic density currents: genesis, structure and characteristics of PDCs. 11) PDC deposits: mechanisms of transport and deposition, characteristics of the deposits. 12) Deposits of effusive eruptions (1): classification of lavas, mafic lavas. 13) Deposits of effusive eruptions (2): silicic lavas, lava domes. 14) Submarine eruptions and deposits: eruptive mechanisms, deposits, evolution of volcanic islands. 15) Lahars and their deposits: types of lahars and trigger mechanisms, characteristics of deposits. 16) Volcanic collapses: types and mechanisms of collapse, associated deposits. 17) Hazard and risk (1): eruptive columns and PDCs hazard, hazard maps. 18) Hazard and risk (2): lavas, lahars and collapsed hazard, hazard and risk maps. 19) Monitoring: techniques and instruments. 20) Seminar by an expert
Prerequisites for admission
basic knowledge of stratigraphy, mineralogy, petrography, chemistry, physics, geochemistry
Teaching methods
Type of exam: Written and Oral; Attendance mode: Strongly recommended; Delivery method: in person.
Teaching Resources
Learning material (pdf files) will be provided by lecturer on Microsoft Teams. Supplementary reading material (i.e., books and papers) will be suggested at the end of each class.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral presentation in the field (1/4 of the final grade), a report of the field activities (1/4 of the final grade) and a written exam (1/2 of the final grade). The final grade is calculated by averaging the grades obtained from these components, with the written exam contributing half of the final grade, and the oral presentation and field activity report each contributing a quarter. Students unable to participate in field activities have alternative options available to fulfill the exam requirements.
GEO/08 - GEOCHEMISTRY AND VOLCANOLOGY - University credits: 6
Field activity: 12 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
By appointment (just send me an email). Drop-ins are welcome too.
Via S. Botticelli 23, room #2084
to be scheduled via email