Psycology of Interactions in Healthcare Work Teams

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the principles and fundamental theories of social psychology, with a specific focus on the application of this knowledge in the context of work groups and public and private organizations. Students will gain a good understanding of how social dynamics influence individual and collective behaviors.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding: The course will enable students to acquire basic knowledge of the theories, approaches, and dynamics related to social psychology. Specifically, students will be able to understand the triadic and reciprocal interactions between individuals, social behavior, and the social environment. They will comprehend the construction of social self and social identity, the impact of social representations, stereotypes, and prejudices in relation to social groups, social influence phenomena, conformity, authority and obedience, as well as the genesis of prosocial and/or antisocial behavior. Students will also grasp the mechanisms of moral disengagement and deindividuation.
Application of Knowledge and Understanding: Through exercises, simulations, and case analyses, students will be able to identify and recognize interactive and distorting phenomena typical of work groups. They will develop self-awareness of their own modes of action and reaction in such contexts and situations.
Autonomy of Judgment: Students will develop critical thinking skills and judgment that will enable them to discern the types of social processes that occur in different contexts and at various levels (individual, group, societal).
Communication Skills: Students will be able to communicate information, ideas, problems, and solutions using appropriate disciplinary language specific to different situations and interlocutors.
Learning Skills: The course represents an experience for learning the fundamental principles and basic tools related to the psychosocial processes that characterize people's lives and group dynamics. Interactive activities, including group discussions, will stimulate students to dynamically define their learning objectives, engage in continuous self-learning processes, and utilize ongoing information collection activities related to studies in the field of social psychology. Periodically, activities will be organized to allow students to independently identify their acquired learning, additional study objectives, and potential future integrated learning experiences. In this way, they will be able to define and integrate additional horizontal learning activities (even outside the university context) with vertical activities (the three-year degree program and/or other postgraduate training experiences).
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
The following topics will be covered during the course: social cognition and social thinking; self and identity; an introduction to attitudes and persuasion; social influence, conformity, and social change; social and work groups; prejudice and intergroup relations; aggression and prosocial behavior.
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required.
Teaching methods
International and Erasmus students MUST shift to the blended learning version of the course, which includes the following breakdown:
· 20 hours of in-person lectures
· 12 hours of synchronous online lectures via the Teams platform
· 8 hours of asynchronous online lectures on the MyAriel platform
The proposed teaching methodology includes: lectures, reading and commenting on scientific articles, group work, case studies, research assignments by students, and presentation of results. Registration for the final exam is contingent upon attending at least 60% of the lectures (i.e., a minimum of 12 hours of in-person lectures and at least 12 hours of synchronous/asynchronous online lectures).
Teaching Resources
International students could study the english version of the book:
· Hogg, M.A., Vaughan G.M. Social Psychology: Theories and Applications. Pearson (also available in digital format): Chapters 2-3-5-6-7-8-9 Additional study materials will be made available on MyAriel.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam consists of a written test with open-ended questions designed to assess both the level of comprehension of theoretical concepts and the ability to reason and apply those concepts.
· 3 questions will refer to theoretical concepts and assess the level of knowledge, understanding, and appropriateness of communication. Questions that require reasoning will evaluate the level of competence and autonomy of judgment demonstrated by the student.
· 1 question will involve the analysis of a short case study or a situation of social or organizational problem-solving. This question will assess the ability to apply knowledge and understanding, as well as the development of autonomy of judgment. Communication skills and learning ability will primarily be assessed through direct interactions between the instructor and students that take place during the course.
M-PSI/05 - SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours