Russian Literature 2
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
This course is the second stage of a three-year program which introduces students to the historical evolution and the main phenomena and authors of Russian literature from the 18th to the 20th century. It deals with Russian literature of the second half of the nineteenth century and includes world-renowned novel authors such as Ivan Turgenev, Fedor Dostoevskij, Lev Tolstoj and others, to one or more of whom each year a part of the course is dedicated. Addressing students who are also in the middle of the learning path of the Russian language, it presents in the original language significant excerpts in verse and prose and introduces the students to the analysis of the artistic text.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: outlines of the history of Russia in the second half of the nineteenth century and interpretation of the relationship between social and literary dynamics in the light of the country's situation. Main authors and literary movements; evolution or the novel; basic elements of Russian metrics, with reference to the authors of the first and second half of the nineteenth century. Applying knowledge and understanding: the ability to read and contextualize fundamental works of Nineteenth-century Russian literature in Italian. Reading passages of texts examined during the course in Russian. Understanding of historical, cultural, and social implications of literary texts; placing authors, movements and works in their context; recognizing and explaining each author's literary themes and strategies; recognising the most elementary forms of versification and rhetorical figures and explaining the effects on the meaning of a poetic text.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course provides 9 ECTS credits. It is not possible to acquire only 6.
The course is entitled: "The war and peace thematic in Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century" and consists of the following three parts: 1. "War and peace between heroic suggestions and harsh reality in Russian literature of the years 1840-1860"; 2. Lev Tolstoy's novel «War and Peace» between historical reflection and existential meditation and other stories of peace and war in Russian literature of the years 1860-1904; 3. "I write to you by chance; indeed " (Lemontov, Valerik): Linguistic and stylistic analysis of Russian literary texts in verse and prose". The first two will be held in sequence, usually in the first two lessons of the week, while the third will be held in parallel with them in the following lesson, or contextually, to illustrate the concepts introduced with examples in the original language.
The course deals with one of the richest phases of Russian literature, that of the middle and second half of the 19th century and the very first years of the 20th century, indicating the guidelines of its evolution towards the blossoming of the great psychological novel, tale and drama. War (of homeland defense or colonial conquest) and War and Peace as polarities within which human life unfolds, are followed not only in works specifically dedicated to episodes of war, but also in those of a programmatic and philosophical nature, set in situations of peace. The heart of the artistic discourse of writers such as I. Turgenev, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, N. Leskov, A. Chekhov and others is thus reached. The third part will deal with poetic texts in the original language, related to the theme of war, from the entire 19th century, and with significant passages from the prose works analyzed.
As a rule, the course program is valid until February 2027. In any case, students are invited to contact the teacher to define their individual situation.
The course is entitled: "The war and peace thematic in Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century" and consists of the following three parts: 1. "War and peace between heroic suggestions and harsh reality in Russian literature of the years 1840-1860"; 2. Lev Tolstoy's novel «War and Peace» between historical reflection and existential meditation and other stories of peace and war in Russian literature of the years 1860-1904; 3. "I write to you by chance; indeed " (Lemontov, Valerik): Linguistic and stylistic analysis of Russian literary texts in verse and prose". The first two will be held in sequence, usually in the first two lessons of the week, while the third will be held in parallel with them in the following lesson, or contextually, to illustrate the concepts introduced with examples in the original language.
The course deals with one of the richest phases of Russian literature, that of the middle and second half of the 19th century and the very first years of the 20th century, indicating the guidelines of its evolution towards the blossoming of the great psychological novel, tale and drama. War (of homeland defense or colonial conquest) and War and Peace as polarities within which human life unfolds, are followed not only in works specifically dedicated to episodes of war, but also in those of a programmatic and philosophical nature, set in situations of peace. The heart of the artistic discourse of writers such as I. Turgenev, F. Dostoevsky, L. Tolstoy, N. Leskov, A. Chekhov and others is thus reached. The third part will deal with poetic texts in the original language, related to the theme of war, from the entire 19th century, and with significant passages from the prose works analyzed.
As a rule, the course program is valid until February 2027. In any case, students are invited to contact the teacher to define their individual situation.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is in Italian, with reading and commentary of literary texts (poetry and prose) in Russian. The syllabus is intended for students with skills in the Russian Language and history of Russian literature gained during the previous year's courses in Russian language and literature.
[Students who do not know Russian will not always find Italian translations of the literary texts; therefore, if interested in the course, they must contact the teacher in advance to agree on adaptations of the program]
[Students who do not know Russian will not always find Italian translations of the literary texts; therefore, if interested in the course, they must contact the teacher in advance to agree on adaptations of the program]
Teaching methods
The course follows these teaching methods: class lectures, reading and explaining passages from the works in the syllabus, and possible presentations of individual readings made by students.
Teaching Resources
The course has a website on the MyAriel online teaching platform, to which you are referred for the materials provided by the teacher as specified below.
In addition to the course notes, students will have to prepare for the exam:
1) Choice of readings: from 1 to 3 (depending on the length) novels or collections of short stories or dramas, by different authors among: Iv. Turgenev, "On the eve", "A nest of nobles", "Fathers and children"; Iv. Goncharov, "Oblomov"; F. Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment", "The Idiot", "The Demons", "The Meek", Tales fro Diary of a Writer", "The Brothers Karamazov"; N. Chernyshevsky, "What is to be done", L. Tolstoy, "Sebastopol tales", "War tales", "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "The Kreutzer sonata" "Resurrection", N. Leskov: "Musk-Ox", "The sealed Angel", "The enchanted Wanderer" or others; M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, "The Golovlev family", A. P. Chekhov, Selection of short stories, Dramas: "The seagull", "Uncle Vanya", "The Three Sisters", "The Cherry Orchard". "Figure di donne", by Turgenev, Leskov, Chekhov (ed. Mursia). To be read already during the 1st semester in order to participate in the lessons, and possibly present one's reflections on the texts to colleagues.
2) Textbook for the study of the history of Russian literature in Italian (see), English or Russian to be agreed (parts relating to the period covered, that is from 1845 to 1880, about Chaadaev, Slavophiles, Stankevich, Belinskij, Herzen, V. Majkov, raznochincy, radicals, Grigor'ev, Herzen, Aksakov, natural School, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Goncharov, Leskov, populism, Ostrovskij, Nekrasov, Tjutchev, Turgenev, Dostoevskij, Tolstoj, Fet, Chekhov;
3) Textbook for the study of the history of Russia: N. V. Riasanovsky, "A History of Russia, Oxford U.P. (parts relating to the period covered, that is from 1845 to 1905) or other texbook in Russian to be agreed;
4) one compulsory critical text: a) M. Bakhtin, Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics, University of Minnesota 1984 (ch. 2-5 with particular attention to Russian literature and to the works of Dostoevskij object of the course and possibly read by the student) or b) original Russian version; c) other work to be agreed.
5) Anthology of literary texts in Russian downloadable during the course from the Ariel platform;
6) PowerPoint presentations used in class during the lectures downloadable from the Ariel platform;
7) (if needed) other fragments of literary and critical texts mentioned during the lectures (downloadable from the Ariel platform).
8) The program for "non-attending" students is the same as that for attending students. If necessary, additional critical readings can be requested from the teacher. However, the following monograph (or single parts of it) is recommended to all: Andrei Zorin, Leo Tolstoy (also on Kindle).
Students whose mother tongue is not Italian can read novels and critical literature in the original language or in their mother tongue.
In addition to the course notes, students will have to prepare for the exam:
1) Choice of readings: from 1 to 3 (depending on the length) novels or collections of short stories or dramas, by different authors among: Iv. Turgenev, "On the eve", "A nest of nobles", "Fathers and children"; Iv. Goncharov, "Oblomov"; F. Dostoevsky, "Crime and Punishment", "The Idiot", "The Demons", "The Meek", Tales fro Diary of a Writer", "The Brothers Karamazov"; N. Chernyshevsky, "What is to be done", L. Tolstoy, "Sebastopol tales", "War tales", "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "The Kreutzer sonata" "Resurrection", N. Leskov: "Musk-Ox", "The sealed Angel", "The enchanted Wanderer" or others; M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, "The Golovlev family", A. P. Chekhov, Selection of short stories, Dramas: "The seagull", "Uncle Vanya", "The Three Sisters", "The Cherry Orchard". "Figure di donne", by Turgenev, Leskov, Chekhov (ed. Mursia). To be read already during the 1st semester in order to participate in the lessons, and possibly present one's reflections on the texts to colleagues.
2) Textbook for the study of the history of Russian literature in Italian (see), English or Russian to be agreed (parts relating to the period covered, that is from 1845 to 1880, about Chaadaev, Slavophiles, Stankevich, Belinskij, Herzen, V. Majkov, raznochincy, radicals, Grigor'ev, Herzen, Aksakov, natural School, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Goncharov, Leskov, populism, Ostrovskij, Nekrasov, Tjutchev, Turgenev, Dostoevskij, Tolstoj, Fet, Chekhov;
3) Textbook for the study of the history of Russia: N. V. Riasanovsky, "A History of Russia, Oxford U.P. (parts relating to the period covered, that is from 1845 to 1905) or other texbook in Russian to be agreed;
4) one compulsory critical text: a) M. Bakhtin, Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics, University of Minnesota 1984 (ch. 2-5 with particular attention to Russian literature and to the works of Dostoevskij object of the course and possibly read by the student) or b) original Russian version; c) other work to be agreed.
5) Anthology of literary texts in Russian downloadable during the course from the Ariel platform;
6) PowerPoint presentations used in class during the lectures downloadable from the Ariel platform;
7) (if needed) other fragments of literary and critical texts mentioned during the lectures (downloadable from the Ariel platform).
8) The program for "non-attending" students is the same as that for attending students. If necessary, additional critical readings can be requested from the teacher. However, the following monograph (or single parts of it) is recommended to all: Andrei Zorin, Leo Tolstoy (also on Kindle).
Students whose mother tongue is not Italian can read novels and critical literature in the original language or in their mother tongue.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an individual interview, as a rule in Italian, which includes questions asked by the teacher, interactions between teacher and student and reading in the original language, translation, and commentary of one or more short excerpts from the works scheduled. The interview lasts about 20-30 minutes. It aims to verify the knowledge of the texts read, the ability to contextualize authors and pieces, the ability of expression, the precision in the use of specific terminology, and the ability to critically and personally reflect on the issues proposed.
The final mark is expressed in thirtieths, and the student has the right to reject it (in this case, it will be recorded as "withdrawn").
International or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher promptly.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities or with DSA must be agreed upon with the teacher in agreement with the competent office.
The final mark is expressed in thirtieths, and the student has the right to reject it (in this case, it will be recorded as "withdrawn").
International or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher promptly.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities or with DSA must be agreed upon with the teacher in agreement with the competent office.
Educational website(s)
From 12th February 2025 in my room, on Skype ([email protected]) or Teams (Generale - Ricevimento studenti e laureandi prof. Laura Rossi <[email protected]>) on Wednesdays: 2 - 5 p.m. (Check my ARIEL pages for any temporary changes).
Piazza S. Alessandro, 1, Slavistics department, 2nd floor, office