Romance Linguistics
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to propose the advanced study of themes, methods and problems related to Romance linguistics. The history of the Romance languages will be studied from a comparative perspective (both in synchrony and in diachrony); particular attention will be paid to methodology concerning geolinguistics and/or sociolinguistics points of view.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course the student will have an in-depth knowledge of nineteenth- and twentieth-century history of Romance linguistics, as well as the theories and methodologies used in the field of Romance linguistics.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course the student must be able:
- to discern, understand, describe and classify the most important linguistic data through Medieval and/or Modern texts or documents, considering them from a diachronic and a diatopic point of view;
- to learn how to use the main consultation sources as well as orienting themselves effectively and confidently within the specific reference bibliography;
- to use the appropriate discipline-specific terminology.
At the end of the course the student will have an in-depth knowledge of nineteenth- and twentieth-century history of Romance linguistics, as well as the theories and methodologies used in the field of Romance linguistics.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course the student must be able:
- to discern, understand, describe and classify the most important linguistic data through Medieval and/or Modern texts or documents, considering them from a diachronic and a diatopic point of view;
- to learn how to use the main consultation sources as well as orienting themselves effectively and confidently within the specific reference bibliography;
- to use the appropriate discipline-specific terminology.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The following topics will be dealt with:
A. From Latin to Romance Languages: historical-linguistic basis for cultural deepening (20 hours, 3 ECTS, obligatory).
B. Themes and problems of compared historical grammar of Romance languages and Romance linguistic geography (20 hours, 3 ECTS, obligatory).
C. Linguistic geography as a resource for historical linguistics (20 hours, 3 ECTS).
A. From Latin to Romance Languages: historical-linguistic basis for cultural deepening (20 hours, 3 ECTS, obligatory).
B. Themes and problems of compared historical grammar of Romance languages and Romance linguistic geography (20 hours, 3 ECTS, obligatory).
C. Linguistic geography as a resource for historical linguistics (20 hours, 3 ECTS).
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites for admission.
Teaching methods
The course consists of 40 hours (for 6 ECTS), or 60 hours (for 9 ECTS) of lectures; linguistic texts' analysis activity will be carried out, as well as written exercise and specific case-studies. The course relies on e-learning material, available on Ariel 2.0.
Attendance in this course is strongly recommended; active participation from the students will be required during the lessons.
Attendance in this course is strongly recommended; active participation from the students will be required during the lessons.
Teaching Resources
All students are required to prepare:
For part A:
- Personal class notes;
- Alberto Varvaro, Il latino e la formazione delle lingue romanze, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2014;
- Henriette Walter, L'avventura delle lingue in Occidente, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1999 (rist. 2006), only: Preambolo, pp. 5-10 (footnotes p. 429); cap. 1. Le origini remote, pp. 11-24 (footnotes pp. 429-30); cap. 4. Le lingue nate dal latino, pp. 93-278 (footnotes pp. 435-448).
For part B:
- Personal class notes;
- Marcello Barbato, Le lingue romanze. Profilo storico-comparativo, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2017.
For part C:
- Corrado Grassi, La geografia linguistica, in Lexikon der romanistischen Linguistik (LRL), hrsg. von Günter Holtus, Michael Metzeltin, Christian Schmitt, vol. I, t. 1. Geschichte des Faches Romanistik. Methodologie (Das Sprachsystem), Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 2a ed. 2011, pp. 207-235;
- Hans Goebl, La geografia linguistica, in Manuale di linguistica italiana, a cura di Sergio Lubello, de Gruyter, Berlin-Boston, 2016, pp. 553-580.
- Other learning material, that will be made available online through the Ariel 2.0 course website.
N.B. A valuable reference tool, to which constant reference will be made, is: Gerhard Rohlfs, Panorama delle lingue neolatine. Piccolo atlante linguistico pan-romanzo, Gunter Narr, Tübingen, 1986 (some of the linguistic maps in this atlas will be commented on in class, and will be brought to the exam).
Warning for non-attending students
Non-attending students are required to get proper notes from their colleagues. Notes should be taken carefully and students should try to have a complete set of notes for each part of the course.
Further bibliography to be studied must be agreeded with the teacher at the student reception.
For part A:
- Personal class notes;
- Alberto Varvaro, Il latino e la formazione delle lingue romanze, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2014;
- Henriette Walter, L'avventura delle lingue in Occidente, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1999 (rist. 2006), only: Preambolo, pp. 5-10 (footnotes p. 429); cap. 1. Le origini remote, pp. 11-24 (footnotes pp. 429-30); cap. 4. Le lingue nate dal latino, pp. 93-278 (footnotes pp. 435-448).
For part B:
- Personal class notes;
- Marcello Barbato, Le lingue romanze. Profilo storico-comparativo, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2017.
For part C:
- Corrado Grassi, La geografia linguistica, in Lexikon der romanistischen Linguistik (LRL), hrsg. von Günter Holtus, Michael Metzeltin, Christian Schmitt, vol. I, t. 1. Geschichte des Faches Romanistik. Methodologie (Das Sprachsystem), Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 2a ed. 2011, pp. 207-235;
- Hans Goebl, La geografia linguistica, in Manuale di linguistica italiana, a cura di Sergio Lubello, de Gruyter, Berlin-Boston, 2016, pp. 553-580.
- Other learning material, that will be made available online through the Ariel 2.0 course website.
N.B. A valuable reference tool, to which constant reference will be made, is: Gerhard Rohlfs, Panorama delle lingue neolatine. Piccolo atlante linguistico pan-romanzo, Gunter Narr, Tübingen, 1986 (some of the linguistic maps in this atlas will be commented on in class, and will be brought to the exam).
Warning for non-attending students
Non-attending students are required to get proper notes from their colleagues. Notes should be taken carefully and students should try to have a complete set of notes for each part of the course.
Further bibliography to be studied must be agreeded with the teacher at the student reception.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a single oral test, grading on a scale of 30; the minimum mark for passing the exam is 18.
The exam aimed at verifying:
1) The knowledge of course syllabus contents;
2) The ability of critical thinking and application of the analysis methodologies explained in class;
3) The quality and efficacy of presentation
4) The competence in the use of discipline-specific terminology
All the students who are going to take this exam (personally or by e-mail) are required to hand to the teacher, at least 10 days before the start of the exam session, a short paper (max. 15.000 characters), containing a written exercise on a topic, previously agreed with the teacher, aimed at showing the ability to prepare independently a thorough linguistic examination of a text. The paper will contribute to the final evaluation and will be the subject of a brief exposure during the exam.
Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher (during office hours or by e-mail) before studying for their exam.
International students or incoming Erasmus are promptly invited to contact the teacher of the course.
The exam mode for SLD students and/or for students with other disabilities will have to be agreed with the teacher in accordance with the Office in charge.
The exam aimed at verifying:
1) The knowledge of course syllabus contents;
2) The ability of critical thinking and application of the analysis methodologies explained in class;
3) The quality and efficacy of presentation
4) The competence in the use of discipline-specific terminology
All the students who are going to take this exam (personally or by e-mail) are required to hand to the teacher, at least 10 days before the start of the exam session, a short paper (max. 15.000 characters), containing a written exercise on a topic, previously agreed with the teacher, aimed at showing the ability to prepare independently a thorough linguistic examination of a text. The paper will contribute to the final evaluation and will be the subject of a brief exposure during the exam.
Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher (during office hours or by e-mail) before studying for their exam.
International students or incoming Erasmus are promptly invited to contact the teacher of the course.
The exam mode for SLD students and/or for students with other disabilities will have to be agreed with the teacher in accordance with the Office in charge.
Lessons: 60 hours
Tagliani Roberto
Educational website(s)
In the second semester, the student reception takes place by appointment, approximately on Monday or Tuesday mornings. To request an appointment, please email [email protected].
Teacher’s Office, Dipartimento di Studi letterari, filologici e linguistici, sezione Modernistica - First floor