Theories and Techniques of Radio and Television Communication

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is divided into lessons organized into various historical frameworks regarding the evolution of radio and television systems and in meetings with key players of the various jobs taking place in radio and television production. The course will analyze the design, preparation, production and airing of a television and radio programs with on-site participation in the recording/airing.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student is expected to have acquired:
Knowledge: the student will master the salient aspects of the evolution of radio and television media, technological changes, those to production equipment and for languages.
Skills: they will be able to interact with some of the jobs required in today's radio and television productions.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Knowledge and understanding:
The course examines the theoretical foundations of broadcast media, focusing on their development in the digital age. It analyses the interaction between traditional media and new media platforms, exploring how these are reshaping the communication and identity of radio, television and audiences.
Drawing on disciplines such as linguistics, sociology and semiotics, the course provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the impact of both traditional and digital media on society.
It focuses on the technical, aesthetic, cultural and social aspects of broadcast communication, exploring how technology has changed the landscape of message transmission. The course will examine the impact of television and radio as tools for socialisation, entertainment and information, considering how these media have shaped society and culture, and exploring the evolution of their role in the construction of social discourse in an increasingly fragmented, complex and manipulative communicative ecosystem. We will therefore reflect on the ethical role of broadcast media in contemporary society, considering issues of representation, bias, misinformation and plurality.

Knowledge and understanding: Scope
The ultimate educational goal is to provide students with the technical and theoretical tools necessary for a critical - and therefore in-depth and even personal - reading of the role and characteristics of broadcast media.
Students will acquire knowledge of key media theories and an awareness of the role, power and responsibility of broadcast media and the narratives they convey in society, as well as the mechanisms underlying the relationship between sensory elements - what the media shows - and intellectual elements - what the media expresses.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is reserved for Master's degree students. The prerequisites are curiosity, critical thinking, and enthusiasm.
Teaching methods
Lectures, case study presentations, analysis of media theories and content. During the classes, dialogue and participation will be encouraged. Experts and professionals from TV and radio will be invited to the classroom to deepen specific topics.
Teaching Resources
Examination programme for attending students:
- Scaglioni M., Sfardini A., La televisione. Modelli teorici e percorsi di analisi, Carocci, Roma, 2017
- Menduni E., Televisione e radio nel XXI secolo, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2016
- Facchi M., Gennari P. Radici inquadrate: spunti e strumenti per l'interpretazione delle identità mediat(ich)e, EDUCatt, Milano, 2011 [pp. 33-63]

Examination programme for non-attending students:
- Bentivegna S., Bocca Artieri G., Le teorie delle comunicazioni di massa e la sfida digitale, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2019
- Scaglioni M., Sfardini A., La televisione. Modelli teorici e percorsi di analisi, Carocci, Roma, 2017
- Sangiovanni A., Radiodays. La radio in Italia da Marconi al web, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2024
- Facchi M., Gennari P. Radici inquadrate: spunti e strumenti per l'interpretazione delle identità mediat(ich)e, EDUCatt, Milano, 2011 [pp. 33-63]
Assessment methods and Criteria
Attending and non-attending students are evaluated through a final written exam (open ended questions).

Non-native Italian speaker students can write to the professor and request an English-only oral exam.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours