Spanish 1

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is the first step in the learning and acquisition of the Spanish language as part of the three-year study of the foreign language. At a theoretical level, it provides the basic elements of the phonetics and lexicology of Spanish, with particular reference to the contrast with the Italian language. At a practical level, the aim is to support students, even beginners, to acquire communication skills suitable for reading literary texts and for short oral and written productions in daily life, corresponding to level A2 of the CEFR.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected results in terms of knowledge and understanding are that the student acquires the basics of contrastive phonetics and spelling, understands the paradigmatic and syntagmatic organization of the lexicon and knows the distribution and evolution of the Spanish language. The expected results in terms of applied competence are the basic ability to reason on concepts of linguistics concerning the Hispanic field and the achievement of level A2 for all linguistic-communicative activities: reception (listening and reading), production of short texts and short interactions.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course provides the basic theoretical elements of the phonetics and lexicology of Spanish, with particular reference to the relationship with the Italian language. In particular, the paradigmatic and syntagmatic organization of the lexicon and the distribution and evolution of the Spanish language will be discussed.
On a practical level, the course is combined with the language practical lessons (CEFR level A2).
The course provides 9 CFUs and it is not possible to acquire only 6 CFUs.
The course program is valid until February 2026 inclusive.
Prerequisites for admission
None, the course is also aimed at beginner students.
Teaching methods
The course adopts the following teaching methods: academic lessons in Spanish, with the aid of multimedia material.
In addition, it is supplemented by practical language lessons with a mother tongue tutor, for which please refer to the appropriate form.
Teaching Resources
Bibliography for alle the students.

Tema 1: Las lenguas de España y la constitución de 1978 (El artículo 3 de la Constitución: lenguas oficiales y cooficiales, dialectos, hablas y riqueza lingüística (patrimonio); Catalán, Valenciano; Aranés; Gallego; Euskera; Asturiano y Leonés; Aragonés; La normalización y la normativización lingüística a partir de la constitución de 1978; La euskaldunización
Artículo 3 de la constitución de 1978:
- Barbería, José Luis, "Euskaldunizar a la fuerza" en

Tema 2: La norma contemporánea del español: La norma panhispánica; Carácter normativo; La norma de hoy; La norma culta; Respuestas matizadas; Tratamiento de las variedades lingüísticas; Criterios académicos: Criterio etimológico, de autoridad y de uso culto extendido; El caso del leísmo y el laísmo y otros casos; Castellano o Español
Sobre el Diccionario panhispánico de dudas:
- Gutiérrez Araus, "Diccionario panhispánico" en
Sobre la norma panhispánica:
Sobre los criterios académicos:
- Gómez Torrego, Leonardo, "La normativa actual del español: criterios y panhispanismo" en
Sobre el leísmo, laísmo y loísmo:
Sobre castellano o español:

Tema 3: Fonética y fonología del español: Consideraciones generales, Fonemas y sonidos, Fonemas y grafías, Alfabetos fonéticos, Clasificación articulatoria de los sonidos, Los fonemas del español, Oposiciones, neutralizaciones y contrastes; Los alófonos; Transcripción fonética y fonológica; La sílaba; Diptongos, triptongos e hiatos; La división silábica en español; El acento; La entonación; Esquemas de entonación Bibliografía:
- Gómez Torrego, Gramática didáctica del español, Hoepli-SM, 2017 (Cap. 4: Fonética y fonología)

Tema 4: Morfología del español: Consideraciones básicas, Morfología flexiva de la lengua española, La derivación en español; Palabras compuestas; Otros procesos morfológicos en español
- Hualde, Olarrea, Escobar, Introducción a la lingüística hispánica, Cambridge University Press, 2010 (Cap 3: "La estructura de las palabras: morfología", pag. 137- 143, 163-200)

Tema 5: Historia de la lengua española: El mundo prerromano, El euskera , Evolución del latín en España - Palabras patrimoniales y cultismos y la Evolución fonológica del latín al español; La /h/ aspirada del castellano medieval y otras "haches"; Las sibilantes en castellano medieval y su evolución (Vocales y Consonantes); Cambio morfológico y sintáctico; El elemento árabe; Las lenguas amerindias
Sobre el mundo prerromano:
- Hualde, Olarrea, Escobar, Introducción a la lingüística hispánica, Cambridge University Press, 2010 (Cap 5: "Historia de la lengua española", pag. 280- 288)
Sobre el vasco:
- Lara, Luis Fernando, Historia mínima de la lengua española, El Colegio de México, El Colegio Nacional, 2013 (pag. 24-26)
Sobre la evolución del latín:
- Gutiérrez Araus, "Origen y evolución del español" en
- Hualde, Olarrea, Escobar, Introducción a la lingüística hispánica, Cambridge University Press, 2010 (Cap 5: "Historia de la lengua española", pag. 288- 315)
Sobre el elemento árabe:
- Gutiérrez Araus, "Los arabismos en español" en
- Hualde, Olarrea, Escobar, Introducción a la lingüística hispánica, Cambridge University Press, 2010 (Cap 5: "Historia de la lengua española", pag. 320- 321)
Sobre las lenguas amerindias:
- Gutiérrez Araus, "La expansión del español en América" en
- Hualde, Olarrea, Escobar, Introducción a la lingüística hispánica, Cambridge University Press, 2010 (Cap 5: "Historia de la lengua española", pag. 321- 323)

Tema 6: La variación lingüística: Variedades geográficas y sociales, Principales zonas dialectales: El español de España y El español de Hispanoamérica.
- Gutiérrez Araus, "Algunos rasgos del español hablado en América" en
- Hualde, Olarrea, Escobar, Introducción a la lingüística hispánica, Cambridge University Press, 2010 (Cap 7: "Variación lingüística en español", pag. 391- 412)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a language level assessment (oral and written) and an oral interview on the course contents. The linguistic assessment (written part) and the oral parts (course and exercises) take place on different days and can be taken in free sequence. In any case, it is advisable to take the written linguistic assessment first and then the course interview (if you choose the opposite sequence, it is advisable to notify the teacher to receive instructions relating to the verbalization of the grade).

All parts of the exam are taken entirely in Spanish.

The written language assessment test takes place only in three annual sessions (May, September and January) and evaluates the written skills related to the exercises, so it is entirely in Spanish. The test lasts a maximum of 3 hours and the use of dictionaries is not allowed. It consists of two parts: (1) Lexical-grammatical test and (2) written expression test (composition) of 150 words, of which grammatical correctness and lexical variety are assessed. The grade of the written test is the mathematical average of the grade of the two parties, which must both be sufficient. The grade is out of thirty and the student has the right to refuse it. The pass mark is 18/30. The results are usually available within ten days of writing and are published on the Ariel platform of the course. The tests are corrected in full and the student has a minimum of two receptions available to view the correction and for a possible self-evaluation comment. The written assessment test is valid for one year, from session to session (included).

The oral linguistic assessment test is in the regular exam sessions and coincides with the interview of the monographic course. The oral assessment evaluates the oral communication skills related to the exercises in a conversation in Spanish lasting about 10 minutes on the topics of the manual, on a paper and any readings required by the exam program. This test is preparatory to the interview of the monographic course, if it is not passed the student will not be able to access the interview and will have to resume another session for both oral parts. In any case, the oral assessment and the interview of the monographic course must be passed in the same session. The evaluation is in thirties, the note is included in the interview on the contents of the course and the student has the right to reject it. The use of dictionaries is not allowed.
The oral interview on the contents of the course is in the regular exam sessions and takes place in Spanish. It lasts about 20 minutes and includes questions asked by the teacher aimed at verifying the knowledge of the texts studied and the accuracy in the use of specific terminology, as well as the capacity for critical and personal reflection on the proposed topics. The grade is thirties and the student has the right to refuse it. The pass mark is 18/30. The interview on the course (having previously passed the oral examination) is valid for one year, from session to session (included). If the written assessment has already been passed, with the interview the exam is completed and the overall mark is recorded, given by the mathematical average between the written assessment test and the course interview, both of which must be sufficient. If the written exam has not yet been passed, the verbalization will take place after passing the written exam (the student will have to register and present herself to a subsequent oral exam for the verbalization only) and after the oral exam the student will receive a cancellation report indicating " rejected".

Please note that the Spanish Language 2 exam cannot be recorded as long as the Spanish Language 1 and Spanish / Hispanic American Literature 1 exams are not recorded.

Other warnings:
The exam methods for students with disabilities and / or with SLD must be agreed with the teacher, in agreement with the competent Office that the student needs to contact in advance to receive a declaration of compensative tools.
L-LIN/07 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Tuesday and Thursday: 16:00- 17:00
Iberistica/ Skype (only after email appointment)