Teaching Methodologies and Techniques for Biogeosciences

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/07 GEO/04
Learning objectives
The course provides the methods and techniques useful for Earth Sciences and Biosciences education within the secondary school
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire competences for what concerne methods and techniques useful for Earth Sciences and Biosciences education within the secondary school (first and second level)
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The contents of the course "Methodologies and teaching technologies of Biogesciences" (12 CFU) are organized in two blocks, the first dedicated to Geosciences and the second to Biosciences.
The arguments discussed in the two blocks, coordinated with each other, follow topics and educational activities specific for the secondary school teaching competition classes, to which the master's degree in BioGeosciences gives access.

Part A:
- Epistemological and methodological foundations of teaching Earth Sciences.
- Methodological approaches for teaching Earth Sciences.
- Laboratory teaching and field experience as a methodology for learning Geosciences.
- Methodologies and teaching technologies for studying the relationship between Earth Sciences and society: environmental education, sustainable use of geological resources, prevention of natural hazards, conservation of cultural heritage.
- Teaching and learning processes mediated by the use of new technologies
- Textbooks for Earth Sciences: approaches and structure
- Analysis of the effectiveness of multimedia educational tools for studying Earth Sciences
- Overview of the school legislations and rules, and ministerial guidelines related to the teaching of geosciences in the first and second level secondary schools.
- Elements of cultural heritage legislation.

The topics follow the Italian ministerial indications and concern the arguments that can be proposed in the secondary school of second level (five years), especially in the lyceum, and in the secondary school of first level (three years). They are approached with different methodologies, technologies and through educational projects. For each topic, fundamentals of Geosciences are evidenced.
In the field of geosciences, the following topics will be addressed: the landscape (how to "read" the geomorphological landscape), cartography and thematic maps, minerals and rocks, geo-resources (geoheritage, raw materials, soil), geological hazard and risk (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods etc.), plate tectonics, weather, climate and climatic changes. Geo-theatre, Big History. In-depth seminars relating to specific topics for geoscience teaching may also be included.

Part :B
- Epistemological and methodological foundations of teaching Biosciences.
- Methodological approaches for teaching Biosciences.
- Laboratory teaching and field experience as a methodology for learning Biological Sciences.
- Methodologies and teaching technologies for studying the relationship between Biology and society: environmental education, conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of natural resources, biotechnologies, human health.
- Teaching and learning processes mediated by the use of new technologies
- Textbooks: approaches and structure
- Analysis of the effectiveness of multimedia educational tools for studying Biosciences.
- Overview of the school legislations and rules, and ministerial guidelines related to the teaching of biosciences in the first and second level secondary schools.

The topics follow the Italian ministerial indications and they also concern with detailed studies in Biosciences, that can be proposed in the secondary school. Methodologies and educational technologies are declined also in the frame of Biosciences and will complete the framework of the arguments proposed in the section A

In the field of biosciences, the following topics will be addressed: key concepts for maintaining organism homeostasis; human evolution; how to deal with systematic zoology; teaching methods in plant biodiversity; experiences in a botanical laboratory; domestication; plant biotechnologies; nutrition: importance of science and knowledge; the problem of waste and sewage purification plants. In-depth seminars relating to specific topics for bioscience teaching may also be included.

It should be noted that the course "Methodologies and technologies for teaching BioGeosciences" is a disciplinary teaching course in which the specific topics represent the object of the various teaching approaches; the lessons are interactive and dialogued therefore attendance and personal notes are very important. It should also be noted that any laboratory or external activities (schools, museums, field, etc.) are an integral part of the teaching contents.
Prerequisites for admission
Mandatory prerequisites are not requested; however students must have good knowledge of basic notions of Earth Sciences and Biosciences, which are acquired during the Bachelor's Degree in Natural Sciences and are required to students admitted to the Master's Degree in BioGeoscience. This knowledge is recalled during the course if necessary to address key concepts of the various disciplines useful in the context of teaching in the secondary school.
Teaching methods
The course will employ a variety of methods to accomplish the objectives, including some of the following:
- Lectures
- Labs
- Field work
- Multimedia
- Small Group Discussions
- Individual and/or in team projects
- Educational supports analysis
It should be noted that outdoor activities (laboratory, field, other), where proposed, are an integral part of the course.
Teaching Resources
Personal notes, PDF, scientific papers, material available on the Ariel website of the course,
Textboks for further information:
Part A:
University textbooks relating to the various disciplinary areas of the Earth Sciences, indicated by the teachers.
Scholar textbooks (secondary school, second level):
Palmieri, Parotto, Il globo terrestre e la sua evoluzione, Zanichelli, ed. blu (più volumi)
Palmieri, Parotto, Il globo terrestre e la sua evoluzione, volume unico, Zanichelli
Part B:
University texts relating to the various disciplinary areas of the Biosciences, indicated by the teachers.
Scholar books (secondary school, second level):
Il nuovo invito alla biologia (Curtis, Barnes, Schnek, Massarini) Zanichelli
La nuova biologia (Sadava, Hillis, Heller, Berenbaum) Zanichelli
Anna Carletti, Andrea Varani (a cura di) - Didattica costruttivista. Dalle teorie alla pratica in classe. Erikson.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam aims to:
- assessing the student's knowledge of the basic notions of Earth Sciences and Biosciences, which are fundamental for teaching Sciences in the secondary schools;
- assessing the student's skills at preparing and presenting teaching activities as lectures, group, labs or field activities, balanced for the school grades (proposed through two written reports, one for the Earth Sciences module and one for the Biosciences module) followed by an oral interview;
- assessing the student's knowledge of the topic proposed;
- assessing the student's ability to use the teaching methodologies and technologies proposed during the course;
- assessing the student's ability in gathering existing materials useful for the organization of the teaching units;
- ascertain the student's ability to relate the arguments proposed with the society.

The exam consists of two partial tests and a registration phase of the final grade. The two partial tests focus on the discussion of two reports, the first on a topic regarding Earth Sciences and the second on a topic regarding Biosciences followed by an oral interview. The report, organized as described in a template available on the Ariel website of the course, must focus on a lesson, a practice lesson, or an external teaching activity that must be carried out in a single didactic unit (two hours if the student presents a lesson, more hours per day if the student presents a practice lesson or an external teaching activity).
The report will form the starting point for verifying the proposed contents, the disciplinary key concepts teaching, the didactic aspects presented during the course and the various topics covered (course contents).
For the realization of the two reports the student can use all the necessary material (texts, books, material found on websites), but he/she must revise this material in a critical way.
During the exam, the basic notions of Earth Sciences and Biosciences and the topic discussed during lessons will be verified, especially in reference to the topic selected for the reports. The report, as indicated in the model, must take into account all the issues addressed during the course (didactic approaches, methodologies, technologies). The two reports must be submitted (as indicated in the Ariel website of the course) one week in advance to the respective partial test, so that they can be examined and evaluated by the teachers who will not participate in the examination committee (the course includes several teachers for each module).
The evaluation will consider also the use of proper language and clearness of the exposition.

Final grading, expressed over 30, will average the partial evaluations. Both reports must grade >18/30. Evaluations are based on three components: report 40%, scientific knowledge concerning the proposed topic and the disciplinary key concepts 30%, knowledge of the arguments proposed during lessons 30%.
In case of disconformity between the two evaluations, a discussion with the candidate will be held.
Teaching methodologies and techniques for biosciences
BIO/07 - ECOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Teaching methodologies and techniques for geosciences
Lessons: 48 hours
thursday morning, by previous email to fix the time
office of the professor, via Celoria 26, piano terra torre B
Monday-Friday on appointment
2 floor building C Department of Biosciences
Friday from 2.30 PM by appointment
Department of Biosciences, via Celoria 26, ground floor, B tower
Monday-Friday with appointment
Via Botticelli 23 - office first floor
Please, contact me by email to fix an appointment
via Celoria 10, building 22120, floor -1
8:30-12:30 14:30-17:30
Dipartimento Scienze della Terra "A. Desio" - Geologia-III piano