Russian Theatre

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide knowledge and create skills related to the analysis of the dramatic text and theatre in the Russian historical and cultural context, taken in both a synchronic and diachronic perspective. The course is reserved for students of the three-year Degree Course in Foreign Languages and Literatures (starting from the second year), the Master's Degree Course in European and non-European Languages and Literatures, and the Master's Degree in Music and Performance Science.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: the student will know the main lines of development of the history of Russian theatre. He will have in-depth knowledge of the main acting systems and theories of Russian masters of theatrical directing. At the end of module C the student will be acquainted with some of the main re-readings of Russian theatrical heritage given by Russian and Italian directors in recent years.

Skills: the student will acquire the ability to analyze the dramatic text and the staging, to discuss and argue the materials covered by the course and to apply the method to other examples. He will be able to place over time authors, currents and major works of the studied period; he will be able to highlight the similarities and differences between the texts read and grasp the main interpretative instances of the analyzed stagings, placing them in relation with their historical, political, and social context.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course is titled "The Theatre of A. P. Chekhov: From One-Act Plays to the Tetralogy" and consists of the following three parts, which will be addressed sequentially: a) General Outlines of the History of Russian Theatre from Its Origins to Ostrovsky b) Chekhov's Dramaturgy: One-Act Plays and the Tetralogy c) Contemporary Reinterpretations of Chekhov in Russian and European Theatre.
Students who wish to earn 6 credits (CFU) will adhere to the syllabus covering parts A and B; all students who wish to earn 9 credits (CFU) will follow the complete syllabus (parts A, B, and C). Part A will retrace the major stages in the development of Russian dramaturgy from the late 18th century to the 1880s. Some texts will also be considered in terms of contemporary theatrical productions. Part B will address the evolution of A. P. Chekhov's dramaturgy from one-act plays to his four major mature plays: "The Seagull," "Uncle Vanya," "Three Sisters," and "The Cherry Orchard." Part C will examine various chekhovian productions in contemporary Europe and Russia.
Prerequisites for admission
The course, which is held in Italian, the materials and the exam bibliography require specific skills in Russian history, use of terminology and critical analysis acquired in previous courses.
Teaching methods
During the course the following teaching methods will be employed: frontal lessons; reading and commenting on scenes from the scheduled works; viewing and commenting on documentaries, films and theatrical performances.
Teaching Resources
The course has a site on the Ariel online teaching platform ( Compulsory reading works for each of the teaching units are indicated below.

Examination Program for Attending Students (NOTE: An attending student is defined as one who has attended at least 75% of the lectures and has actively participated in class discussions):

Unit A:

A History of Russian Theatre, ed. by R. Leach e V. Borovsky, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999. Chapters: 3-5-11-13-14

One text from the following list:
A. S. Puškin, Boris Godunov
A. S. Griboedov, Che disgrazia l'ingegno!
N. V. Gogol', L'ispettore generale
M. Ju. Lermontov. Un ballo in maschera
A. N. Ostrovskij, La forest

Unit B:

Mandatory readings:
A. P. Čechov, Atti unici (only the following one-act plays: Sulla strada maestra; I danni del tabacco; L'orso; La domanda di matrimonio; L'anniversario)
A. P. Čechov, Il gabbiano
A. P. Čechov, Zio Vanja
A. P. Čechov, Tre sorelle
A. P. Čechov, Il giardino dei ciliegi

Students of Lingue e Letterature Europee ed extraeuropee will have to read at least two of works of Unit B in Russian.
Audio-visual materials on theatrical performances will be available on Ariel.

In addition, all students should bring the following critical essays:
V. Strada, Idea di Čechov, in Le veglie della ragione. Miti e figure della letteratura russa da Dostoevskij a Pasternak, Torino, Einaudi, 1997 (su Ariel)
C. Balme, The Cambridge introduction to theatre studies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008 (online on Minerva) (a selection of parts, available on Ariel)

Unit C

Materials related to Unit C (slides, videos) will be available on Ariel.

Program for non-attending students:
Non-attending students will stick to the program for attending students, but IN ADDITION they will have to read:

Two (and not one) texts from the list below:

A. S. Puškin, Boris Godunov
A. S. Griboedov, Che disgrazia l'ingegno!
N. V. Gogol', L'ispettore generale
M. Ju. Lermontov. Un ballo in maschera
A. N. Ostrovskij, La forest

The following chapters from A History of Russian Theatre, ed. by R. Leach e V. Borovsky, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999: 1-3-4-5-8-11-12-13-14
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an individual interview, which includes questions asked by the teacher and the analysis and commentary of one or more excerpts taken from the works scheduled. The interview has a variable duration and takes place in Italian. Students of Lingue e letterature europee ed extraeuropee will also have to demonstrate that they can read and translate at least two works n Russian among those indicated. The interview aims to check the knowledge of the texts read, the ability to contextualize authors and works and to use specific terminology, the ability to critically and personally reflect on the issues proposed. The final mark is expressed in thirtieths, and the student has the right to refuse it (in this case it will be recorded as "withdrawn").
International or Erasmus incoming students are invited to promptly contact the teacher. The examination procedures for students with disabilities and / or with DSA must be agreed with the teacher, according to the competent Office.
L-LIN/21 - SLAVIC STUDIES - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Vassena Raffaella