Structural and Functional Bases of Nutrition

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/09 BIO/16
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to provide a deep understanding of the physiological and anatomical aspects of nutrition (food intake, digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients, as well as excretion of waste products and catabolites).
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have acquired an overview of the anatomical and physiological processes of the nutrition, based on an integrated view that considers their molecular, cellular and systemic aspects.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The sensory system. Smell, taste, vision. Anatomical organization and mechanisms of sensory transduction.
Structure, function and regulation of the digestive system and of its annexed glands.
The oral cavity, the pharynx, the esophagus, the stomach and the intestine: structure and function (motility, secretion and absorption). Pancreas, liver and gallbladder: morphological and functional features (exocrine pancreatic secretion and biliary secretion).
The enteric nervous system: organization and role. Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Absorption of vitamins and ions.
General aspects of intestinal microflora function and of the role of the digestive system in the immune response. Metabolic fate of nutrients.
Structure, function and regulation of the uropoietic system. The kidney: macroscopic anatomy and structure of the nephron. Overview of the urinary excretory pathways. Mechanisms of glomerular filtration, tubular absorption and secretion.
Distribution and composition of body fluids. Overview of ionic and osmotic homeostasis.

Structure and function of the endocrine system. The hypothalamus-pituitary axis, the endocrine pancreas, the thyroid, parathyroids and adrenal glands. Metabolic effects of sex hormones. The diffused gastro-entero-pancreatic (GEP) system and gastrointestinal hormones. Morphofunctional aspects of nutrient consumption regulation.
The cardiovascular system:
macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the heart and of the vessels. Mechanical properties of heart and circulation. Cardiac electrical activity. Control of arterial blood pressure and heart rate. General aspects of the lymphatic system.

Structure and function of the skeletal muscle.
Basic concepts of skeletal muscle contractility, muscle motor units. General aspects of the physiology of physical exercise, muscular and metabolic effects of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
Structure, localization and function of the adipose tissue
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of cytology, histology, and genaral physiology
Teaching methods
Traditional lectures supported by interactive material (powerpoint presentations).
Attendance to the course is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Martini. "Anatomia Umana". EdiSES.
Gilroy. "Elementi di Anatomia Umana". EdiSES.
Martini - Bartholomew. "Elementi di Anatomia, Istologia e Fisiologia dell'uomo" EdiSES.
V. Taglietti "Fondamenti di Fisiologia generale e integrata" EdiSES.
Berne & Levi "Fisiologia", Casa Editrice Ambrosiana

Lecture slides, scientific research articles and reviews regarding each lecture topics (uploaded on ARIEL)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam consists of a written test organized in two sections that must be completed during the same session:

-The first section evaluates the knowledge regarding the structural bases of nutrition and consists of: a) 30 test questions (correct answer: 1 point, no answer: 0 points; incorrect answer:-0.2 points, maximum 30 points) and b) a written essay question in which the student will be asked to describe in detail an organ, an apparatus or part of an apparatus (maximum 30 points); part a) and part b) will equally determine the final score of this section (30 points). A score of at least 17/30 in the test is necessary to pass the structural bases of nutrition section.

-The second section evaluates the knowledge of the functional bases of nutrition. This section consists of: a) 30 test questions (correct answer: 1 point, no answer: 0 point; incorrect answer:-0.2 point) and b) one written essay question (max 30 points); part a) and part b) will equally determine the score of this part (30 points). A score of at least 17/30 in the test is necessary to pass the functional bases of nutrition section.

The exam is positively evaluated only if a score of 18/30 is reached in each section; the final score is the weighted average of the two sections (1/3 first section, 2/3 second section) to take into account the prevalence of the teaching time dedicated to the functional aspects.
The aims of the exam is to evaluate whether the student has acquired a solid knowledge of the physiological and anatomical aspects of nutrition. The evaluation takes into account the ability of the student to handle the topics covered by the course as well as the use of a correct scientific language.
Communication of exam results.
The exam results will be communicated by e-mail.
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 6
BIO/16 - HUMAN ANATOMY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 72 hours
Professor: Bucchi Annalisa