Territorial Marketing

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Marketing teaching is the science that supports the economy in promoting and conveying the function of sales in all types of businesses. Territorial Marketing is the discipline that studies the territory and the market of possible investors, with the aim of collecting data and information useful for the definition and implementation of a strategic Mkt plan. Through the internal stakeholeders, the attractiveness of the territorial context is analyzed. The different territorial units, like a business, are involved in a process of growing competition, which requires the construction, defense and growth of territorial competitive advantages, shared and or created by public and private operators. The teaching focuses on the analysis of the promotion and sale of territorial emergencies. This aspect is useful to convey new investments which, without upsetting the environment and culture, strengthen competitiveness with a view to increasing the employment rate and, therefore, social well-being. Key words: competition between territories, new investors and new businesses, optimizing the resources available to the territory, improving the quality of life of the local community, promoting the values and image of the territory.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: At the end of the course the student knows: the methodology for analyzing the territorial components capable of making a territory attractive compared to others. Through the SWOT analysis, the best performing economic strategy actions can be identified. For this purpose, the interpretative keys are provided for the effective use of the large existing bibliography.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: At the end of the course the student is able to: master the instrumentation to analyze the territorial components: artistic-cultural and environmental heritage. Carry out a reasoned examination of the various components through SWOT analysis. At the end of these processes they will be able to draw up a Territorial Marketing Plan.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The Program is divided in three main parts or modules. First Part is oriented to develope main concepts and evolutionary scenaries of territorial transformation and connected sustainable impact on value. The Second Part is oriented to develop knowledge on management practices and governance of marketing strategies of territory with attention to LTS (local territorial systems) andSWOT analysis of environmental resources and sustainable trajectories. The Third Part define macro objects of territorial analysis in sustainable perspective : urban systems, industrial district areas, touristic areas of development, mountain areas of sustainable interest.
Prerequisites for admission
It is suggested a preliminary course of management or institutional marketing, or
- alternatively - a course of economics or of management
Teaching methods
Teaching method is interactive and experimental about working group on case studies and data analisys weekly realized
Teaching Resources
L.Pilotti e CA Rinolfi (2022), Management e Governance dell'Ambiente e valorizzazione delle risorse naturali e umane; Wolters Kluwer, Vol. 1 e 2

Slides available on TEAMS platform of the course with other materials of work and analysis
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning will be evaluated with written test multiple choice at the end of course and - for attending students - also the evaluation of classwork group developed (with max three members) and moreover with classroom presentation of case studies.
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Pilotti Luciano
Thursday 11-12,30 am and 15-16 pm
via Celoria, 2 - Office 1st floor - room 10