Soil Bioengineering

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The objective of the course is to lead the student to know the principles and the techniques of soil bioengineering and to develop design skills. In particular the course deals with the combination of vegetation and inert structures to restore, reclaim, remediate and protect land from degradation processes.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
· Know the main processes responsible for land degradation of soil bioengineering interest
· know the fundamentals of soil bioengineering techniques
· know the main soil bioengineering techniques
· design the main soil bioengineering works in one of the fields of application
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Introduction to the course. Origins and definitions of naturalistic engineering.
Characteristics of living material:
¯ functions of vegetation;
¯ effects of vegetation on erosion and stability processes in slope and embankment and riverine areas;
¯ technical characteristics of plants;
¯ criteria of vegetation selection;
¯ forms of vegetation use.
- Characteristics of inert material: timber; rubble; iron and steel; organic material; geosites; auxiliary material.
- Techniques: construction in the context of slopes and embankments; hydraulic construction.
- Interventions in the area of.
- hydrogeological instability mitigation.
- river restoration
- quarry and landfill rehabilitation
- infrastructures
- other areas.
Prerequisites for admission
Fundamental prerequisites for frequency and/or study are knowledge of the main laws of physics, systems of units of measurement, trigonometry, elementary algebra
Teaching methods
The course is delivered online asynchronously through the Ariel platform of the University of Milan, and is organized into teaching units divided into two groups:
- General tools of soil biongineering, in which the basics of the discipline that are common to all applications are covered (origins, contents, physical land degradation processes, materials)
- Areas of application (slopes and embankments, streams and canals, infrastructures, quarries and landfills)
Teaching Resources
· Florineth, Florin - Piante al posto del cemento - Il Verde Editoriale, Milano, 2007, 280 p.
· Schiechtl, Hugo Meinhard - Bioingegneria forestale : basi - materiali da costruzione vivi - metodi - Castaldi (tip.), Feltre (BL), 1980, 263 p. ill. 28 cm
· Schiechtl, Hugo Meinhard, Stern Roland - Ingegneria naturalistica : manuale delle costruzioni idrauliche - Arca, Gardolo, Trento, 1994
· Schiechtl, Hugo Meinhard, Stern Roland - Ingegneria naturalistica: manuale delle opere in terra - Castaldi,Feltre (BL), 1992
· Schiechtl, Hugo Meinhard - I salici nell'uso pratico: i salici dell'Europa centrale e dell'area centrale del Mediterraneo, il loro impiego, la loro determinazione - Arca, Gardolo, Trento, 1996, 178 p.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of knowledge and understanding is based on an examination in oral form with questions on the program.
The grade will consider appropriate use of terminology, mastery of the subject matter and clarity of exposition.
E-learning: 48 hours
Professor: Bischetti Gian Battista
please request an appointment by e-mail
Dipartimento di Scienze Agraarie e Ambientali