Statistica e metodi epidemiologici di studio, programmazione e valutazione servizi sanitari

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/01 MED/42
Learning objectives
The purpose of teaching is : -to understand the epidemiological methods useful to know the community and female care needs and theirs sociocultural influencing factors in order to plan the healthcare services; - to Analyze the demographic and health phenomena using the statistical descriptive and inferential methods.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will use the epidemiological investigative methods and their fields of application in the healthcare in order to explain the care needs and theirs influencing factors considering age and gender
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites except for the admission test.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Statistics: Written examination with a combination of multiple-choice questions (1 right, 4 wrong answers) and small problems or toy examples with a series of questions to reply. Every question has its mark indicated in the written examination. Students who gain a final mark higher than 30 will receive a mark of 30 cum laude. A calculator and the tables of the probability distributions found in Ariel are necessary to solve the written examination. Students are allowed to fill in a form with all the formulas to keep during the examination. Results will be provided to the students via Ariel.
Statistica medica
Course syllabus
Reliability of a measure · Reliability and its components · Systematic error and casual error Variability Between-subjects and within-subjects variability Descriptive statistics · Graphs · Location, scale, and shape of a frequency distribution · Measures of location and scale · Accuracy and precision of a measure · Quantiles and reference limits · Correlation and Kappa statistic Gaussian model · Probability of events on the population within the Gaussian model · How to model the error with a Gaussian model Screening programs · Events · Probability: concept · Probability of an event: algebra · Basics of probability · Screening programs: why · True and false positives, true and false negatives · Sensitivity and specificity of a diagnostic tool · Positive (negative) predictive values · Likelihood ratio: positive and negative · Pre-test and post-test probabilities · Bayes theorem Inference · Sampling variability · Population and sample · Estimate of a population parameter with sampling quantities Sampling distribution · The central limit theorem and the distribution of a sampling quantity · Standard error Confidence interval · Definition and meaning · Formulas Hypothesis testing · First type and second type errors and power of a test · Sample size calculation · Clinical statistics and clinical relevance · Hypothesis testing on a population mean Deterministic and probabilistic models · Deterministic and probabilistic models: differences · Simple linear regression model: interpretation and parameters · Hypothesis testing on the parameters of a simple linear regression model
Teaching methods
Teaching through slides and blackboard use with a problem-solving approach; practical sessions of exercises.
Teaching Resources
Pagano - Gauvreau "Principles of Biostatistics", Chapman and Hall/CRC Bland "An Introduction to Medical Statistics" (English Edition) 4th Edition, Oxford University Press Elmore - Wild - Nelson - Katz "Jekel's Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health" Elsevier - Health Sciences Division, 2020 (in press) S.A. Glantz, Primer on Bio-Statistics, McGraw-Hill. 1997 Microsfot Excel Tutorial, Microsoft
Igiene generale e applicata
Course syllabus
At the end of the course, students will know the objectives of epidemiology, the investigation methods, and the related fields of application. This objective will be achieved through the acquisition of knowledge about: Meaning and use of the epidemiological approach: data analysis, planning and evaluation of health services. Use of health and demographic data in epidemiology: - Main sources of health and demographic data - The indicators: meaning and use. - Socio-economic determinants of health inequalities - Guided analysis of current health data Health status of a population - Determinants and factors that influence the state of health: biological-natural factors (age, sex and ethnicity), behaviors and lifestyles, physical and social environment, access to health care and services in general - Socio-economic determinants and inequalities in health and gender -Methods of descriptive or geographical epidemiology - Population health profiles Frequency measurements: - Ratio, proportions, rates; - Concept of prevalence, incidence, density of incidence, cumulative incidence - Standardization of rates - Guided exercises Study designs and their application - Ecological (or correlation) studies and their application: case study - Prevalence studies and their application: case study - Cohort studies and their application: case study - Case control studies and their application: case study - Experimental studies Associations and impact measures: relative risk, odds ratio, risk attributable as absolute and relative measures Evaluation of effectiveness - Therapeutic and preventive studies - Epidemiology of vaccinations - Evaluation and meaning of screening tests - Epidemiology of communicable and noncommunicable diseases. Global Health - Key concepts and definition of global health (GH); evolution of GH from tropical medicine to public health and international health - Global burden of disease, epidemiological transition and progress in health indicators; Recent phenomena and future of global health - Social and economic determinants of health - Principles of gender medicine and women's health - Sustainable development goals (SDGs); Tuberculosis as a model in global health burden and response - Tuberculosis and antimicrobial resistance: two models of complex global health problems - The World Health Organization and other major actors in GH; International Cooperation; the great challenges: migrations and climate change
Teaching methods
Traditional lectures and practical exercises
Teaching Resources
Pontello M. Auxilia F. Igiene medicina preventiva e salute globale Ed. Piccin, Lopalco PL, Tozzi AE. «Epidemiologia facile» Il pensiero scientifico editore - Skolnik R. Global Health 101, 3rd Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2016 -Slides - Articoli e materiale fornito dal docente
Igiene generale e applicata
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours
Statistica medica
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours