Psychopedagogy Science

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-PED/01 M-PSI/01 M-PSI/08
Learning objectives
The course aims to enable students to achieve a certain degree of knowledge related to the psycho-pedagogical concepts that are involved in people's feed management. According to the evolutionary model of development of the individual, the aim is to know the different types of client/patient's needs in order to be able to better manage the therapeutic relationship with clients/patients with different structures of personality in the work practice of the dietitian, which today is increasingly characterised by a coordinated interdisciplinary intervention.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will have knowledge related to the psychological and sociological concepts that are involved in people's feed management.
At the end of the course the student will have developed psycho-pedagogical skills which are required to work in the different areas of nutrition education and nutrition management field.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Not required.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test composed of 15 multiple choice questions with one correct answer (each question will be evaluated with 2 points) and 1 open ended question. The time left for filling out the test is 30 minutes.
Theories and science of education and social education
Course syllabus
· Define education and its meaning within the therapeutic relationship between dietitian and patient.
· Distinguish between education and teaching activities in the therapeutic relationship.
· Illustrate the characteristics of educational interventions in primary, secondary and tertiary prevention.
· Describe the different educational models, their relation to medical models and their impact in patient education processes.
· Identify and illustrate the characteristics of educational communication within nutrition education.
· Recognize the main patient-centered communication techniques aimed at educational communication.
· Analyzing the role of the main theories of health psychology in understanding eating behavior and motivation to change.
· To explain the importance in educational processes of assessing the patient's coping ability (e.g. avoidant type vs. approach type), possible need for closure and decision-making strategies.
· Illustrate the characteristics of the "educational diagnosis"
· Discuss the meaning of "change" in educational processes, using the Prochaska-Di Clemente model
· Indicate the most suitable strategies to support the dietitian's work on the individual patient's eating styles and wellbeing.
· Indicate some strategies to motivate patients to change eating habits, illustrating the role of a counselling approach.
· Explain the main differences between individual and group interventions in the nutritional education of patient(s) in different settings.
· Illustrate the main elements to be considered when designing a nutrition education intervention.
Teaching methods
Consistently with the pedagogical model based on experiential learning and reflection on practice, classroom exercises on the specific work of the dietitian will be proposed through individual and group activities
Teaching Resources
· Zannini L. (2023), L'educazione del paziente. Per una consapevolezza pedagogica dei professionisti della cura, Milano: Cortina (The exact pages will be specified in class and on the Ariel web page).
· Delle Fave A., Bassi M. (2013), Psicologia e Salute, UTET, Milano (cap. II pagg. 45, 52, 53, 57, 58; cap IV pagg. 143-144).
General psychology
Course syllabus
· Disease Centred medicine
· Patient Centred medicine
· The concept of patient's "agenda"
· The communication's role in the Patient Centred's model
· The communication's process and techniques
· Patient education
Teaching methods
Teaching methods will be: lectures, discussions of clinical cases, plenary discussions
Teaching Resources
· Moja E.A., Vegni E. La visita medica centrata sul paziente, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2000.
· dispense distribuite durante il corso
· slides
Clinical psychology
Course syllabus
- Theoretical and cultural tools about clinical psychology, definitions and types of psychological approaches and clinical interviews;
- Psychodiagnosis;
- Origins, aims and methods of cognitive behavioral psychotherapeutic interventions;
- Origins, aims and methods of psychodynamic psychotherapeutic interventions;
- Definition of defense mechanisms and exemplifications;
- Origins, aims and methods of systemic and relational psychotherapeutic interventions;
- Theory of individual and family lifespan cycle;
- Stress, coping and burn out;
- Definition of "difficult patients" and strategies of approach;
- Assertive communication strategies with difficult patients;
- Definition of hospital clinical psychology and its peculiarities;
- Types of psychological intervention addressed to patients with a body disease, with clinical exemplifications;
- Eating disorders: diagnostic taxonomy; etiopathogenesis; approaches of intervention.
Teaching methods
Teaching methods will be: lectures, discussions of clinical cases, plenary discussions
Teaching Resources
Clerici, C., & Veneroni, L. (2014). La psicologia clinica in ospedale: consulenza e modelli di intervento. Il Mulino.
Capitolo 24 "LA PSICOLOGIA CLINICA." E. Vegni, I. Fossati, R. Lamberti, V. Mariani pp 729-751 in Invernizzi, G., & Bressi, C. (ed 2017). Manuale di psichiatria e psicologia clinica. Mc Graw Hill
Clinical psychology
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Salvadori Emilia
Professor: Salvadori Emilia
General psychology
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Salvadori Emilia
Professor: Salvadori Emilia
Theories and science of education and social education
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Zannini Lucia
Professor: Zannini Lucia