Trade Union and Industrial Relations Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
- Knowledge and understanding. The student must demonstrate to have acquired a basic knowledge of Trade Union Rights and of the principal methods of conducting Industrial Relations.
- Practical capabilities. The student must demonstrate to have acquired the capability to apply the concepts in practical contexts and to specific cases referred to Trade Union Rights and Industrial Relations.
- Making judgments. The student must demonstrate to be able to assume positions argued and legally sustainable with reference to the topics of the course.
- Communication skills. The student must demonstrate his ability in expressing the knowledge gained with consistency in arguments, systematic precision and appropriate language.
- Learning capabilities. The student must demonstrate to be able to reconstruct the historical patterns and evolution of Trade Union Rights, applying the respondent regulatory framework.
Expected learning outcomes
The student, in order to obtain a positive judgment during the exam, must be able to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of Trade Unions Rights and of related doctrine and case law. On the base of this expertise, students are required to express motivated opinions in relation to the evolution of Trade Union Rights and Industrial Relations in recent years, also through the analysis of practical cases examined during classes.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course will focus on the most relevant and recent issues of classic trade union law (trade union organisation and action, collective bargaining, workers' representation in the company and strike action) and particular attention will be devoted to the relationship between theoretical profiles of the discipline and the concrete ways in which industrial relations are conducted. The course intends to develop students' reflection on the changes that new technologies (Industry 4.0, platform work, ratification) accompanied by innovative work organisation models (Toyotism and lean production) have brought about in the world of work, as well as on the repercussions that this has on trade unions and collective bargaining.
The following profiles will be examined in depth: collective bargaining with specific reference to the relationship between the national collective agreement and the company contract; the evolution of collective bargaining and industrial relations over the last twenty years; trade union freedom in the company and the tasks of trade union representatives in the company; the procedure for repressing anti-union conduct; strikes in their various forms of expression.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Teaching methods
Frontal classes will be supported by the analysis of practical cases realized with an active involvement of students and by meetings with professionals operating in the labour market (labour consultants, lawyers, judges, trade union officers, managers).
Teaching Resources
For participants, the exam will consist in an oral interview on the basis of the judgments and the bibliographic materials that will be published on the Ariel web page of the course.
Furthermore, in-depth knowledge of the following manual is required for non-attending students: M.V. Ballestrero, Diritto sindacale, Giappichelli, latest edition.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination will consist in an oral interview, and the final mark will be expressed in thirtieths, with attribution of "laude" in case of performances of exceptional quality. The evaluation criteria of the oral interview will be the precision of contents expressed, the clarity in argumentations and the student's ability in technical analysis and in re-elaboration of the notions acquired.
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Ingrao Alessandra
Professor: Ingrao Alessandra
Mon 11:00
Dipartimento di diritto del lavoro - Microsoft teams