Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course starts from the centrality of the person - student and teacher, first of all - in the teaching and learning of Spanish as a second language or as a foreign language. Using active and experiential teaching, the lessons develop an open and personalized curriculum for each student, aimed at stimulating the skills of observation, perception, introspection and action-research. Using the ideas offered by the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages, the creative programming of the communicative curriculum, the linguistic input, the management of relations in the classroom and the transformative evaluation are dealt with in an integrated way. The aim is for the student to get a non-traditional, humanistic overview of the key points of foreign language teaching/learning.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected results in terms of knowledge and understanding are that the student learns the basics of communicative foreign language teaching, understands the model of language acquisition of the second language and acquires disciplinary terminology. In terms of soft skills, the student develops critical skills of traditional methodologies, deep observation and perception skills, reflection and self-assessment skills of her profile as a teacher in training, problem solving and creative skills and self-assessment skills. The expected results in terms of applied skills are the ability to question practices and models crystallized in common practice, to define objectives of language training and self-training, to set up a relational type of teaching centered on the person and to conceive the teaching/learning in terms of experience and becoming.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course focuses the centrality of the person in the teaching and learning of Spanish as a second language or as a foreign language. Using active and experiential teaching, the lessons develop an open and personalized curriculum for each student, aimed at stimulating the skills of observation, perception, introspection and research-action. Using the topics offered by the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages, the creative programming of the communicative curriculum, the linguistic input, the management of relations in the classroom and the transformative evaluation are dealt with in an integrated way.
Experiential activities (peer tutoring, planning, tutoring in prison, research projects, action groups) are planned on the basis of individual interests as a voluntary accompaniment to the course (internships, ASL, dissertation thesis).
The course program is valid until February 2026 inclusive.
The course is part of the shared 4EU+ course catalogue and belongs to the MULTILINGUALISM Pathway, Module M1
Prerequisites for admission
The course is held in Spanish and materials and bibliography require Spanish language Level C1.
Teaching methods
The course adopts the following teaching methods: active and experiential lessons using body movement, roel plays, individual and group configurations, didactic use of the classroom space, multimedia aids, and activities outside the classroom. In addition, lessons are always accompanied by research activities at home by the students or by productions for the student's portfolio.
Teaching Resources
Study bibliography for students who choose the sommative assessment (that is, "non frequentanti") (it can be requested to the teacher):
o Regueiro Rodríguez, M.L., La programación didáctica ELE
o S. Pastor Cesteros, Aprendizaje de segundas lenguas
o Santamaría Pérez, M. I., La enseñanza del léxico en español como lengua extranjera
o Bordón, T., La evaluación de la lengua en el marco del E/2L: bases y procedimientos
o Torras De Bea, E., Dislexia: Una comprensión de los trastornos de aprendizaje
o T. Gordon, Maestros eficaz y técnicamente preparados, 1974
Manual de referencia: Marco Común Europeo de referencia MCER (https://cvc.cervantes.es/ensenanza/biblioteca_ele/marco/) + Volumen complementario (https://cvc.cervantes.es/ensenanza/biblioteca_ele/marco_complementario/)

Students who choose the self-assessment in progress will be provided during the course with bibliographical references to support the activities for the Portfolio.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is in the regular exam sessions and is in Spanish. Students can choose between a summative assessment and an evaluation in progress during the course.
The summative mode is an interview that lasts about 20 minutes with questions aimed at assessing the knowledge of the texts studied and the precision in the use of specific terminology, as well as the ability to reflect critically and personally on the proposed topics. The questions asked are open-ended and allow for critical and reasoned answers that integrate the main points of the texts in the bibliography. It is not required, therefore, a detailed notional study and it is advisable to use cognitive maps to have a global vision of the bibliography.
The in-progress mode consists of a reasoned self-assessment based on a portfolio of activities carried out during the course.
The evaluation is in thirtieths and the student has the right to reject it. The passing grade is 18/30.

Other info:
Examination modalities for students with disabilities and/or with dyslexia must be agreed with the teacher, after reciving the certificate of the competent Office.
L-LIN/02 - EDUCATIONAL LINGUISTICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Landone Elena
Please contact by e-mail
Piazza Sant'Alessandro 1 - 1º floor (Spanish section)