Surgical Sciences

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/18 MED/19 MED/41
Learning objectives
The student receives in-depth information on the pathological conditions that can be subjected to surgical therapeutic solutions as well as information on the basics of the anesthetic and resuscitation technique.
Expected learning outcomes
Recognize the pathogenetic, diagnostic and clinical manifestations of the main pathologies that relate to posturological problems and have a notion of the main post-traumatic and post-oncological reconstructive surgery techniques involving the lower limbs
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Notions of general anatomy, physiology and physiopathology are required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exams will take place with a written test with open questions possibly supplemented with an oral examination always oriented to test the student's ability to know the pathologies described during lessons
General surgery
Course syllabus
1) Hernias of the abdominal wall and laparoceli:
· An outline of the anatomy of the abdominal wall
· clinical manifestations and complications
· Physical examination
· Surgical treatment

2) Benign esophageal surgical pathology: esophageal achalasia, hiatal hernia, diverticula:
· Outline of esophageal anatomy
· Clinical manifestations and complications
· Physical examination
· Instrumental diagnostics (esophagogastroduodenoscopy, esophageal manometry, pHimpedenzometry)
· Surgical treatment

3) Gallstone
· Outline of anatomy
· Etiopathogenesis of gallbladder lithiasis
· Clinical manifestations
· Physical examination
· Treatment options

4) Appendicitis
· Outline of anatomy
· Etiopathogenesis of acute appendicitis
· Clinical manifestations
· Physical examination
· Surgical treatment

5) Esophagogastric cancer
· General principles inherent in neoplasms of the digestive tract
· Etiopathogenesis of esophageal and gastric tumors
· Diagnostic paths
· Role of radiochemotherapy in the treatment of these neoplasms
· Surgical treatment

6) Colorectal cancer
· Etiopathogenesis of colorectal tumors
· Diagnostic pathways and colorectal screening
· Role of radiochemotherapy in the treatment of these neoplasms
· Surgical treatment
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with illustration of numerous clinical cases supported by visual and audiovisual media.
Discussion of clinical cases
At the specific request of the student Professional training activities on the patient in the Department or in the operating room.
Teaching Resources
Chirurgia Generale
A cura di F. Minni
Casa Editrice Ambrosiana (2019)
Plastic surgery
Course syllabus
1) Craniofacial malformations:
description and overview of the main malformative facial and cervical pathologies

2) Cranio-maxillofacial traumatology:
Traumatized patient management
Traumatology of soft tissues and facial skeleton

3) Growth anomalies of jaw bones
Eziopathogenesis of the deformities of jaw bones
Cilical examination in orthognatic surgery (facia examination, occlusial examination, teleradiographic examination and cephalometrics)
Relationships between tooth-skeletal deformities and posture

4) Surgical pathology of the temporo-mandibular joint. Diagnostic and Theraeutic aspects
Temporo-mandiblatore dysfunctions.
Osteoarthritis and arthritis

5) Maxillofacial reconstructive surgery
General principles (surgical issues, classification and biology of grafts, flaps and microvascular flaps)
Teaching methods
Discussion of clinical cases
At the specific request of the student Professional training activities on the patient in the Department or in the operating room.
Teaching Resources
R. Brusati, M. Chiapasco
Elementi di Chirurgia Oro-Maxillo-Facciale
Edizione Masson, Milano 1999

AAVV Trattato di patologia chirurgica maxillo-facciale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo-Facciale, minerva medica
Course syllabus
Most frequent urgencies and emergencies that may occur during treatment of a patient; recognition of the signs and symptoms and therapeutic use of appropriate algorithms.
Medical history and vital signs (consciousness, heart rate and blood pressure, breathing)
Respiratory urgencies
· central hyperventilation syndrome and therapeutic algorithm
· bronchospasm, asthma and therapeutic algorithm - inhaled bronchodilators
Cardiovascular urgencies and emergencies
· vaso-vagal syndrome and therapeutic algorithm
· hypotension and patient position
· hypertension and patient position
· acute coronary syndrome, signs and symptoms
Cardiocirculatory arrest
· Diagnosis
· Basic life support (BLS) and advanced life support (ALS)
· Exercise on the manikin
Urgencies and emergencies in the diabetic patient
· glycemia measurement
· hypoglycemia and hypoglycemic coma. Therapeutic algorithm
· hyperglycemia. When to treat
Teaching methods
Teaching takes place through lectures with slide projections and discussion of clinical cases and interaction with the class. The teaching material is telematically delivered to the students at the end of the course.
Teaching Resources
Urgenze ed emergenze. Istituzioni (alcuni Capitoli)
Maurizio Chiaranda, Piccin Editore 2016
MED/41 - ANAESTHESIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Zanella Alberto
Professor: Zanella Alberto
General surgery
MED/18 - GENERAL SURGERY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Bona Davide
Professor: Bona Davide
Plastic surgery
MED/19 - PLASTIC SURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Gianni' Aldo Bruno
Professor: Gianni' Aldo Bruno