Sociology of Organisations and Professions

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the theoretical and methodological knowledge, which is necessary to analyze - in a sociological perspective - organisations and professions, all meant as social phenomenon as well as principles of work regulation in contemporary societies. On the one hand, main theories of organisation will be reconstructed and illustrated, by adopting a historical perspective, up to economic theories of organisation and their sociological integrations. On the other hand, the logics of action of professional groups will be analysed, focusing on the dynamics of the labour market, the political and social arenas and, in particular, of the organizations, by using the conceptual apparatus of the sociology of professions. The course will mainly focus on organisations and professions operating in the public sector and in the public services.
In the light of the sociological approaches described in the course, the process of public administration reform of the last decades in Italy and other European countries will be discussed, , by quoting examples from the healthcare and local government sector and with particular attention to the impact on professions and professional regulation. There will be the opportunity to learn how to use of the main methodological and conceptual tools for the analysis of organisational and professional changes, in the context of current transformation in the public sector and in the public services.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the lessons, students will know and recognize the main theories of sociology of organisation and of professions, in particular those adopted to study the public sector and the public services. Moreover, students will be able to identify and critically analyse the logics of organisational and professional action, by developing the skills that allow him/her both to collect information and data necessary to the analysis and to use the conceptual and methodological tools provided by the theories studied in the course. They will be able to develop his/her own interpretation of the organisational and professional phenomena and behaviours, which they have observed. In particular, they will know in details and will be able to critically analyse the process of organizational reform in public administration carried out in the last decades, and its impact on professions, with particular attention to the healthcare sector and the local government.
Students will also develop adequate communication skills, with particular regard to the specific language relating to the theoretical and methodological aspects of the sociology of organisation and of professions. He/she will be able to properly discuss and argue his/her personal opinion and theses on situations and topics that are proposed by the literature or that are empirically observable.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
In the phase of emergency lessons which are planned in presence in the ordinary phase will be carried in presence but, at the same time, they will be carriedo out online in streaming, by using the Microsoft Teams platform (except in case of changes due to the health situation). Exams will consist of a written test. Exams will be carried out in presence , except for students who are not able to do them in this way because of health reasons. Only for these students, exams, which will consist of a written test, will be carried out on line.
Course syllabus
The course is divided in two parts, which are strictly connected: sociology of organisation and sociology of professions. In both parts, focus is on the public sector and public service organisations and professions.
First and second part of the course (sociology of organisation)
Definitions of organization. The 'classic school' of organizations: Taylor and Weber. The limits of the 'classic school': Robert Merton and the unintended consequences of bureaucracy. Michel Crozier and its critical examination of the bureaucratic phaenomenon. Old and new institutionalism in sociology of organization. The economic approaches: Williamson and the transaction cost theory; Ouchi and the concept of clan. The moral hazard.
Organizational reform and reform of the employment relations in the public administration in Italy and other European countries in recent years: the New
Public Management. Two examples: institutional reform and organizational change in the local government and in the health sector in Italy.

Third and fourth part of the course (sociology of proifessions)
The concept of profession: occupations and professions. Professions in the classics of sociology. The functionalist theory of professions, The neoweberian approaches . The contribution of Magali Sarfatti Larsson to the study of professions and of professionalization. Professionalization and de-professionalization. T
The health professions: doctors in Italy in historical and comparative perspective. The process of professionalization. Medical dominance and the debate on its decline. Doctors and health professions in the last thirty years, in Italy and in Western countries: the impact of the National Health Service; managerialization; consumerism; new tecnologies. Care relationships and the doctor-patient relationship. Changes in gender and generations. The issue of health staff and doctor shortage.
Prerequisites for admission
No preliminary knowledge is required.
Teaching methods
The course will include lectures (in presence, synchronous online and asynchronous online) and discussions. Students will be stimulated to analyze problems and situations drawn by empirical knowledge, suggesting possibile solutions to critical elements which will emerge in the discussion. Some issues and case studies may be deepened with the participation of external experts and scholars (see also the Assessment methods and Criteria for student working groups).
Teaching Resources
For the part of sociology of organisation:
1) Bonazzi G., Come studiare le organizzazioni, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006 (all the sections and chapters of the book, except for chapter V)
2) Pollitt C., Bouckaert G., La riforma del management pubblico, Egea, Milano, 2002 (pp. 25-43 e pp. 79-123).
3) Mapelli V., Il sistema sanitario italiano, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012 new edition, chapters 6 and 7 (pp. 155-201) and chapter 8, paragraphs 4-3 (pp. 214-224).
4) Neri S., Servizi di welfare e Comuni. Nuove politiche e trasformazioni organizzative, Carocci, Roma, 2020, only chapter 1 (pp. 19-38) e chapter 3, par. 3.2 e 3.3 (pp. 78-92).
For the part of sociology of professions:
1) Speranza L. (1999), I poteri delle professioni, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, chapters no. 1, 2, 4 (available at the library of the Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Milan);
2) Cardano M., Giarelli G. e Vicarelli G. (eds.) (2020), Sociologia della salute e della medicina, Bologna, Il Mulino: only chapter V ("Pratiche e relazioni di cura in ambito sanitario") and chapter X ("Le configurazioni mutevoli delle professioni sanitarie") are required.
3) Vicarelli G. (2010), Gli eredi di Esculapio. Medici e politiche sanitarie nell'Italia Unita, Roma, Carocci.

Slides discussed in classes and uploaded on ARIEL.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test, including 10 questions (2-3 multiple choice questions and 7-8 open-ended questions). The test has to be perfomed in 1 hour. There is no oral examination.
The exam includes questions concerning both main theories of sociology of organisation (mainly operating in the public sector and in the public service sector) and of professions, and case studies analysed in the course.
The exam is aimed at assessing;
- students' knowledge and comprehension of the theories described in the course, allowing students to grasp the complexity of organisations and of professions working in them or interacting with them, as well as analysing their rules, structures, actor behaviors and changing processes, in a comparative and historical perspective;
- the development of competences, which make students able to analyze how organisations and professions (with partcular regard to those operating in the public sector), identifying some critical issues typical of each kind of organisation and main professions and proposing possible solutions to these issues. We will particularly focus on issues concering the management of professions within public service organisations.
- the acquisition of adequate communication skills, with particular regard to the specific language of the sociological studies of both organisations and professions. Students are required to show their ability to describe organisational and professional phenomena and properly discuss issues and situations, which are suggested by scientific literature or empirically observable;
- the development of learning abilities in behaviors, processes and phenomena which are typical of organisations and professions, considered in a comparative perspective, allowing them to deepen on their own main issues in these fields of study.
Moreover, attending students will be invited to carry out an optional work, to be performed in groups, which will be presented and discussed during the lessons. This work will focus on topics illustrated during lessons and it will be developed starting from the references texts of the program. The work will be evaluated and will contribute to the final mark of the exam, with a score from 0 to 3 points.
: 12 hours
: 28 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Neri Stefano
Professor: Neri Stefano
Friday, 10.00-13.00, online (Microsoft Teams). Please, contact the teacher to set an appointment, by the day before the office hours time. In case of urgent matters, please contact the teacher by e-mail.
Microsoft Teams or Skype. If the office hours take place in person, Room 6, New building (the building where lesson rooms 10, 11, 12, 13 are located).