Russian Culture I
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with a general understanding of the key topics of Russian culture, in a historical-diachronic perspective. To this end, lessons cover the main features of Russian politics and culture from the Middle Ages to today's times. The focus is on the most important political, social, philosophical, religious and aesthetic ideas that permeated Russian culture during its various phases. Moreover, the course introduces major cultural concepts which impacted on subsequent historical periods, analysing them in light of the main events in the political history of Russia. These cultural concepts can be found expressed most of all in written literary sources. Therefore, the course focuses on the study of the history of Russian literature and language to explore such concepts thoroughly.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be familiar with the fundamentals of the history of Russian culture and identity - a knowledge which is essential for an effective dialogue between cultures. Moreover, students will be able to analyse, debate and convey the fundamental concepts of Russian culture.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Introduction into Russian history and culture from the origins to the end of end of the Nineteenth century.
The course deals with different aspects of the history of Russian culture from the Middle Ages to the end of the Nineteenth century. Particular attention will be paid on the most important political, social, philosophical, religious and esthetic concepts, which were characteristic for the different epochs of Russian culture. The most important cultural concepts which dominated the successive historical epochs will be introduced and analysed on the background of the main events of political history. The principal cultural concepts are above all expressed in written literature, therefore we experience them through the study of literary sources. Thus, the story of literature and language constitutes a privileged field of research in order to scrutinize these concepts.
The course will also deal with different fields of Russian culture in a transverse modality. The main goal of the proposed didactic route will be the acquisition of knowledge concerning the periodization of Russian culture, the Russian Orthodoxy, the geopolical particularities and the ideological structures, the general aspects of such areas of Russian culture like language, literature and arts.
The course deals with different aspects of the history of Russian culture from the Middle Ages to the end of the Nineteenth century. Particular attention will be paid on the most important political, social, philosophical, religious and esthetic concepts, which were characteristic for the different epochs of Russian culture. The most important cultural concepts which dominated the successive historical epochs will be introduced and analysed on the background of the main events of political history. The principal cultural concepts are above all expressed in written literature, therefore we experience them through the study of literary sources. Thus, the story of literature and language constitutes a privileged field of research in order to scrutinize these concepts.
The course will also deal with different fields of Russian culture in a transverse modality. The main goal of the proposed didactic route will be the acquisition of knowledge concerning the periodization of Russian culture, the Russian Orthodoxy, the geopolical particularities and the ideological structures, the general aspects of such areas of Russian culture like language, literature and arts.
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisite.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures.
Teaching Resources
1) Any one political history of Russia (Bushkovich, Bartlett, Riasanovsky ecc.).
2) Dmitrij Tschižewskij. Storia dello spirito russo. Firenze: Sansoni, 1965.
3) PowerPoint presentations
Tschižewskij's book and the PowerPoint presentations used in the course will be present on the platform MyAriel.
2) Dmitrij Tschižewskij. Storia dello spirito russo. Firenze: Sansoni, 1965.
3) PowerPoint presentations
Tschižewskij's book and the PowerPoint presentations used in the course will be present on the platform MyAriel.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists in an oral colloquy about the contents of the course.
Educational website(s)
from 26 February 2025: on Wednesdays, 11.00 - 13.00
in presence (Sesto San Giovanni, room 5010) and on distance via MS Teams (write a message, I'll call you back)