Psychology Applied to Social Relations, Communication and Group Dynamics
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
- Know, select and apply the theoretical models developed for the analysis of interpersonal relationships within dyadic and group social interactions in the professional context;
- Know, select and apply the main models related to social perception and social communication;
- Knowing how to evaluate some determining elements in the interpersonal relationship, such as attribution of cause, prejudice and stereotypy, training and modification of attitudes, conformism;
- Know and identify the processes that support or determine events, phenomena and behaviours of the individual or group, assessing their characteristics and their impact in a bio-cultural perspective, or in relation to the system or social structure in which they occur (family, group, ethnicity, organization, community);
- Know and evaluate the structural characteristics of communication (verbal and non-verbal elements, information exchange models) and its contents, specifically examining the communicative peculiarities within a multi-professional team, between operators and coordination figures, between teams operational and administrative and decision-making bodies, inside and outside the structure;
- Develop a capacity for analysis and solution of professional and relational problems in the cross-cultural perspective, starting from the knowledge of the problems of the multi-ethnic society
- Knowing how to evaluate interventions and problems in the health sector using the holistic bio-psycho-social model as a reference;
- Develop analytical skills and solutions to problems related to stress and burnout in the professional team.
- Know, select and apply the main models related to social perception and social communication;
- Knowing how to evaluate some determining elements in the interpersonal relationship, such as attribution of cause, prejudice and stereotypy, training and modification of attitudes, conformism;
- Know and identify the processes that support or determine events, phenomena and behaviours of the individual or group, assessing their characteristics and their impact in a bio-cultural perspective, or in relation to the system or social structure in which they occur (family, group, ethnicity, organization, community);
- Know and evaluate the structural characteristics of communication (verbal and non-verbal elements, information exchange models) and its contents, specifically examining the communicative peculiarities within a multi-professional team, between operators and coordination figures, between teams operational and administrative and decision-making bodies, inside and outside the structure;
- Develop a capacity for analysis and solution of professional and relational problems in the cross-cultural perspective, starting from the knowledge of the problems of the multi-ethnic society
- Knowing how to evaluate interventions and problems in the health sector using the holistic bio-psycho-social model as a reference;
- Develop analytical skills and solutions to problems related to stress and burnout in the professional team.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will have acquired the knowledge to:
- Apply socio-anthropological theories to the observation and interpretation of health realities;
- Knowing how to manage the communication between health worker and patient, considering the differences of gender and culture;
- Knowing how to manage dyadic and group social interactions in the professional context;
- Knowing how to manage professional and relational issues in a cross-cultural perspective, starting from the knowledge of the problems of the multi-ethnic society;
- Knowing how to direct the coordination of structure towards effective management through greater mastery of the main methods of intervention for the development of people, groups, organizations (psychosocial training, coaching and counseling);
- raise awareness of a systemic reading that takes into account the individual, relational and organizational variables involved in defining the contexts in which people act: individual differences, skills, motivation;
- knowing how to apply the knowledge of psychology applied to the world of work to enhance the abilities and potential of individuals and groups in work and organizational environments;
- to be able to interpret organizational contexts and master the main models and techniques of psychological-social analysis connected with the climate, culture and satisfaction of groups and organizations, with a particular focus on managing the risk of work-related stress and subjective risk prevention In a working environment;
- Apply socio-anthropological theories to the observation and interpretation of health realities;
- Knowing how to manage the communication between health worker and patient, considering the differences of gender and culture;
- Knowing how to manage dyadic and group social interactions in the professional context;
- Knowing how to manage professional and relational issues in a cross-cultural perspective, starting from the knowledge of the problems of the multi-ethnic society;
- Knowing how to direct the coordination of structure towards effective management through greater mastery of the main methods of intervention for the development of people, groups, organizations (psychosocial training, coaching and counseling);
- raise awareness of a systemic reading that takes into account the individual, relational and organizational variables involved in defining the contexts in which people act: individual differences, skills, motivation;
- knowing how to apply the knowledge of psychology applied to the world of work to enhance the abilities and potential of individuals and groups in work and organizational environments;
- to be able to interpret organizational contexts and master the main models and techniques of psychological-social analysis connected with the climate, culture and satisfaction of groups and organizations, with a particular focus on managing the risk of work-related stress and subjective risk prevention In a working environment;
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge required
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning outcomes are assessed through a written test, taking place during specific exam sessions as per the course Rules. The test includes both multiple choice and open-ended questions. All the modules comprised in the course contribute equally to determining the final mark, expressed on a scale of 30.
No intermediate or early sessions are planned.
No teaching materials or notes are allowed for consultation during the exam.
Scores obtained in each module are published on the ARIEL course website; the reference teacher takes care of the final online recording through the UNIMI platform.
No intermediate or early sessions are planned.
No teaching materials or notes are allowed for consultation during the exam.
Scores obtained in each module are published on the ARIEL course website; the reference teacher takes care of the final online recording through the UNIMI platform.
Demology, ethnology and anthropology
Course syllabus
- Overview of medical anthropology: culture and cultures; body; knowledge about disease and the body; analysis
- Social and cultural interpretations of health and disease
- Intercultural medicine
- Migration and health systems
- Social and cultural interpretations of health and disease
- Intercultural medicine
- Migration and health systems
Teaching methods
Teaching is delivered through lectures in the classroom or on TEAMS MS live, according to a schedule published on the course website.
Teaching Resources
Ivo Quaranta e Mario Ricca. Sick misplaced. Intercultural Medicine. Milan, Cortina 2012
Scientific papers and documents proposed during classes
Scientific papers and documents proposed during classes
General psychology
Course syllabus
- Psychology and Health; conceptualization of health and mental health
- Facing disease: trauma, distress and coping strategies, personal and social resource mobilization
- Risk perception, prevention and acquisition of healthy behaviors: the HAPA model
- Building relationships in health professions: emotions, non-verbal communication, communication pragmatics
- Facing disease: trauma, distress and coping strategies, personal and social resource mobilization
- Risk perception, prevention and acquisition of healthy behaviors: the HAPA model
- Building relationships in health professions: emotions, non-verbal communication, communication pragmatics
Teaching methods
Face-to-face lectures, small group work and discussions on specific topics and case studies.
Teaching Resources
A. Delle Fave e M. Bassi (2013). Psicologia e salute (2nd edition). Torino: UTET Università (chapter 1 and 2; chapt. 3 par. 3.6, 10.3; chapt. 4 par. 4.2, 4.33)
Papers and documents provided during classes
Papers and documents provided during classes
Work and Organizational Psychology
Course syllabus
- Introduction to work psychology
- Work performance and cognitive abilities
- Personality and organizational behaviors
- Individual and organizational values
- Motivational theories and models
- Managerial strategies for motivating workers
- Job satisfaction, theories and models
- Antecedents, inhibitors, and consequences of job satisfaction
- Work performance and cognitive abilities
- Personality and organizational behaviors
- Individual and organizational values
- Motivational theories and models
- Managerial strategies for motivating workers
- Job satisfaction, theories and models
- Antecedents, inhibitors, and consequences of job satisfaction
Teaching methods
Teaching is provided through face-to-face lessons, team activities and case studies scheduled according to a timetable published on the ARIEL website of the master course.
Teaching Resources
Argentero, R., & Cortese, C. G. (2016). Psicologia del lavoro. Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore.
Capitolo #4 "Le differenze individuali" (pp. 95-116).
Capitolo #6 "La motivazione" (pp. 151-177).
Capitolo #7 "La soddisfazione lavorativa" (pp. 181-204).
Supplementary materials will be provided during lessons.
Capitolo #4 "Le differenze individuali" (pp. 95-116).
Capitolo #6 "La motivazione" (pp. 151-177).
Capitolo #7 "La soddisfazione lavorativa" (pp. 181-204).
Supplementary materials will be provided during lessons.
General sociology
Course syllabus
- 1.Sociology: origins and concepts;
- 2. The classics of sociology: Durkheim, Weber, Marx, the Chicago School
- 3. Sociological theories
- 4. Doing research in sociology
- 5. Socialization and identity building: class and gender
- 6. The sociology of health and disease
- 7. The medicalization of human reproduction: from childbirth to TRA
8. Reflections on Global Health and Inequality
- 2. The classics of sociology: Durkheim, Weber, Marx, the Chicago School
- 3. Sociological theories
- 4. Doing research in sociology
- 5. Socialization and identity building: class and gender
- 6. The sociology of health and disease
- 7. The medicalization of human reproduction: from childbirth to TRA
8. Reflections on Global Health and Inequality
Teaching methods
Teaching is delivered through lectures in the classroom or on TEAMS MS live, according to a schedule published on the course website.
Teaching Resources
Anderson L.M., Taylor H.F., "The Essential of Sociology," Zanichelli, 2004 or ed. Chapter 1 (pp. 1-27);
Lombardi L., Reproduction and Health in Global Society. Gender, Medicalization and Social Change, Maggioli Publisher, 2018.
Lombardi L., Reproduction and Health in Global Society. Gender, Medicalization and Social Change, Maggioli Publisher, 2018.
Demology, ethnology and anthropology
Lessons: 16 hours
Mutti Valentina Alice
General psychology
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Delle Fave Antonella
General sociology
SPS/07 - GENERAL SOCIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Work and Organizational Psychology
Lessons: 16 hours
Cangialosi Nicola
Educational website(s)