Spaceborne Earth Observation

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
GEO/10 ICAR/06
Learning objectives
The course unit aims to introduce the students to the principles, techniques and applications of Earth Observation (EO) from space from the standpoint of a potential future skilled user of EO data as well as that of a possible contributor to the development of an EO mission and of its research or service-oriented applications. EO provides the main observational means for extending the understanding of planet Earth as an integrated system and of continuously and accurately monitoring all its constituents (atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, land surfaces, Earth interior, biosphere) for applications of scientific, societal and commercial value, which leads it to be the fastest expanding field in the space disciplines. The course unit aims to familiarize the student in detail with the EO concepts, such as the foundations of sensing techniques and models (in terms of systems and signals), the space environment and the different types of satellites and their orbits, with the physical fundamentals of remote and in-situ sensing for EO, with the main sensing techniques (with reference to actual systems) using both electromagnetic and gravitational sensors, providing solid bases for the correct and effective exploitation of the data from EO missions, with a focus on both missions currently in operation as well on some under development.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course unit the student shall have an understanding of the capabilities - current and in the near future - of EO to provide actionable information on the state of, and processes in/among, the different constituents of the Earth system. The student shall be conversant with the main available approaches to observe (from space): the atmosphere (neutral, ionized); the oceans; seas and in-land waters; the cryosphere; the land surfaces and the biosphere; the interior of the (solid) Earth. This will be achieved with a clear understanding of the most suited EO techniques, their advantages and limitations, in relation to the different geophysical parameters. The student shall be able to relate, in mathematical form, the errors in the data acquired by EO space missions to the sensors employed and the observation targets. The student shall also achieve familiarity with the current families of EO missions, principally those originating from Europe and the USA, as well also with several other missions that will be available in a few years, developing an understanding of the complementarities between data streams from different families. The student shall acquire the basis to explore autonomously the applications of various computer (software) tools for the processing of EO data from a multiplicity of missions. The student shall have developed an autonomous capability for critically understanding scientific papers, books and web-based material that expand and further detail the topics addressed in the course unit.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
GEO/10 - SOLID EARTH GEOPHYSICS - University credits: 3
ICAR/06 - SURVEYING AND MAPPING - University credits: 3
Practicals with elements of theory: 24 hours
Lessons: 32 hours