Visual Culture

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to introduce the main methodologies of visual culture: the discipline will be defined and its history will be traced. In the second part, a thematic study will be developed. The course is fully consistent with the objectives of the Course of Studies, which aims to ensure the acquisition of solid knowledge in the fields of multimedia communication by anchoring them to a strengthening of the humanistic training of students.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, the student will have to have an adequate measure of Knowledge and Skills.
Knowledge: Acquire the technical-sector lexicon of the discipline; approach the most important problems discussed by historiography regarding the in-depth phenomenon in the second part.
Skills: To be able to approach visual culture with a critical attitude; to know how to interrogate and contextualize the materials of the visual culture investigated, through theoretical tools and in-depth historical investigations.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Libertinism and fascism in post-war Italy: a delnocean reading of Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma by Pasolini.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of contemporary history.
Basic knowledge of the history of cinema.
Teaching methods
The topics of the course will be addressed through lectures and with the use of slides and audio-video materials analyzed in the classroom.
Attendance, although not mandatory, is strongly recommended. Students who attend at least two thirds of the lessons are considered attending students.
Teaching Resources
· Antologia di scritti di Pier Paolo Pasolini e di Augusto Del Noce (disponibile su Ariel);
· Tomaso Subini, La via italiana alla pornografia. Cattolicesimo, sessualità e cinema (1948-1986), Le Monnier, Firenze 2021;
· Film da analizzare: Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975), Pier Paolo Pasolini.

One book to choose from:

· Michele Cometa, Cultura visuale, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2020.
· Eric J. Hobsbawm, Fractured Times: Culture and Society in the 20th Century, New Press / Little, Brown, New York / London 2013; trad. it. La fine della cultura. Saggio su un secolo in crisi di identità, Rizzoli, Milano 2013.
· Carlotta Sorba, Federico Mazzini, La svolta culturale. Come è cambiata la pratica storiografica, Laterza, Roma/Bari 2021.
· Alberto Mario Banti, Vinzia Fiorino, Carlotta Sorba (a cura di), Lessico della storia culturale, Laterza, Roma/Bari 2023.

Suggested readings (optional):

· Giovanni Agosti, Luchino, Feltrinelli, Milano 2022;
· Hans Belting, Florenz und Bagdad. Eine westöstliche Geschichte des Blicks, C. H. Beck, München 2008; tradotto in italiano con il titolo I canoni dello sguardo. Storia della cultura visiva tra Oriente e Occidente, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2010;
· Marina Benedetti, Tomaso Subini (a cura di), Francesco da Assisi: storia, arte, mito, Carocci, Roma 2019;
· Kate Crehan, Gramsci, culture and anthropology, Pluto, London 2002; Gramsci, cultura e antropologia, Argo, Lecce 2003;
· Angelo Desole, L'immagine oscena. Giurisprudenza della fotografia erotica nell'Italia del dopoguerra, Quinlan, San Severino Marche 2020;
· David Freedberg, Iconoclasm, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2021;
· Carlo Ginzburg, Indagini su Piero, Einaudi, Torino 1981; Adelphi, Milano 2022;
· Stephen Gundle, I comunisti italiani tra Hollywood e Mosca. La sfida della cultura di massa, Giunti, Firenze 1995; ed. ingl. Between Hollywood and Moscow, Duke University Press, Durham and London 2000.

Program IN ADDITION for non-attending students: a book chosen from among those indicated as optional.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral interview on the topics of the program and, for attending students, also on those addressed during the lessons in the classroom. The exam intends to verify in particular the critical and logical-argumentative abilities of the student.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities and / or with DSA must be agreed with the teacher. International or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher in a timely manner.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours