Regional Stratigraphy

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
GEO/01 GEO/02
Learning objectives
Knowledge and understanding : Stratigraphic methods and proxies for paleogeographic and paleo-environmental reconstructions. Biosphere evolution in the stratigraphic context. Global and regional geodynamic evolution.
Applying knowledge and understanding: bility to apply the skills acquired in the study of stratigraphic-environmental-geodynamic evolution on a regional scale.
Making judgements: Distinction between acquiring data and geological-stratigraphic reconstructions on a regional scale. Evaluation of the methods to be applied according to the time intervals and the sedimentation regime.
Expected learning outcomes
Communication skills: Ability to describe and illustrate the knowledge gained during the course to reconstruct geological history resulting from interactions between geosphere-biosphere-atmosphere at regional scale and in the global context.
Learning skills: Ability to base the acquired stratigraphic, geological and geodynamic processes on a scale from regional to global and at different time scales.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

tteaching activated every other year: not active in the a.y. 2024-25

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course aims to provide knowledge on: methods for paleogeographic maps, lithostratigraphic characteristics of the succession of the Lombardy Basin (Paleozoic-Cenozoic), interpretation of the stratigraphic evolution of the Lombardy Basin to derive processes (causes and effects) at local, regional and global scales.
Expected results: Ability to independently operate in the following areas: a) reconstruction and interpretation of lithostratigraphic and facies variations; b) execution of depositional models; c) discrimination of causes and effects of environmental perturbations; d) identification of processes at local, regional and global scale and their relationships/interconnections

1) The geological time scale. Time-scale principles (Timescales).
2) The "global puzzle": synthetic geological history of the Earth.
Methodologies. From the Precambrian to the present: distribution of continents and oceans: main geological events. Main climate changes of the Late Precambrian and Phanerozoic.
3) The Southern Alps and the evolution of the Tethys Ocean. Definitions. Paleogeography. The Paleozoic. The Triassic. The Jurassic. The Cretaceous. The Cenozoic.
4) The Lombardy Basin. The succession of the Lombardy Basin records the main sedimentary events caused by local, regional and global geological events.
5) elaborations / exercises on what analyzed during the excursions

During the excursions, some stratigraphic sequences will be analyzed to trace back from the facies analysis to the regional geological evolution. The 6 daily excursions will focus on:
· Triassic of the Bergamasque Prealps
· Triassic of the Grigne area
· Jurassic of Albenza (Colle di Sogno)
· Jurassic-Cretaceous of Breggia.
· Cretaceous-Cenozoic of Brianza.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of stratigraphy, sedimentary geology (sedimentology, facies, paleontology), analytical methods used in the field.
Teaching methods
The course consists of 2 teaching modules:
Module I: 4 credits of FRONTAL LESSONS = 32 hours 24 hours of theory + 8 hours of discussion post excursions
Module II: Excursions - 2 cfu - field activity = 6 days
Stratigraphic analyses of Mesozoic sequences from the Lombardy Basin
Teaching Resources
PPTs and lecture notes available on the ARIEL or TEAMS platform

Specific handouts prepared by the teacher for the individual excursions
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exams will take place orally and in presence. The oral exam concerns the theory (Module I) and the excursions (Module II).
On-going tests through discussion during the excursions and classroom exercises.
GEO/01 - PALEONTOLOGY AND PALEOECOLOGY - University credits: 3
Field activity: 24 hours
Lessons: 32 hours