Sensory Analysis of Food and Data Analysis

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the most suitable cultural knowledge and tools to use, alongside chemical-physical and microbiological analyzes, the various sensory methods to achieve reliable and reproducible results. Furthermore, the course aims to provide students with the basics to be able to face and solve various problems in the company, such as the development of a new product and the comparison with similar products already on the market and the compliance check of the product to specifications.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to design and manage an analysis laboratory, to conduct a tasting session using the official methods of analysis, to statistically process the data and to be able to dialogue with all the company executives, especially with those who deal with market and product sales.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course syllabus provides the presentation and discussion of the following topics related to:
- Sensory parameters of food which aid in defining the quality of food products and their correlations with chemical-physical indices
- Senses and mechanisms for perception control: psychophysiology of perception and methods to minimize physiological and psychological errors
- Laboratory, panel and official analysis methods
- Methods for select and training judges
- Introduction to affective methods
- Experimental design and statistical processing of results for discriminant and descriptive methodologies
- The statistical methodologies for processing the results
- Business applications and problems of sensory evaluation

Moreover, laboratory activities are planned in order to implement what has been dealt with in the theoretical part as well as calculation exercises for the experimental design and the processing of the final results.
Prerequisites for admission
Mathematics and Statistics are required as preparatory teachings.
Furthermore, the student must have already taken the courses of Unit Operations and Food Processing.
Teaching methods
The teaching will be delivered through lectures. Moreover, laboratory exercises are planned in order to implement what has been dealt with in the theoretical part as well as calculation exercises for the experimental design and the processing of the final results.
Teaching Resources
E. Pagliarini, Valutazione sensoriale: Aspetti teorici, pratici e metodologici, Second Edition, Hoepli, Milano, 2021
The course uses additional teaching material for the preparation of the course available on the Ariel platform, whereby all the course information will be reported.

Web site:
Assessment methods and Criteria
- Assessment method: a timed written test with open and/or closed-ended questions. The student can participate to the test only after registering for one of the UNIMIA-SIFA appeals. Participation in laboratory exercises will give access to the exam pre-exam which will take place about a week after the end of the course.

Students with disabilities or DSAs are reminded to mandatory write an email to me at least 15 days before (with in cc [email protected] or [email protected], depending on the case) to report the request and agree on the measurement.

Assessment criteria: demonstration of acquisition of the concepts; ability to organize knowledge discursively; skills in the correct use of specialized vocabulary.

- Evaluation: the marks are out of 30

- Method of communicating the results: through Unimia-Sifa with the possibility of rejecting the mark by the student.
AGR/15 - FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - University credits: 6
Practicals: 8 hours
Laboratories: 4 hours
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Pagliarini Antonella
Turno 1
Professor: Cattaneo Camilla
Turno 10
Professor: Cattaneo Camilla
Turno 2
Professor: Cattaneo Camilla
Turno 3
Professor: Cattaneo Camilla
Turno 4
Professor: Cattaneo Camilla
Turno 5
Professor: Cattaneo Camilla
Turno 6
Professor: Cattaneo Camilla
Turno 7
Professor: Cattaneo Camilla
Turno 8
Professor: Cattaneo Camilla
Turno 9
Professor: Cattaneo Camilla