Public Organization Theory

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course offers a holistic view of the core processes deployed by organisations of all types, economic sector notwithstanding. It presents theories and concepts for the analysis of the environment, organizational design, strategy implementation and the study of the relative effects. The course also explores three organizational topics of particular relevance to the public administrations: change management, the pros and cons of e-government and contextual analysis.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have a holistic view of the core processes deployed by organisations of all types, which include the analysis of the environment, the organizational design, the strategy implementation and the study of the relative effects, the change management, the pros and cons of e-government and the contextual analysis.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
The first half of the course will:
- present a holistic picture of the basic elements of complex organisations;
- illustrate the relationship between organisation and environment, and the general principles that underpin organisational design;
- examine the approach of Italian public administrations' to organisational change.

The second half of the course will:
- illustrate the key issues of organisational change and the management of information technologies;
- study the digital government (e-government) and the public services co-production strategies of the Italian public administrations, as well as describe the possible approaches to the assessment of the results.
Prerequisites for admission
The introductory nature of the course means that it is open to students who have no previous knowledge of the subject.
Teaching methods
The two-part course centres on:
- lectures
- discussion of study cases.
During the course, the students could be invited to give presentations based on supplementary materials indicated by the lecturer.
Teaching Resources
- J. McAuley, J. Duberley, P. Johnson, M. Sorrentino, S. Levi (2017) Organizzazione aziendale, Concetti, Teorie, Applicazioni, Pearson, Milano (study the complete work).
- Centro ICONA e S. Levi (2014) Reinventare il pubblico, Pearson, Milano (study the essays from p. 65 to p. 125).
- Lecture notes + any supplementary materials indicated by prof. Sorrentino (accessible via the Ariel course webpage).
Assessment methods and Criteria
Please keep in mind that the access to the exam is reserved exclusively to those students who have duly registered on the SIFA platform.

As a rule, exams are usually held in person. If, for any reason, that method is deemed impracticable, prof. Sorrentino will inform the student via the Ariel website of the method (in-person or online) and the format (written or oral) of the relative exam.

The method of assessment consists of a written exam (5 open questions) of 1 hour duration.

Exam assessment will place particular emphasis on:
- The student's knowledge of the course subjects and their understanding of the course programme and its aims;
- Their ability to formulate and articulate their own opinion of and conclusion on the topics of organisational change and its implications;
- The candidate's ability to communicate their knowledge, especially their mastery of the use of the specific language used in organisational studies.
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Sorrentino Maddalena
Wednesday 15:00-18:00 (in presence or via Teams). Please send an e-mail.