Scandinavian Literature 1
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to introduce first-year students to the study of Scandinavian literature through a synoptic overview of the literatures of the Nordic countries in their historical, political and cultural context, from their origins to the beginning of the twentieth century. The historical overview will be accompanied by a more detailed study of significant authors as well as by the analysis of single literary works in their formal and thematic aspects.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding of the literary history of the Nordic Countries from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 20th century, with special focus on the most significant authors, genres, texts and literary movements. Ability to read and understand and Nordic literary texts in Italian translation as well as to analyse their formal and thematic aspects in their historical and cultural background.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course (autumn term) is an introduction to Nordic literary history until the beginning of the 20th century, with a methodological focus on the analysis of drama.
It consists of three sections:
A: From the Middle Ages to Enlightenment (20 hours; prof. E. Checcucci);
B: From Romanticism to Symbolism (20 ore; prof. E. Checcucci);
C: Introduction to the analysis of Scandinavian drama (20 hours; prof. A. Meregalli).
The course corresponds to 9 ECTS. Students from programmes other than Foreign Languages and Literatures may acquire 6 ECTS if it is allowed by their syllabus; they will attend sections A and B.
Section A follows the development of Nordic literatures from the Middle Ages, with the first literary runic inscriptions, to the 18th century, through Renaissance and Baroque authors, down to the birth of modern Scandinavian drama with Holberg.
Part B outlines the literary history of the 19th century, with the development of the novel, Ibsen's and Strindberg's drama, down to Symbolism at the end of the century. A special focus is on the novel in the second half of the 19th century.
The historical overview in sections A and B will be accompanied by the analysis of literary texts representative of the different currents and authors, either included in the reading list or as excerpts collected in an anthology prepared by the teacher.
Section C will be devoted to the formal and technical charactersitics of the dramatic genre through the study and analysis of three Scandinavian theatrical works.
This course syllabus is valid until September 2025.
It consists of three sections:
A: From the Middle Ages to Enlightenment (20 hours; prof. E. Checcucci);
B: From Romanticism to Symbolism (20 ore; prof. E. Checcucci);
C: Introduction to the analysis of Scandinavian drama (20 hours; prof. A. Meregalli).
The course corresponds to 9 ECTS. Students from programmes other than Foreign Languages and Literatures may acquire 6 ECTS if it is allowed by their syllabus; they will attend sections A and B.
Section A follows the development of Nordic literatures from the Middle Ages, with the first literary runic inscriptions, to the 18th century, through Renaissance and Baroque authors, down to the birth of modern Scandinavian drama with Holberg.
Part B outlines the literary history of the 19th century, with the development of the novel, Ibsen's and Strindberg's drama, down to Symbolism at the end of the century. A special focus is on the novel in the second half of the 19th century.
The historical overview in sections A and B will be accompanied by the analysis of literary texts representative of the different currents and authors, either included in the reading list or as excerpts collected in an anthology prepared by the teacher.
Section C will be devoted to the formal and technical charactersitics of the dramatic genre through the study and analysis of three Scandinavian theatrical works.
This course syllabus is valid until September 2025.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Teaching methodologies: frontal lessons; reading and analysis of literary works both during classes and individually; individual study of secondary literature.
Teaching Resources
Reading list and materials for SECTIONS A and B:
- M. Ciaravolo (ed.), 2019, "Storia delle letterature scandinave. Dalle origini a oggi", Iperborea, ch. 1-5.
- Text anthologies available on the MyAriel platform: A. "From Middle Ages to the Enlightenment"; B. "From Romanticism to Symbolism";
- The following critical essays (available on the MyAriel platform):
1) F. Ferrari, 1986, "Henrik Ibsen. Verità significa diventare se stessi", in "Uomini e Libri", nr. 110: pp. 24-34.
2) F. Ferrari, 1985, "August Strindberg. Il mio fuoco è il più grande della Svezia", in Uomini e Libri, nr. 105: pp. 26-34.
3) C. Magris, 1984, "Nichilismo e malinconia. Jacobsen e il suo Niels Lyhne", in C. Magris, "L'anello di Clarisse. Grande stile e nichilismo nella letteratura moderna", Torino, Einaudi: pp. 63-85.
4) C. Magris, 1984, "Il tardo Ibsen e le megalomanie della vita", in C. Magris, "L'anello di Clarisse. Grande stile e nichilismo nella letteratura moderna", Torino, Einaudi: pp. 86-119.
5) C. Magris, 1984, "Fra le crepe dell'io: Knut Hamsun", in C. Magris, "L'anello di Clarisse. Grande stile e nichilismo nella letteratura moderna", Torino, Einaudi: pp. 142-163.
- In addition, students are required to individually read and analyse the following works in Italian translation (including prefaces and afterwords, when present):
1) "La saga di Hrafnkell", Iperborea.
2) H.C. Andersen, 6 fairytales: "The Tinderbox", "The Little Mermaid", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Shadow", "The Ugly Duckling", "The Little Match Girl". Any unabridged edition, i.e., not versions edited for children.
3) J. P. Jacobsen, "Niels Lyhne", Iperborea.
4) H. Ibsen, "A Doll's House" (any unabridged edition).
5) A. Strindberg, "Miss Julie" (any unabridged edition).
6) K. Hamsun, "Hunger" (any unabridged edition).
7) S. Lagerlöf, "L'imperatore di Portugallia", Iperborea.
Reading list and materials for SECTION C:
1. The following texts, in Italian or English translation (available on the MyAriel platform or at the Library of Foreign Languages):
- Kjeld Abell, "Il pechinese azzurro", Bulzoni.
- Ingmar Bergman, "Sarabanda", Iperborea.
- Jon Fosse, "Io sono il vento", in "Tre drammi", Titivillus.
2. Any additional materials available on the MyAriel page.
3. The contents of lessons in class (PowerPoint presentations will be available on the Ariel page).
4. F. Perrelli, "Il teatro scandinavo", Roma 2024, pp. 7-112.
- Recommended methodological handbook (not mandatory):
L. Allegri, "Scritture per la scena. Leggere i testi teatrali", Roma-Bari 2021.
Reading list for students who do not attend classes:
SECTIONS A & B (in addition to the list above):
- H. Ibsen, "Ghosts" (any unabridged edition)
- H. Bang, "I quattro diavoli", Iperborea
- H. Söderberg, "Il gioco serio", Iperborea
Students who do not attend classes will read the following dramas and essays. Students will be required to analyse texts in detail with reference to the literary context (see parts A and B) and the assigned critical studies.
1. The following texts, in Italian or English translation (available on the Ariel platform or at the Library of Foreign Languages):
- Adam Oehlenschlaeger, "Hakon il conte", SEI.
- Henrik Ibsen, "Hedda Gabler", in "Drammi moderni", ed. R. Alonge, BUR;
- August Strindberg, "Il pellicano", in "Teatro da camera", Adelphi.
2. All the following critical studies are mandatory:
- F. Perrelli, "Il teatro scandinavo", Roma 2024, pp. 7-112;
- L. Allegri, "Scritture per la scena Leggere i testi teatrali", Roma-Bari 2021;
- Ingwersen, Niels, "The Tragic Moment in Oehlenschläger's Hakon Jarl Hin Rige", Scandinavica IX (1970), pp. 34-44.
- Templeton, Joan, Ibsen's Women, Cambridge 1997: only ch. 9: "The deviant woman as hero: Hedda Gabler", pp. 204-232.
- Tornqvist, Egil, "Theme and structure of Pelikanen/The pelican" + "The Modernity of Strindbergian Drama", in Id.," Strindbergian Drama. Themes and Structure", Stockholm 1982, pp. 207-219.
- M. Ciaravolo (ed.), 2019, "Storia delle letterature scandinave. Dalle origini a oggi", Iperborea, ch. 1-5.
- Text anthologies available on the MyAriel platform: A. "From Middle Ages to the Enlightenment"; B. "From Romanticism to Symbolism";
- The following critical essays (available on the MyAriel platform):
1) F. Ferrari, 1986, "Henrik Ibsen. Verità significa diventare se stessi", in "Uomini e Libri", nr. 110: pp. 24-34.
2) F. Ferrari, 1985, "August Strindberg. Il mio fuoco è il più grande della Svezia", in Uomini e Libri, nr. 105: pp. 26-34.
3) C. Magris, 1984, "Nichilismo e malinconia. Jacobsen e il suo Niels Lyhne", in C. Magris, "L'anello di Clarisse. Grande stile e nichilismo nella letteratura moderna", Torino, Einaudi: pp. 63-85.
4) C. Magris, 1984, "Il tardo Ibsen e le megalomanie della vita", in C. Magris, "L'anello di Clarisse. Grande stile e nichilismo nella letteratura moderna", Torino, Einaudi: pp. 86-119.
5) C. Magris, 1984, "Fra le crepe dell'io: Knut Hamsun", in C. Magris, "L'anello di Clarisse. Grande stile e nichilismo nella letteratura moderna", Torino, Einaudi: pp. 142-163.
- In addition, students are required to individually read and analyse the following works in Italian translation (including prefaces and afterwords, when present):
1) "La saga di Hrafnkell", Iperborea.
2) H.C. Andersen, 6 fairytales: "The Tinderbox", "The Little Mermaid", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Shadow", "The Ugly Duckling", "The Little Match Girl". Any unabridged edition, i.e., not versions edited for children.
3) J. P. Jacobsen, "Niels Lyhne", Iperborea.
4) H. Ibsen, "A Doll's House" (any unabridged edition).
5) A. Strindberg, "Miss Julie" (any unabridged edition).
6) K. Hamsun, "Hunger" (any unabridged edition).
7) S. Lagerlöf, "L'imperatore di Portugallia", Iperborea.
Reading list and materials for SECTION C:
1. The following texts, in Italian or English translation (available on the MyAriel platform or at the Library of Foreign Languages):
- Kjeld Abell, "Il pechinese azzurro", Bulzoni.
- Ingmar Bergman, "Sarabanda", Iperborea.
- Jon Fosse, "Io sono il vento", in "Tre drammi", Titivillus.
2. Any additional materials available on the MyAriel page.
3. The contents of lessons in class (PowerPoint presentations will be available on the Ariel page).
4. F. Perrelli, "Il teatro scandinavo", Roma 2024, pp. 7-112.
- Recommended methodological handbook (not mandatory):
L. Allegri, "Scritture per la scena. Leggere i testi teatrali", Roma-Bari 2021.
Reading list for students who do not attend classes:
SECTIONS A & B (in addition to the list above):
- H. Ibsen, "Ghosts" (any unabridged edition)
- H. Bang, "I quattro diavoli", Iperborea
- H. Söderberg, "Il gioco serio", Iperborea
Students who do not attend classes will read the following dramas and essays. Students will be required to analyse texts in detail with reference to the literary context (see parts A and B) and the assigned critical studies.
1. The following texts, in Italian or English translation (available on the Ariel platform or at the Library of Foreign Languages):
- Adam Oehlenschlaeger, "Hakon il conte", SEI.
- Henrik Ibsen, "Hedda Gabler", in "Drammi moderni", ed. R. Alonge, BUR;
- August Strindberg, "Il pellicano", in "Teatro da camera", Adelphi.
2. All the following critical studies are mandatory:
- F. Perrelli, "Il teatro scandinavo", Roma 2024, pp. 7-112;
- L. Allegri, "Scritture per la scena Leggere i testi teatrali", Roma-Bari 2021;
- Ingwersen, Niels, "The Tragic Moment in Oehlenschläger's Hakon Jarl Hin Rige", Scandinavica IX (1970), pp. 34-44.
- Templeton, Joan, Ibsen's Women, Cambridge 1997: only ch. 9: "The deviant woman as hero: Hedda Gabler", pp. 204-232.
- Tornqvist, Egil, "Theme and structure of Pelikanen/The pelican" + "The Modernity of Strindbergian Drama", in Id.," Strindbergian Drama. Themes and Structure", Stockholm 1982, pp. 207-219.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of two individual interviews with the two course instructors, with questions by the teacher, student/teacher interaction, and comment and analysis of one or more texts included in the reading list and materials. The interviews are in Italian and their duration varies according to the number of ECTS.
The aim is to ascertain the student's knowledge of the course contents and texts, the ability to discuss authors and works in their contexts, the presentation and discussion skills, the use of technical terminology, the ability to discuss themes critically and in a personal way.
The final grade is expressed in the 30-point system and is the result of the two interviews. The student can reject the grade (which will be registered as "ritirata/o" in this case).
International or Erasmus incoming students are required to contact the teachers as soon as possible.
Students with SLD are required to contact the teachers to plan specific exam activities according to the instructions of the office in charge.
The aim is to ascertain the student's knowledge of the course contents and texts, the ability to discuss authors and works in their contexts, the presentation and discussion skills, the use of technical terminology, the ability to discuss themes critically and in a personal way.
The final grade is expressed in the 30-point system and is the result of the two interviews. The student can reject the grade (which will be registered as "ritirata/o" in this case).
International or Erasmus incoming students are required to contact the teachers as soon as possible.
Students with SLD are required to contact the teachers to plan specific exam activities according to the instructions of the office in charge.
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Meregalli Andrea
Unita' didattica B+C
Lessons: 40 hours
Checcucci Edoardo
Educational website(s)
Monday, 2 p.m. on Teams or at office. Please contact me in advance in order to organize office hours.
Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Mediations. Piazza S. Alessandro, 1