Structure and Function of Organic Molecules in Food
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing the necessary knowledge in order to understand, at the molecular level, the characteristics and reactivity of the main organic compounds in food, including the different classes of additives. Particular attention will be paid to the study of the correlation between chemical structure (lipophilicity, steric and electronic effects), macroscopic properties, biological activity and stability (temperature, pH, light and oxygen) of these molecules.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to understand the relationship between chemical structure, macroscopic properties and biological activity of the main classes of natural or synthetic organic compounds contained in food. Moreover, student will be able to foresee the modifications due to technological processes based on the chemical reactivity of food components and will have knowledge of the main methods for the structural determination and analysis of organic food components.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Reminder of structure and nomenclature of the main classes of organic compounds. Chemical modifications of organic compounds in food components. Oxidative degradations of alkenes, polienes, phenols. Autooxidations of fats. Antioxidants and chelators. N-Nitrosation reactions of nitrogen-containing compounds. Hydrolytic and thermic reactions. Maillard reaction: formation of aromas and coloured compounds. Dyes and colour: basic notions of spectroscopy. Natural (polienes, porphirin derivatives, quinones, flavonoids, poliphenols) and synthetic dyes: structure and stability. Chemoreception of taste. Taste receptors: structure. Models for taste active compounds. Sweet, bitter and umami molecules. Natural sweeteners. Synthetic intensive sweeteners. Hot and cooling compounds. Compounds affecting pH. Polysaccharides: relationships between structure,conformation and physico-chemical properties. Use of polysaccharides in foods. Emulsifying agents. Cyclodextrins. Terpenoids and Carotenoids:properties and uses. Discussion of case studies Methods for structural elucidation of organic compounds. UV and IR spectroscopy and their use to analyse organic functional groups. NMR spectroscopy: basic concepts, application to the analysis of organic compounds. Use of NMR in food analysis. Practical: extraction and spectroscopic studies of food-related natural substances.
Prerequisites for admission
It is assumed that the student has the basic organic chemistry knowledge acquired in the three-year degree, in particular on the chemical reactivity of carbonyl compounds and carboxylic acids and their derivatives, and on stereochemistry.
Teaching methods
Lessons: 4.5 CFU
Laboratory : 1.5 CFU
Laboratory : 1.5 CFU
Teaching Resources
Copies of transparencies and slides can be found on Ariel platform; Books: Brown, Introduction to Organic Chemistry, or J. McMurry, Organic Chemistry, or any other book of Organic Chemistry used in the 3-year course. 2. Belitz, Food Chemistry, Springer Verlag .
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of the achievement of the learning outcomes takes place by means of a written test . The written test requires the solution of application-type exercises, having contents and difficulties similar to those faced in class exercises. The test will deal with all the topics covered during the course and laboratory experiences. The following skills will be evaluated: knowledge of the structure and reactivity of organic molecules; knowledge of the main transformations of organic compounds; ability to identify the relationships between chemical structure, macroscopic properties and biological activity of organic molecules contained in food; ability to describe the structure of a simple organic molecule on the basis of the provided spectroscopic data; knowledge of the fundamental techniques for the recognition, separation and purification of organic compounds.
To take the exam it is necessary to register on the UNIMIA platform.
The mark is first reported on the MyAriel platform and successively communicated to each student by e-mail by the University's verbalization system
There are no differentiated modes of examination between attending and non-attending students.
In My Ariel platform there are examples of previous exams.
To take the exam it is necessary to register on the UNIMIA platform.
The mark is first reported on the MyAriel platform and successively communicated to each student by e-mail by the University's verbalization system
There are no differentiated modes of examination between attending and non-attending students.
In My Ariel platform there are examples of previous exams.
CHIM/08 - PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 24 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
Dallavalle Sabrina Maria Donatella
Dallavalle Sabrina Maria DonatellaTurno 1
Dallavalle Sabrina Maria DonatellaTurno 2
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