Spanish 2 (MA)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is the last step in the two-year course of learning/acquisition of the Spanish language in the context of advanced study of the foreign language. At a theoretical level, it deepens the analysis of colloquial speech with particular attention to the discourse markers; with active practice, it also develop critical tools for scientific pragmalinguistic research. On a practical level, the aim is to initiate students starting from a minimum level of C1 to the acquisition of the communicative competence of level C1+ of the CEFR, with which the student "[ ] understands a wide range of complex and long texts and he/she recognises the implicit meaning. He/She expresses himself/herself with gentleness and naturalness. He/She uses the language in a flexibly and effectively way for social, professional, and academic purposes. He/She can produce clear, well-constructed, detailed texts on complex topics, showing a secure control of the textural structure, connectors and cohesion elements."
Expected learning outcomes
The expected results in terms of knowledge and understanding are that the student acquires secure bases of speech analysis and conversation analysis and can recognize the structures of the colloquial register of Spanish. In terms of soft skills, the student can get to critically manage the methodology of pragmalinguistic analysis, can train to express orally a well-argued position, becomes autonomous in the recognition of linguistic structures in order to learn by himself also out of an educational context, and experiences activity analysis of the dynamics of groups in cooperative learning. The expected results in terms of applied skills are the ability to conceive the language as a socially and culturally contextualized practice, the ability to vary the register in one's own productions and the ability of pragmalinguistic analysis. In addition, the level C1 is expected to be reached for all linguistic-communicative activities: reception (listening and reading), production of texts, presentations and oral interactions.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
On a theoretical level, the course explores the pragmatic processes in relation to social action. It investigates, through the tools of Pragmatics, the relationship between language and society and aims to develop the soft skills of being able to mediate in Spanish in intercultural encounters with good awareness of the ideological, discursive, pragmatic and linguistic dimensions of the text.
On a practical level, the course is combined with the language practical lessons (CEFR level C1+/C2).
The course provides 9 CFUs and it is not possible to acquire only 6 CFUs.
The course program is valid until Febraury 2026 inclusive.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is held entirely in Spanish. The materials and bibliography of the exam presuppose Spanish language skills at a minimum level of CEFR C1, the use of the terminology of Linguistics, ande the competence of critical thinking.
Teaching methods
The course adopts the following teaching methods: heuristic lessons in Spanish language (also online) with active participation of students and research work in cooperative learning groups.
In addition, it is supplemented by practical language lessons, for which please refer to the appropriate form.
Teaching Resources
The bibliography for the course (to be studied in a reasoned, critical and personally selective manner, i.e., not extensively and mnemonically) will be indicated as soon as possible.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an assessment of the language level (oral and written) and an oral interview on the contents of the course. The language assessment (written part) and the oral parts (course and practical lessons) take place on different days and can be taken in a free sequence. In any case, it is advisable to take the written linguistic assessment first and then the course interview (if you choose the opposite sequence is good to notify the teacher to receive instructions on how to record the mark).
All parts of the exam are taken entirely in Spanish.
The written language assessment takes place only in three annual sessions (May, September and January) and assesses in Spanish the written skills related to the practical lessons. The test lasts a maximum of four hours, the use of dictionaries is not allowed, and consists of a 300-word written composition of expository/argumentative type and may also have a section of open/closed and multiple choice questions. This test assesses grammatical correctness, lexical variety, coherence and clarity of ideas, cohesion of the text with the use of connectives, and the structure of the argumentative/expository type of text in relation to the C1/C2 level. The grade is in thirtieths and the student has the right to refuse it. The grade of sufficiency is 18/30. The results are usually available within ten days and are published on the MyAriel platform of the course. The composition is corrected in full and the teacher allocates a minimum of two receptions for the students to view the correction and for any self-evaluation commentary. The written proof of assessment is valid for one year, from session to session (included).
The oral and written part of the exercises can be optionally replaced by interim assessment during the year, whose modalities are described in detail in the MyAriel website. The result of the in itinere evaluation is in thirtieths and is valid for one year from session to session (inclusive). In case of a negative outcome of the entire in itinere evaluation, the student must take the summative test.
The spoken linguistic assessment test follows the regular exam sessions and is in conjunction with the oral exam on the course contents. The oral assessment is in Spanish and evaluates the oral communication skills related to the practical lessons in a conversation lasting about 20 minutes on the topics of the manual in use. This test is preparatory to the course interview, in case it is not passed the student will not be able to enter the interview and will have to take both oral parts in antother examination session. In any case, the oral assessment and the interview of the monographic course must be passed in the same appeal. The evaluation is approved / not approved and the student has the right to refuse it. The use of dictionaries is not permitted.
The oral exam on the course contents follows the regular exam sessions and it is in Spanish. Students can choose a final evaluation mode at the end of the course or in itinere evaluation during the course. In the first case, the interview lasts about 20 minutes and includes questions asked by the teacher to verify the knowledge of the studied texts and the precision in the use of specific terminology, as well as the capacity for critical and personal reflection on the proposed themes. In the second option, the interview includes a reasoned self-assessment by the student based on a dossier of activites made during the semester. The mark is in thirtieths and the student has the right to refuse it. The mark of sufficiency is 18/30. The course interview (having previously passed the oral communicative assessment) is valid for one year, from session to session (inclusive). If the written assessment has already been passed, after the oral exam of the course the examination will be completed and the overall grade will be recorded, given by the mathematical average between the written assessment test and the course interview, which must both be sufficient. If the written test has not yet been passed, the minutes will be taken after the written test has been passed (the student will have to enrol and present himself at a subsequent oral session for the minutes only) and after the oral test, the student will receive a cancellation report with the indication "rejected".

Other information:
The exam methods for students with disabilities and / or with dyslexia must be agreed with the teacher at least two weeks before the exam, after contacting with the competent Office that will supply a declaration of compensative tools.
L-LIN/07 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours