Sociology of Consumption
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The main objectives of the course are those to present and critically discusses the birth of consumption society and the most important theoretical approaches present in the discipline.
Expected learning outcomes
To obtain a critical theoretical knowledge of the contemporary debate on consumption societies and to obtain the ability to apply theories to the analysis of specific topics and ambits.
Lesson period: Second trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
This course introduces students to the sociological analysis of new consumption patterns that have recently impacted the ongoing social, economic and cultural practices of the consumer society, by focusing particularly on advertising communication. Students will learn how to analyze and interpret advertisements and the role advertising plays in society, culture, and the economy. The course will begin by exploring the historical and social contexts in which advertising has evolved and exists today as a central aspect of capitalist economy and consumer society. This will involve looking at social structures, economic conditions, media institutions, and governmental regulations. The course will then examine the creation of advertising content. On the one hand, by identifying the internal rules and structuring principles which underlie advertising messages and enable them to be meaningful. On the other hand, by describing the various networks of organizations and professionals that collaborate to bring advertisements to life as well as the motivations and interests that drive those different agents. Throughout this section, the students will become familiar with and learn to apply a variety of sociological tools. Finally, the course will examine the ways in which advertising is enlisted in processes of cultural representation and identity construction, by considering the place of advertisements in society, and the place of society in advertisements.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Lectures, group presentations, and assignments.
Teaching Resources
The attending students will be tested on reading material that will be made available to the students who will regularly attend the course.
The non-attending students will be tested on the following books: (1.) Sociologia dei consumi, by Vanni Codeluppi, Carocci, 2022; (2.) Cultural branding: Come i brand diventano icone, by Douglas B. Holt, Luiss University Press, 2023. Note: all chapters of these books need to be studied for passing the exam.
The non-attending students will be tested on the following books: (1.) Sociologia dei consumi, by Vanni Codeluppi, Carocci, 2022; (2.) Cultural branding: Come i brand diventano icone, by Douglas B. Holt, Luiss University Press, 2023. Note: all chapters of these books need to be studied for passing the exam.
Assessment methods and Criteria
For the attending students, there will be a reading presentation in addition to a in-class written examination. Details on the exam will be distributed in class at the beginning of the course.
For the non-attending students, there will be a final exam with open questions covering all the chapters of the two following books: (1.) Sociologia dei consumi, by Vanni Codeluppi, Carocci, 2022; (2.) Cultural branding: Come i brand diventano icone, by Douglas B. Holt, Luiss University Press, 2023.
For the non-attending students, there will be a final exam with open questions covering all the chapters of the two following books: (1.) Sociologia dei consumi, by Vanni Codeluppi, Carocci, 2022; (2.) Cultural branding: Come i brand diventano icone, by Douglas B. Holt, Luiss University Press, 2023.
Lessons: 60 hours
Nardella Carlo
Nardella CarloEducational website(s)
Thursday 9:00-12:00 (send an email to book an appointment)
Office or MS Teams