Spanish 3
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course is the final moment of learning / acquisition of the Spanish language as part of the three-year study of the foreign language. Theoretically, the course will deal with academic and argumentative textual sequences, in order to develop the competence of the written composition in view of the final degree assay in Spanish linguistics. The structural characteristics of the academic genres, the bibliographic research and the quotation of academic sources in the Hispanic field will be examined in depth. On a practical level, the aim is to lead the student to the acquisition of a communicative competence adequate to the reading of literary texts and for oral and written productions in the academic field, corresponding to level B2 of the CEFR.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected results in terms of knowledge and understanding are that the student adquires the methodological bases of humanistic scientific research, consolidates his knowledge of academic textual sequences, comes into contact with the scientific sources of Spanish linguistics and approaches examples of academic long assays. The expected results in terms of applied skills are the student's ability to structure argumentative and expositive texts, to recognize the scientificity of a source, to conduct adequate bibliographic research on the themes of Spanish linguistics and to correctly identify the theme of an academic paper. In addition, the level B2 is expected to be reached for all linguistic-communicative activities: reception (listening and reading), production of texts, presentations and oral interactions.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Course syllabus
On a theoretical level, in one module the expository and argumentative academic textual sequences will be covered in order to develop the competence of written composition, also with a view to writing the final Spanish language paper. In a second module an overview of the world of translation is offered. Through the reading, analysis and commentary of some texts - covering practical and theoretical aspects - the practice of translation and the work of the translator will be reflected upon. Within the course there are practical exercises that will allow the student to confront different textual genres and appreciate their characteristics and critical issues. In terms of knowledge, the student will be able to acquire the basic concepts, notions and tools of translation. In terms of skills, a basic translation competence to recognize the main text types and identify - from a translation perspective - the criticalities of a text. At the same time, the module will enable them to improve their linguistic competence.
On a practical level, the course is combined with the language practical lessons (CEFR level B2).
The course provides 9 CFUs and it is not possible to acquire only 6 CFUs.
The course program is valid until February 2026 inclusive.
On a practical level, the course is combined with the language practical lessons (CEFR level B2).
The course provides 9 CFUs and it is not possible to acquire only 6 CFUs.
The course program is valid until February 2026 inclusive.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is held entirely in Spanish. The materials and bibliography of the exam presuppose Spanish language skills at a minimum level of CEFR B1 and the use of terminology and critical analysis gained in previous courses.
Teaching methods
The course is in Spanish and adopts the following teaching methods: bibliographic input, academic lectures, use of realia, applied activities of concepts, text research, analysis activities, whole class discussion in Spanish.
In addition, it is supplemented by practical language lessons, for which please refer to the appropriate form.
In addition, it is supplemented by practical language lessons, for which please refer to the appropriate form.
Teaching Resources
The following is the bibliography for all the students (to be completed yet):
- Eco, U. (2008) Decir casi lo mismo, Lumen, Barcelona (capítulos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7)
- García Márquez, G. (21 de julio de 1982). Los pobres traductores buenos. El País.
- Saramago, J (2003). Todo son traducciones, todos somos traductores. IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Traducción e Interpretación, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Bada, R. (2024) ¿Qué es traducir?, Trujamán, Centro Virtual Cervantes.
- Liverani, E (2003). Gli strumenti del traduttore dallo spagnolo all'italiano: appunti di lessicografia bilingue e monolingue, cartacea e online. en Tradurre dallo spagnolo, Giornata di Studio - Milano, 28 febbraio 2003, LedOnline
- Cano, V. (2018). La profesión del traductor: los primeros pasos. Centro Virtual Cervantes.
- Brandimonte, G. (2005). Algunas reflexiones sobre el uso de los diccionarios en el proceso traductor. En Castillo Carballo, M.A; Cruz Moya, O.; García Platero, J.M; Mora Gutiérrez, J.P (coord.). Las gramáticas y los diccionarios en la enseñanza del español como segunda lengua: deseo y realidad.. Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera. XV Congreso Internacional de la ASELE: Sevilla, 2004 (180-185), Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla.
-Corbacho Sánchez, A.(2006) Textos, tipos de texto y textos especializados. Revista de Filología, 24; abril 2006, pp. 77-90.
- Sánchez Trigo, E. (2017). Tipologías textuales y traducción. TRANS: Revista De Traductología, (6), 121-133.
- Romero Frías, M., Espa, A. (2005) Problemas lingüísticos y extralingüísticos en la traducción de lenguas afines. Espéculo, Revista de Estudios Literarios, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- Monterroso, A (1983). Sobre la traducción de algunos títulos. en La palabra mágica, México.
- Nord, C. (diciembre 1988) Funcionalismo y lealtad: algunas consideraciones en torno a la traducción de títulos. II encuentros complutenses en torno a la traducción, Madrid, España.
- Martínez de Sousa, J. (2004) La traducción y sus trampas, Panace@, vol. 5, n°16, pp. 149-160.
- Alba Quiñones, V., De la Torre García, M (2007) La corrección en los usos lingüístico entre los alumnos de traducción, Panace@, vol. 8, n°26, pp. 116-120.
- Liverani. E., Carmignani I. Actas del XVI Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas. París, del 9 al 13 de julio de 2007 / coord. por Pierre Civil, Françoise Crémoux, Vol. 2, 2010 ISBN 978-84-8489-539-8, pág. 22
-Muñoz Zamora, P. (1996) Análisis contrastivo español italiano de expresiones idiomáticas y refranes. Paremia 5. Madrid.
-Zaro, J.J, Truman, M (1998), Procedimientos de traducción. Manual de traducción, Madrid SGEL, pp 23-27.
- Paz, O. (1971) Traducción: literatura y literalidad. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1990.
- García Yebra, V. (1983). Traducción de poemas en verso. En torno a la traducción. Madrid, Gredos, pp. 141-150.
- Ghignoli, A, Montabes Ortiz, Á. (2014) La traducción y los géneros periodísticos. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción, vol. 7, núm. 2, 2014, pp. 386- 400
Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
- Hernández Guerrero, M.J (2012) La actividad traductora en la prensa escrita: el recurso a las reescrituras. Telar de traducción especializada (ed. lit.), 2012, ISBN 978-84-9031-003-8, págs. 69-78
In addition, the for students not attending the classes:
- Solsona Martínez, C. (2011). La traducción como herramienta. Español para italófonos. CLUEB, Bologna
For the native language lessons, please refer to the specific program
- Eco, U. (2008) Decir casi lo mismo, Lumen, Barcelona (capítulos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7)
- García Márquez, G. (21 de julio de 1982). Los pobres traductores buenos. El País.
- Saramago, J (2003). Todo son traducciones, todos somos traductores. IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Traducción e Interpretación, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Bada, R. (2024) ¿Qué es traducir?, Trujamán, Centro Virtual Cervantes.
- Liverani, E (2003). Gli strumenti del traduttore dallo spagnolo all'italiano: appunti di lessicografia bilingue e monolingue, cartacea e online. en Tradurre dallo spagnolo, Giornata di Studio - Milano, 28 febbraio 2003, LedOnline
- Cano, V. (2018). La profesión del traductor: los primeros pasos. Centro Virtual Cervantes.
- Brandimonte, G. (2005). Algunas reflexiones sobre el uso de los diccionarios en el proceso traductor. En Castillo Carballo, M.A; Cruz Moya, O.; García Platero, J.M; Mora Gutiérrez, J.P (coord.). Las gramáticas y los diccionarios en la enseñanza del español como segunda lengua: deseo y realidad.. Asociación para la Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera. XV Congreso Internacional de la ASELE: Sevilla, 2004 (180-185), Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla.
-Corbacho Sánchez, A.(2006) Textos, tipos de texto y textos especializados. Revista de Filología, 24; abril 2006, pp. 77-90.
- Sánchez Trigo, E. (2017). Tipologías textuales y traducción. TRANS: Revista De Traductología, (6), 121-133.
- Romero Frías, M., Espa, A. (2005) Problemas lingüísticos y extralingüísticos en la traducción de lenguas afines. Espéculo, Revista de Estudios Literarios, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
- Monterroso, A (1983). Sobre la traducción de algunos títulos. en La palabra mágica, México.
- Nord, C. (diciembre 1988) Funcionalismo y lealtad: algunas consideraciones en torno a la traducción de títulos. II encuentros complutenses en torno a la traducción, Madrid, España.
- Martínez de Sousa, J. (2004) La traducción y sus trampas, Panace@, vol. 5, n°16, pp. 149-160.
- Alba Quiñones, V., De la Torre García, M (2007) La corrección en los usos lingüístico entre los alumnos de traducción, Panace@, vol. 8, n°26, pp. 116-120.
- Liverani. E., Carmignani I. Actas del XVI Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas. París, del 9 al 13 de julio de 2007 / coord. por Pierre Civil, Françoise Crémoux, Vol. 2, 2010 ISBN 978-84-8489-539-8, pág. 22
-Muñoz Zamora, P. (1996) Análisis contrastivo español italiano de expresiones idiomáticas y refranes. Paremia 5. Madrid.
-Zaro, J.J, Truman, M (1998), Procedimientos de traducción. Manual de traducción, Madrid SGEL, pp 23-27.
- Paz, O. (1971) Traducción: literatura y literalidad. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1990.
- García Yebra, V. (1983). Traducción de poemas en verso. En torno a la traducción. Madrid, Gredos, pp. 141-150.
- Ghignoli, A, Montabes Ortiz, Á. (2014) La traducción y los géneros periodísticos. Mutatis Mutandis. Revista Latinoamericana de Traducción, vol. 7, núm. 2, 2014, pp. 386- 400
Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
- Hernández Guerrero, M.J (2012) La actividad traductora en la prensa escrita: el recurso a las reescrituras. Telar de traducción especializada (ed. lit.), 2012, ISBN 978-84-9031-003-8, págs. 69-78
In addition, the for students not attending the classes:
- Solsona Martínez, C. (2011). La traducción como herramienta. Español para italófonos. CLUEB, Bologna
For the native language lessons, please refer to the specific program
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an assessment of the language level (oral and written) and an oral interview on the contents of the course. The language assessment (written part) and the oral parts (course and practical lessons) take place on different days and can be taken in a free sequence. In any case, it is advisable to take the written linguistic assessment first and then the course interview (if you choose the opposite sequence is good to notify the teacher to receive instructions on how to record the mark).
All parts of the exam are taken entirely in Spanish.
The written language assessment takes place only in three annual calls (May, September and January) and assesses the written skills related to the practical lessons. The test lasts about three hours and the use of dictionaries is not allowed. It consists of two parts: (1) a grammatical-functional and lexical part and (2) a written composition of 300 words (whose grammatical correctness, lexical variety, coherence and clarity of ideas are evaluated as well as cohesion of the text with the use of connectives and the expository / argumentative textual structure). The grade of the written test is the mathematical average of the grade of the two parts, both of which must be sufficient. The grade is in thirtieths and the student has the right to refuse it. The grade of sufficiency is 18/30. The results are usually available within ten days and are published on the MoodleAriel platform of the course. The tests are corrected in full and the student has at his disposal a minimum of two receptions to view the correction and for any self-evaluation commentary. The written proof of assessment is valid for one year, from session to session (included).
The written assessment can be optionally replaced by two partial written tests in progress during the year, which follow the same rules of execution and validity indicated for the written test. Partials are accessed by demonstrating attendance at a minimum of 75% of the practical lessons. Partials are held at the end of each semester and have the same content as the written test. Partials are evaluated in thirtieths, the grade of sufficiency is 18/30 and all the parts that make them up must be sufficient. Failure to pass the first part does not preclude the second. The total result of the partial scores is given by the average between the first and second partial scores and the markmay be rejected. In the event that the grade of the first part is particularly penalizing for the student with respect to the outcome of the second part, the average will be calibrated in favor of the student where there is a tangible improvement in competence during the year. In the case of failure to pass the second partial, the entire evaluation will be considered negative and the written test must be passed. Failure to pass the first partial test does not preclude to take the second: in this case, if the second partial test is passed, the total mark is calculated by calculating the mathematical average between 18/30 and the mark taken in the second partial test passed.
The spoken linguistic assessment test follows the regular exam sessions and is taken with the course interview. The oral assessment evaluates the oral communication skills related to the practical lessons in a conversation lasting about 10 minutes on the topics of the manual and of any readings indicated in the exam program. This test is preparatory to the course interview, in case it is not passed the student will not be able to do the interview and will have to take both oral parts in antother examination session. In any case, the oral assessment and the interview of the monographic course must be passed in the same session. The evaluation is approved / not approved. The use of dictionaries is not permitted.
The oral exam on the course contents follows the regular exam sessions. It lasts about 20 minutes and includes questions asked by the teachers to verify the knowledge of the studied texts and the precision in the use of specific terminology, as well as the capacity for critical and personal reflection on the proposed themes. The lecturer may decide to provide the option of conducting an in-house test at the end of the single-topic course based on the lecture activities and program content in lieu of the oral interview. The mark is in thirtieths and the student has the right to refuse it. The mark of sufficiency is 18/30. The overall grade of the monographic interview is calculated with a weighted average between the marks of the two modules (1/3 Module A and 2/3 Module B). The course interview (having previously passed the oral communicative assessment) is valid for one year, from session to session (inclusive). If the written assessment has already been passed, after the oral exam of the course the examination will be completed and the overall grade will be recorded, given by the mathematical average between the written assessment test and the course interview, which must both be sufficient. If the written test has not yet been passed, the minutes will be taken after the written test has been passed (the student will have to enrol and present himself at a subsequent oral session for the minutes only) and after the oral test, the student will receive a cancellation report.
Please note that the Spanish Language Exam 3 cannot be verbalized as long as the Spanish language exams 2 and Spanish / Hispanic American Literature 2 are not recorded.
Other information:
Examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or DSA must be agreed with the teacher at least two weeks before the exam, in agreement with the competent office (to be contacted before the teacher).
All parts of the exam are taken entirely in Spanish.
The written language assessment takes place only in three annual calls (May, September and January) and assesses the written skills related to the practical lessons. The test lasts about three hours and the use of dictionaries is not allowed. It consists of two parts: (1) a grammatical-functional and lexical part and (2) a written composition of 300 words (whose grammatical correctness, lexical variety, coherence and clarity of ideas are evaluated as well as cohesion of the text with the use of connectives and the expository / argumentative textual structure). The grade of the written test is the mathematical average of the grade of the two parts, both of which must be sufficient. The grade is in thirtieths and the student has the right to refuse it. The grade of sufficiency is 18/30. The results are usually available within ten days and are published on the MoodleAriel platform of the course. The tests are corrected in full and the student has at his disposal a minimum of two receptions to view the correction and for any self-evaluation commentary. The written proof of assessment is valid for one year, from session to session (included).
The written assessment can be optionally replaced by two partial written tests in progress during the year, which follow the same rules of execution and validity indicated for the written test. Partials are accessed by demonstrating attendance at a minimum of 75% of the practical lessons. Partials are held at the end of each semester and have the same content as the written test. Partials are evaluated in thirtieths, the grade of sufficiency is 18/30 and all the parts that make them up must be sufficient. Failure to pass the first part does not preclude the second. The total result of the partial scores is given by the average between the first and second partial scores and the markmay be rejected. In the event that the grade of the first part is particularly penalizing for the student with respect to the outcome of the second part, the average will be calibrated in favor of the student where there is a tangible improvement in competence during the year. In the case of failure to pass the second partial, the entire evaluation will be considered negative and the written test must be passed. Failure to pass the first partial test does not preclude to take the second: in this case, if the second partial test is passed, the total mark is calculated by calculating the mathematical average between 18/30 and the mark taken in the second partial test passed.
The spoken linguistic assessment test follows the regular exam sessions and is taken with the course interview. The oral assessment evaluates the oral communication skills related to the practical lessons in a conversation lasting about 10 minutes on the topics of the manual and of any readings indicated in the exam program. This test is preparatory to the course interview, in case it is not passed the student will not be able to do the interview and will have to take both oral parts in antother examination session. In any case, the oral assessment and the interview of the monographic course must be passed in the same session. The evaluation is approved / not approved. The use of dictionaries is not permitted.
The oral exam on the course contents follows the regular exam sessions. It lasts about 20 minutes and includes questions asked by the teachers to verify the knowledge of the studied texts and the precision in the use of specific terminology, as well as the capacity for critical and personal reflection on the proposed themes. The lecturer may decide to provide the option of conducting an in-house test at the end of the single-topic course based on the lecture activities and program content in lieu of the oral interview. The mark is in thirtieths and the student has the right to refuse it. The mark of sufficiency is 18/30. The overall grade of the monographic interview is calculated with a weighted average between the marks of the two modules (1/3 Module A and 2/3 Module B). The course interview (having previously passed the oral communicative assessment) is valid for one year, from session to session (inclusive). If the written assessment has already been passed, after the oral exam of the course the examination will be completed and the overall grade will be recorded, given by the mathematical average between the written assessment test and the course interview, which must both be sufficient. If the written test has not yet been passed, the minutes will be taken after the written test has been passed (the student will have to enrol and present himself at a subsequent oral session for the minutes only) and after the oral test, the student will receive a cancellation report.
Please note that the Spanish Language Exam 3 cannot be verbalized as long as the Spanish language exams 2 and Spanish / Hispanic American Literature 2 are not recorded.
Other information:
Examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or DSA must be agreed with the teacher at least two weeks before the exam, in agreement with the competent office (to be contacted before the teacher).
L-LIN/07 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Gariano Elvira, Paleari Valentina
Educational website(s)