Team Sports: Training Theory and Methodology
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course provides a solid theoretical-scientific and technical-methodological foundation in the physical preparation of team sports for adults and young persons, with special attention to football.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire knowledge in the physiological and performance model for team sports and methodological skills in: 1) development of motor skills in youth; 2) conduct, control, and planning of physical training programs in adults and youth engaged in teams sports at diverse levels.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1. Athletic preparation in team sports - Are we in a new era?
2. Analysis and evaluation of the performance pattern of a team sport
3. Physiology of high-intensity intermittent exercise
4. Onset of fatigue during and after sports activity
5. Physiological factors that can lead to the onset of fatigue
6. Recovery strategy
7. Game-based approach and practical applications.
8. Strength training in team sports.
9. Preparation for training.
10. Hints of periodization in team sports
11. Training monitoring and applied technologies
1. Paradigms from which to start: Terms
2. Interactions between motor development and learning
3. Methods for peak height velocity analysis
3. Motor competence in team sports
4. The methodology of constant/varied practice
5. The training of the neuromuscular component in young athletes, from health to performance
- Training principles
- Methodological approaches based on age
- Integrative neuromuscular training & "animal shape"
- Plyometrics
- Complex and compound training
- Circuit training
6. Agility, frameworks and its components
7. Training the aerobic component, from health to performance
- General vs. Specific: analysis of differences in relation to contextual and extra-contextual factors to the game
1. Athletic preparation in team sports - Are we in a new era?
2. Analysis and evaluation of the performance pattern of a team sport
3. Physiology of high-intensity intermittent exercise
4. Onset of fatigue during and after sports activity
5. Physiological factors that can lead to the onset of fatigue
6. Recovery strategy
7. Game-based approach and practical applications.
8. Strength training in team sports.
9. Preparation for training.
10. Hints of periodization in team sports
11. Training monitoring and applied technologies
1. Paradigms from which to start: Terms
2. Interactions between motor development and learning
3. Methods for peak height velocity analysis
3. Motor competence in team sports
4. The methodology of constant/varied practice
5. The training of the neuromuscular component in young athletes, from health to performance
- Training principles
- Methodological approaches based on age
- Integrative neuromuscular training & "animal shape"
- Plyometrics
- Complex and compound training
- Circuit training
6. Agility, frameworks and its components
7. Training the aerobic component, from health to performance
- General vs. Specific: analysis of differences in relation to contextual and extra-contextual factors to the game
Prerequisites for admission
No previous knowledge is necessary as graduate students must have passed their admissions interview in which they demonstrated their knowledge levels as required by University regulations.
Teaching methods
Classes are carried out via frontal lectures with the aid of computers and multimedia support.
Teaching Resources
Exercise and Training Physiology. Sisu Sports books. Bangsbo J. 2011.
- La preparazione fisico-atletica del calciatore. Calzetti e Mariucci. Bangsbo J.
- Football Conditioning A Modern Scientific Approach: Fitness Training, speed
and agility, injury prevention. Owen A. 2016.
- Football Conditioning A Modern Scientific Approach: periodization, seasonal training, small sided games. Owen A. 2016.
- Science and Application of High-intensity Interval Training. Human Kinetics. Laursen P. & Buchheit M. Editors. 2018.
- Science and soccer 3rd edition - developing elite performers (Mark Williams editor). 2012.
- Fitness in Soccer: The science and practical application. Tenney D. 2013
- Science and Football VIII. Routledge. 2016.
- Soccer Science - using science to develop players and teams (Editor Strudwick T). 2016.
- Science in soccer - translating the theory into practice (Gregson- Littelwood Editors). 2019.
- Every Day Is Game Day: Train Like the Pros. Verstegen M. 2015.
- Periodization Fitness Training - A Revolutionary Football Conditioning Program. Mallo J. 2014.
- Individual training in football. Bangsbo J. & Mohr M. 2014.
- Advances in Functional Training: Training Techniques for Coaches. Boyle M. & Verstegen M. 2010.
- Power training in football. A scientific and practical approach. Bangsbo J. & Andersen J. 2013.
- New functional training for sports (2nd edition). Boyle M. 2016.
- Neuroni specchio e allenamento - Teoria e pratica da campo. Edizioni correre. Boccolini G. 2016
- Developing Power (NSCA Sport Performance) Editor. McGuigan M. 2017.
- La preparazione fisico-atletica del calciatore. Calzetti e Mariucci. Bangsbo J.
- Football Conditioning A Modern Scientific Approach: Fitness Training, speed
and agility, injury prevention. Owen A. 2016.
- Football Conditioning A Modern Scientific Approach: periodization, seasonal training, small sided games. Owen A. 2016.
- Science and Application of High-intensity Interval Training. Human Kinetics. Laursen P. & Buchheit M. Editors. 2018.
- Science and soccer 3rd edition - developing elite performers (Mark Williams editor). 2012.
- Fitness in Soccer: The science and practical application. Tenney D. 2013
- Science and Football VIII. Routledge. 2016.
- Soccer Science - using science to develop players and teams (Editor Strudwick T). 2016.
- Science in soccer - translating the theory into practice (Gregson- Littelwood Editors). 2019.
- Every Day Is Game Day: Train Like the Pros. Verstegen M. 2015.
- Periodization Fitness Training - A Revolutionary Football Conditioning Program. Mallo J. 2014.
- Individual training in football. Bangsbo J. & Mohr M. 2014.
- Advances in Functional Training: Training Techniques for Coaches. Boyle M. & Verstegen M. 2010.
- Power training in football. A scientific and practical approach. Bangsbo J. & Andersen J. 2013.
- New functional training for sports (2nd edition). Boyle M. 2016.
- Neuroni specchio e allenamento - Teoria e pratica da campo. Edizioni correre. Boccolini G. 2016
- Developing Power (NSCA Sport Performance) Editor. McGuigan M. 2017.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Students will be required to answer open-ended questions in writing. The test will consist of 32 questions aimed at encouraging students to develop a well-structured form of thinking. However, you will be asked to respond concisely, focusing the content of your answer on the essence of the question. It is recommended to allocate sufficient time to organize your thoughts and structure your responses clearly and coherently. The duration of the exam is two hours.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 36 hours
Perri Enrico, Trecroci Athos
Educational website(s)