Science of Prevention and Sanitary Management
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
- Main lessons will be developed concerning public health activities (surveillance, prevention, and health education) and health organization from a legislative and economic point of view.
- The main problems concerning occupational medicine must also be known and basic principles of forensic medicine must be acquired.
- The main problems concerning occupational medicine must also be known and basic principles of forensic medicine must be acquired.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding of the theories related to the organizational management phenomenon within companies and in particular of healthcare companies. Skills and skills of programming, administration, management and control that must be invested in the management of health facilities.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have a good knowledge of the Italian language.
Basic knowledge of the teachings of the individual modules.
Basic knowledge of the teachings of the individual modules.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Exam type: written/oral.
Rating: final mark expressed in thirtieths.
Rating: final mark expressed in thirtieths.
Statistics for experimental and technological research
Course syllabus
Modeling, independence and dependence, simple and conditional probability, mathematical and descriptive statistics, dispersion and position indices in distributions
Teaching methods
Lessons in class
Teaching Resources
Material provided by the teacher in class
Economic sociology and sociology of work and organisations
Course syllabus
· The healthcare system in Italy: structure, functions and personnel
· The specificity of employment relations in the public and healthcare sectors
· The Italian experience of regulation of public work in healthcare from the Second World War to nowadays: models and phases
· Public services and tertiary conflict: problems of analysis and regulation
· The specificity of employment relations in the public and healthcare sectors
· The Italian experience of regulation of public work in healthcare from the Second World War to nowadays: models and phases
· Public services and tertiary conflict: problems of analysis and regulation
Teaching methods
Lectures using Powerpoint presentations, which will all be provided to the students in order to prepare the final exam
Teaching Resources
· Bordogna L. e Pedersini R. (2019), Relazioni industriali. L'esperienza italiana nel contesto internazionale, Bologna, Il Mulino, capitoli 5, 7
· Capano G. e Gualmini E. (2011), Le pubbliche amministrazioni in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, capitolo 7.
· Capano G. e Gualmini E. (2011), Le pubbliche amministrazioni in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, capitolo 7.
Labour law
Course syllabus
The evolution of labour law. The sources of law
Fundamentals of trade union law (trade union freedom, the collective agreement, the subjects of the trade union system, the strike)
The employment relationship: constitution, performance and termination (mode of constitution, form, atypical relationships, exercise of employer's powers, individual dismissal).
Fundamentals of trade union law (trade union freedom, the collective agreement, the subjects of the trade union system, the strike)
The employment relationship: constitution, performance and termination (mode of constitution, form, atypical relationships, exercise of employer's powers, individual dismissal).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, exercises.
Teaching Resources
Materials provided by the teachers
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Health concept
· The determinants of health
· The causal relationships
· Natural history of communicable and non-communicable diseases
· Epidemiology: principles and methods
· The sources of health data
· Measures in epidemiology
· Elements of descriptive, analytical and experimental epidemiology
· Health prevention and promotion: principles and methods
· Principles of prevention of non-communicable diseases (Lifestyle, screening)
· Principles of prevention of communicable diseases (Vaccines and vaccinations)
· Education and health promotion
· Health organization
· Definition and principles
· Organization of the Italian health system
· The determinants of health
· The causal relationships
· Natural history of communicable and non-communicable diseases
· Epidemiology: principles and methods
· The sources of health data
· Measures in epidemiology
· Elements of descriptive, analytical and experimental epidemiology
· Health prevention and promotion: principles and methods
· Principles of prevention of non-communicable diseases (Lifestyle, screening)
· Principles of prevention of communicable diseases (Vaccines and vaccinations)
· Education and health promotion
· Health organization
· Definition and principles
· Organization of the Italian health system
Teaching methods
Lectures using Powerpoint presentations, which will all be provided to the students in order to prepare the final exam
Teaching Resources
F Auxilia, M Pontello. Igiene e Sanità Pubblica. I fondamenti della prevenzione. Piccin Editore.
Forensic medicine
Course syllabus
- Introduction to the concepts of jurisprudence;
- The code of conduct;
- Informed consent, professional secrecy and privacy regulations;
- The medical record and health documentation;
- Imputability and legal capacity;
- Interdiction, incapacitation, support administration;
- Professional liability and compensation for damages;
- The obligations of the health professional;
- Health-related offences;
- Social and private insurance;
- Definition of death and concepts of Thanatology and Forensic Pathology;
- The 'end of life' (Anticipated Treatment Provisions and Order 207 of 16 November 2018 of the Constitutional Court).
- The code of conduct;
- Informed consent, professional secrecy and privacy regulations;
- The medical record and health documentation;
- Imputability and legal capacity;
- Interdiction, incapacitation, support administration;
- Professional liability and compensation for damages;
- The obligations of the health professional;
- Health-related offences;
- Social and private insurance;
- Definition of death and concepts of Thanatology and Forensic Pathology;
- The 'end of life' (Anticipated Treatment Provisions and Order 207 of 16 November 2018 of the Constitutional Court).
Teaching methods
Lectures using Powerpoint presentations, which will all be provided to the students in order to prepare the final exam
Teaching Resources
The preparation of the exam is based on the slides provided by the professor.
For those who want to deepen:
- Genovese U., Martini F. (a cura), La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità, Maggioli Editore, 2017;
- Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni C.M., Luvoni R., Zoja R., Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET, Torino, 2018
For those who want to deepen:
- Genovese U., Martini F. (a cura), La nuova responsabilità professionale in Sanità, Maggioli Editore, 2017;
- Cazzaniga A., Cattabeni C.M., Luvoni R., Zoja R., Compendio di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, UTET, Torino, 2018
Organization studies
Course syllabus
First part (Basic concepts)
The concept of Company according to the economic and legal vision,
through the study of some Authors: Zappa, Mason-Bain (cross-fertilization),
Amaduzzi, Onida, Cassandro. Classifications of companies. Business
cycles: Technical-Economic-Financial. The figure of the entrepreneur
"innovator": Schumpeter.
Part Two (Organizational Theories)
The organization of the company according to some Authors: Smith,
Taylor, Fayol, Weber, Mayo, McClellandd, McGregor, Herzberg,
Mintzberg, Simon. Stakeholder theory: from Bowen to Freeman, etc.
Organigrams: Simple, Functional, Divisional, Matrix structure. The role of
the manager (group exercise on: what is the ideal manager? What
requirements should he have?). Quality (understood as a "competitive
advantage" for the Company) Definitions of Quality. The basic principles of
Quality. Subjects of the Quality Management System. The Quality
Certification Process. Models to measure Quality: the 6 Sigma approach.
The concept of Company according to the economic and legal vision,
through the study of some Authors: Zappa, Mason-Bain (cross-fertilization),
Amaduzzi, Onida, Cassandro. Classifications of companies. Business
cycles: Technical-Economic-Financial. The figure of the entrepreneur
"innovator": Schumpeter.
Part Two (Organizational Theories)
The organization of the company according to some Authors: Smith,
Taylor, Fayol, Weber, Mayo, McClellandd, McGregor, Herzberg,
Mintzberg, Simon. Stakeholder theory: from Bowen to Freeman, etc.
Organigrams: Simple, Functional, Divisional, Matrix structure. The role of
the manager (group exercise on: what is the ideal manager? What
requirements should he have?). Quality (understood as a "competitive
advantage" for the Company) Definitions of Quality. The basic principles of
Quality. Subjects of the Quality Management System. The Quality
Certification Process. Models to measure Quality: the 6 Sigma approach.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons. Classroom debate on some business cases. Group Exercises.
Teaching Resources
Dispensa didattica curata dal docente: Mamoli M., Principi di Economia ed Organizzazione Aziendale, Cleup Didattica, Padova, 2015 (solo 2^ parte). ISBN 97888 6787 5160
NB Per chi volesse approfondire l'argomento "Qualità" si consiglia il testo: Mamoli M., Qualità, Servizio e creazione di Valore. Vantaggi competitivi per il Cliente, Cleup, Padova, ISBN 97888 5495 3871
NB Per chi volesse approfondire l'argomento "Qualità" si consiglia il testo: Mamoli M., Qualità, Servizio e creazione di Valore. Vantaggi competitivi per il Cliente, Cleup, Padova, ISBN 97888 5495 3871
Economic sociology and sociology of work and organisations
Lessons: 10 hours
Mori Anna
Forensic medicine
MED/43 - FORENSIC MEDICINE - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Franceschetti Lorenzo
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Lai Alessia
Labour law
IUS/07 - LABOUR LAW - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Picunio Maria Laura
Organization studies
Lessons: 10 hours
Shaba Emanuela
Statistics for experimental and technological research
Lessons: 20 hours
Educational website(s)