Sociology of Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance Policies

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
SPS/04 SPS/07
Learning objectives
In line with the general objectives of the Degree in Labour and management, the course aims at providing students with the basic conceptual knowledge and analytical tools to understand key issues pertaining to the sociological and political debate about gender, equal opportunities and conciliation policies. The course consists of two integrated units: the first unit deals, from a sociological viewpoint, with topics related to gender differences, inequality and equal opportunities; the second unit addresses, from a comparative perspective, cross-country and cross-temporal variations of welfare regimes and family policy in relation to their gender and generational implications.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: students are expected to acquire a basic knowledge and critical understanding of the functioning of contemporary western societies form a gender perspective.
Applying knowledge and understanding and Making judgements: through the review of selected case studies, students will develop the ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to address contemporary empirical issues relating to gender inequality and institutional developments in the fields of welfare and family policy, dealing with competing claims and arguments.
Communication skills: the course will strengthen students' ability to organize and communicate what they have learned through the organization of small-group activities and class discussions.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
Unit 1 will address the following topics:
the debate on equal opportunities in the US and Italy; gender: concepts and variation; intersectionality and gender mainstreaming; gender difference and inequality in the labour market, gender inequality in academia.
Unit 2 will address the following topics:
the welfare state in historical and comparative perspective; gender and the welfare state; work-family balance policies: the Italian model in comparative perspective.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no exams that are propaedeutic, however a basic knowledge in political science and sociology are strongly recommended in order to fruitfully attend the course.
Teaching methods
Lectures and small-group activities.
Teaching Resources
Unit 1 :
Beccalli, B. (1999). Donne in quota. E'giusto riservare posti alle donne nel lavoro e nella politica. (pp.1-43) (available at the course's Ariel webpage.)
Gaiaschi, C. (2022). Doppio standard. Donne e carriere scientifiche nell'Italia contemporanea, Carrocci Editore.
Unit 2:
S. Sabatinelli (2016) Politiche per crescere, Bologna, Il Mulino.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will consist of a written test, combining multiple-choice questions and open questions, aimed at assessing both empirical knowledge and understanding. Open questions will allow, as well, to assess students' written communication skills.

The exam for attending students may be subject to slight changes. In that case, prior notice will be given at the beginning of the course.
SPS/04 - POLITICAL SCIENCE - University credits: 3
SPS/07 - GENERAL SOCIOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 40 hours