Rearing, Management and Feeding of Non-Conventional Pet Animals

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/18 AGR/20
Learning objectives
The course is aimed to supply the basic knowledge on husbandry, breeding and nutrition in unconventional pets: birds (Galliformes, Anseriformes, Psittaciformes, Passeriformes) and mammals (Lagomorphs, Rodents, Mustelidae) and reptiles (Chelonia. The main topics of the course will be: species classification, morphology, husbandry and welfare, behaviour and management, reproduction. This will include the basics of nutrition, handling around exotic animal species, including pet birds, small mammals, amphibia, reptiles and fish. The knowledge of the different species will be oriented to a responsible breeding in accordance with animal behaviour and welfare.
Expected learning outcomes
1. Knowledge and understanding. At the end of the course the student will be able to set up a suitable environment and to formulate an appropriate diet for the subject in the different stages of life (breeding, in particular) critically choosing the most appropriate diet and facilities for the conditions and lifestyle of the species for which they are intended.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding. The student will have to demonstrate knowledge useful in assessing the nutritional adequacy of industrial preparations and the suitability and safety of facilities for the correct husbandry, as well as the completeness of the information necessary to allow the owner or breeder to choose the breeding programs suited to their needs and to ensure the welfare of the animals.
3. Making judgement. The student will demonstrate the ability to critically argue the information acquired. In this sense, educational outings to companies and shows operating in the world of new companion animal species, and, in addition seminars with experts will be organised.
4. Communication. The student must demonstrate the ability to express him/herself with scientifically appropriate terminology, particularly with regard to terminology referring to identifying and explaining the critical issues and strengths of the proposed dietary regimes and housing, management and breeding systems. The student must be able to critically and proactively approach the study of the subject, analyzing the material provided by the teacher, the recommended texts and official websites.
Lifelong learning skills. The student will have to demonstrate knowledge in terms of notions and methodologies and the reasoning skills acquired during the course will allow the student to pursue his/her study independently by deepening and updating his/her knowledge in the area of new companion animal nutrition and breeding, according to current regulations.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Nutrition of New Companion Animals (Prof. Fusi):
Avian nutrition (6 hours)
Rabbits and small mammals nutrition (8 hours)
Ferret nutrition(2 hours)
Reptile nutrition (2 hours)
Amphibian nutrition (2 hours)

Practical training
Feed evaluation (3 hours)
Formulation methods in life stages (5 hours)

Breeding and management of New Companion Animals (Dr. Marelli)
Breeding and management of avian species (6 hours)
Breeding and management of lagomorphs and rodents (4 hours)
Breeding and management of ferrets (2 hours)
Breeding and management of reptiles (4 hours)
Breeding and management of amphibians (2 hours)
Environment and welfare in new companion animals (2 hours)

Practical training (8 hours)
Prerequisites for admission
No preliminary knowledge is required to attend the course.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures and practical training aimed at formulating nutritional and husbandry plans for the selected unconventional species. Meetings with professional experts will be scheduled.
Teaching Resources
Didactic materials provided by lecturers will be uploaded on Ariel website.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is a written test concerning the topics included in the teaching program.
It lasts 60 minutes, takes place on Moodle platform and includes open and multiple-choice questions.
The written test has two sections (one section/module). Each section includes 10 questions, 8 of which are multiple-choice questions and 2 open questions. The multiple-choice questions (4 answers) require one correct answer.
Duration: 1 hour
Assessment Parameters: the test will be graded in thirtieths, and the final mark corresponds to the average of the two sections.
Evaluation criteria:
- each correct answer for the multiple-choice questions corresponds to 2,5 points
- as regards the evaluation of open answers, the following elements of judgment are adopted:
· 5 points: excellent and in-depth knowledge of the topics. Clarity of presentation and perfect use of the terminology. Excellent order and synthesis.
· 3-4 points: good knowledge of the topics. Clarity of presentation and correct use of the terminology. Good order and synthesis.
· 2-3 points: superficial knowledge of the topics. Partial clarity and sometimes imprecise use of the terminology. Acceptable order and synthesis.
· 0-1 points: the answer is severely lacking or missing entirely. Completely insufficient knowledge of the topics. Disordered exposition, devoid of scientific logic and expressed with an incorrect terminology. Inadequate order and synthesis.
Type of assessment: grade in thirtieths.
Number and types of evidence contributing to final assessment: Candidates who obtain at least 18 points in each section pass the exam.
There are seven exams in the Academic year, and they are held in January, February, April, June, July, September, and October according to the frequency established by the teaching college. To take the exam, the student must register through the ONLINE SIFA.
Methods of verification differentiated between attending and non-attending students: none
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours