Sociology of Organized Crime Advanced

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to address the issue of professions in relation to the mafia phenomenon and the phenomenon of institutional and social antimafia. During the lectures, the functions that professionals can play in the criminal sphere, as well as in the fight against mafias, will be explored. In particular, the focus will be on the transformations that have affected the concept of "professionalism" and that have facilitated and/or hindered on the one hand the convergence between mafia actors and professionals, and on the other hand anti-mafia engagement in different professional sectors.
Expected learning outcomes
The course will enable male and female students to.
1) Deepen their knowledge of the mafia phenomenon through the analysis of a specific thematic area: the relationship between mafias and professionals;
2) Develop the ability to critically read judicial sources and media representations regarding the mafia phenomenon through the analysis of case studies related to the involvement of professionals in deontologically incorrect and/or criminal activities related to the mafia phenomenon;
3) Grasping the anti-mafia value of ethically oriented professional practices.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
In the first part the course offers a theoretical framework through the in-depth analysis of some concepts of the sociology of professions and criminology, in particular the notions of 'professionalism' and 'white collar crime'.
In the second part of the course, several empirical cases will be reconstructed relating to the involvement of lawyers and accountants in criminal activities and the role of teachers and journalists in the context of anti-mafia activities.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The course forsees teacher-led lessons, lectures given by experts, reading of primary sources - such as judicial files, law enforcement agencies' reports and first-hand accounts of witnesses.
Teaching Resources
Dalla Chiesa, N., Cabras, F. (2020), Potere di firma. Etica delle professioni e organizzazioni mafiose, Sociologia del lavoro, 57: 7-32.
Catino, M. (2018), Colletti bianchi e mafie. Le relazioni pericolose nell'economia del Nord Italia, Stato e Mercato, 112: 149-187.
Ingrascì, O. (2021), Oltre la difesa. Quando gli avvocati oltrepassano il mandato professionale, Sociologia del diritto,1: 41-66.
Sciarrone, R. (1998), Il capitale sociale della mafia. Relazioni esterne e control-lo del territorio, Quaderni di sociologia, 18: 51-72.
Dalla Chiesa, N., Cabras F. (2020), Potere di firma. Etica delle professioni e organizzazioni mafiose, Sociologia del lavoro, 57: 7-32.
Ingrascì, O. (2021), Oltre la difesa. Quando gli avvocati oltrepassano il mandato professionale, Sociologia del diritto,1: 41-66.

Storti, L., Sciarrone, R. (2019), Le mafie nell'economia legale. Scambi, collusioni, azioni di contrasto, Roma-Bari, Laterza
Assessment methods and Criteria
valuation of attending students is based on:
1) engagement into class activities and discussion in the classroom (20% of evaluation);

2) oral exam (60% of evaluation) evaluating:
- the students' knowledge about the course' topics, with reference both to the lectures and the material foreseen in the program for attending students;
- students' capacity to critically read the sources analysed in class during the course;
- student's capacity to correctly express themselves using terms and notions appropriate to the course's content.

Evaluation of non-attending students is based on an oral exam that is intended to evaluate:
1) the students' knowledge about the course' topics, with reference to the book and essays indicated for non-attending students;
2) student's capacity to correctly express themselves using terms and notions appropriate to the course's content.
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Ingrasci' Ombretta