Psychology Applied to Exercise Sciences

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Il corso prepara gli studenti affinché siano in grado di: motivare, stimolare, coinvolgere e rassicurare gli utenti in tutte le fasi dell'attività motoria e sportiva sia a livello individuale che di gruppo; relazionarsi a soggetti di diverse età, abilità, genere, condizione socio-culturale; utilizzare un appropriato e corretto linguaggio, con particolare attenzione allo sviluppo dell'individuo nelle varie fasce d'età; gestire l'insorgenza delle situazioni di disagio relative all'abbandono dell'attività motoria in genere.
Expected learning outcomes
The students will have basic psychological knowledge to be able to effectively interact with practitioners on the basis of age, gender, social status, both individually and as a group. They will use various forms of verbal and non-verbal communication to be effective in their professional activity. They will also be aware of the psychological and pedagogical foundations for broadcast, as well as technical knowledge, ethical values and motivations appropriate to promote active lifestyle and a sport fair and free from the use of practices and substances that are potentially harmful to health.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course is structured in 10 modules organized in different themes presented in seminar form. Some modules will benefit from the presence of expert testimonials able to practically reinforce the theoretical and scientific contents.
Interaction with students will be encouraged in every way, who will have the opportunity to compare the topics covered with the motor and competitive activities they practice or teach.
The main themes of the meetings will focus on some macro-areas investigated by general psychology, sports psychology, work psychology, cultural psychology and positive psychology.
The modules provided by the course are divided as follows:
1. Individual and social identity: the relationship with diversity.
2. Sense of belonging: family, society, community, solitude. Individualism, collectivism
3. Self-esteem and that of others: value, skills and intelligence. The basics of the body-mind relationship
4. Individual, couple, and group behavior
5. Communication: conditioning, persuasion, manipulation, coercion. Social influence and the will of the individual
6. Motivation: intrinsic, extrinsic, emergent. Passion, love, duty, pleasure, routine management
7. Attention, perception, errors of interpretation, misunderstandings and regrets: change management
8. Group and conflict management (in group, out group, minorities and majorities). The role of families, organizations, technicians, managers, etc. Bosses, leaders and normality.
9. Conflicts with the self: management of fatigue, depression, boredom, anxiety and stress. Well-being, discomfort, happiness. The short-term or long-term vision
10. Cheating, defrauding, pretending: existential doping. The relationship with authority: referees, rules, norms. Ethics and education in legality: fair play and codes
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Synchronous lessons in person and on-line
Teaching Resources
Suggested manuals (in order of preference of the Professor):
● Muzio, M., Riva, G., Argenton, L. 2012. Flow, Benessere e prestazione eccellente. Dai modelli teorici alle applicazioni nello sport e in azienda, (Franco Angeli, 2012).
● Mandolesi, L. 2017. Manuale di psicologia dello sport, (Il Mulino, 2017).
● Cei, A. 1998. Psicologia dello sport, (Il Mulino, 1998).
● Agosti, A. 2006. Gruppo di lavoro e lavoro di gruppo: aspetti pedagogici e didattici, (Franco Angeli, 2006).
● Baucia, F. 2013. L'ultima Analisi, (Sedizioni, 2013).
● Galimberti, U. 2013, Le cose dell'amore: Opere XV, (Universale Economica Feltrinelli, 2013).
● Gardner, H. 2011. Cambiare idee. L'arte e la scienza della persuasione, (Feltrinelli, 2011).
● Csikszentmihalyi M. 2008. Flow. The psychology of optimal experience, (Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2008).
● Inghilleri, P. 2003. La "buona vita": per l'uso creativo degli oggetti nella società dell'abbondanza, (Guerini e Associati, 2003).
● Kaneklin, C., Scaratti, G. 1998. Formazione e narrazione: costruzione di significato e processi di cambiamento personale e organizzativo, (Raffaello Cortina,1998).
● Peluso Cassese, F. 2011. Principi di psicopedagogia per le attività motorie, (Universitarie Romane, 2011).
● Rampin, M. 2011. Lo sport dal collo in su. Sbloccare meccanismi mentali inceppati: Linee guida per atleti, allenatori, dirigenti e genitori, (Paolo Alto, 2011).
● Recalcati, M. 2014. L'ora di lezione: per un'erotica dell'insegnamento, (Einaudi, 2014).
● Saglio, G., Zola, C. 2007. In su e in sè. Alpinismo e Psicologia, (Priuli e Verlucca, 2007).
● Trabucchi, P. 2012. Perseverare è umano. Come trovare e mantenere in se stessi la forza di raggiungere un obiettivo, (Corbaccio, 2012).
● Trabucchi, P. 2014. Tecniche di resistenza interiore. Come sopravvivere alla crisi della nostra società, (Mondadori, 2014).
● Vecchini, A. 2004. La narrazione come funzione della mente e come esperienza psicopedagogica, (Morlacchi, 2004).
● Vercelli, G. 2017. L'intelligenza agonistica. Affrontare le sfide nella vita, nel lavoro, nello sport, (Ponte alle Grazie, 2017 ).
● Vercelli, G. 2006. Vincere con la mente. Come si diventa campioni: lo stato della massima prestazione, (Ponte alle Grazie, 2006).
● Watzlawick, P., Beavin, J.H., Jackson D.D., Ferretti, M. 1971. Pragmatica della comunicazione umana. Studio dei modelli interattivi, delle patologie e dei paradossi, (Astrolabio, 1971)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The Psychology Exam consists of two different components: Written Examination + Supplementary Work.

1) Written Exam (mandatory): Written exam consisting of three open-ended questions on topics covered in lectures.
2) Written Paper (optional): Work in a small group through the drafting of a written essay focused on a topic chosen from those proposed in class. This individual work must be sent 15 days before the exam date and is evaluated with extra points to be added to the exam grade.
This individual paper must be submitted 15 days before the exam roll call and is graded with extra points to be added to the exam grade.
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Cesaro Franco
Professor: Cesaro Franco


Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is structured in 10 modules organized in different themes presented in seminar form. Some modules will benefit from the presence of expert testimonials able to practically reinforce the theoretical and scientific contents.
Interaction with students will be encouraged in every way, who will have the opportunity to compare the topics covered with the motor and competitive activities they practice or teach.
The main themes of the meetings will focus on some macro-areas investigated by general psychology, sports psychology, work psychology, cultural psychology and positive psychology.
The modules provided by the course are divided as follows:
1. Individual and social identity: the relationship with diversity.
2. Sense of belonging: family, society, community, solitude. Individualism, collectivism
3. Self-esteem and that of others: value, skills and intelligence. The basics of the body-mind relationship
4. Individual, couple, and group behavior
5. Communication: conditioning, persuasion, manipulation, coercion. Social influence and the will of the individual
6. Motivation: intrinsic, extrinsic, emergent. Passion, love, duty, pleasure, routine management
7. Attention, perception, errors of interpretation, misunderstandings and regrets: change management
8. Group and conflict management (in group, out group, minorities and majorities). The role of families, organizations, technicians, managers, etc. Bosses, leaders and normality.
9. Conflicts with the self: management of fatigue, depression, boredom, anxiety and stress. Well-being, discomfort, happiness. The short-term or long-term vision
10. Cheating, defrauding, pretending: existential doping. The relationship with authority: referees, rules, norms. Ethics and education in legality: fair play and codes
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Synchronous lessons in person and on-line
Teaching Resources
Suggested manuals (in order of preference of the Professor):
● Muzio, M., Riva, G., Argenton, L. 2012. Flow, Benessere e prestazione eccellente. Dai modelli teorici alle applicazioni nello sport e in azienda, (Franco Angeli, 2012).
● Mandolesi, L. 2017. Manuale di psicologia dello sport, (Il Mulino, 2017).
● Cei, A. 1998. Psicologia dello sport, (Il Mulino, 1998).
● Agosti, A. 2006. Gruppo di lavoro e lavoro di gruppo: aspetti pedagogici e didattici, (Franco Angeli, 2006).
● Baucia, F. 2013. L'ultima Analisi, (Sedizioni, 2013).
● Galimberti, U. 2013, Le cose dell'amore: Opere XV, (Universale Economica Feltrinelli, 2013).
● Gardner, H. 2011. Cambiare idee. L'arte e la scienza della persuasione, (Feltrinelli, 2011).
● Csikszentmihalyi M. 2008. Flow. The psychology of optimal experience, (Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2008).
● Inghilleri, P. 2003. La "buona vita": per l'uso creativo degli oggetti nella società dell'abbondanza, (Guerini e Associati, 2003).
● Kaneklin, C., Scaratti, G. 1998. Formazione e narrazione: costruzione di significato e processi di cambiamento personale e organizzativo, (Raffaello Cortina,1998).
● Peluso Cassese, F. 2011. Principi di psicopedagogia per le attività motorie, (Universitarie Romane, 2011).
● Rampin, M. 2011. Lo sport dal collo in su. Sbloccare meccanismi mentali inceppati: Linee guida per atleti, allenatori, dirigenti e genitori, (Paolo Alto, 2011).
● Recalcati, M. 2014. L'ora di lezione: per un'erotica dell'insegnamento, (Einaudi, 2014).
● Saglio, G., Zola, C. 2007. In su e in sè. Alpinismo e Psicologia, (Priuli e Verlucca, 2007).
● Trabucchi, P. 2012. Perseverare è umano. Come trovare e mantenere in se stessi la forza di raggiungere un obiettivo, (Corbaccio, 2012).
● Trabucchi, P. 2014. Tecniche di resistenza interiore. Come sopravvivere alla crisi della nostra società, (Mondadori, 2014).
● Vecchini, A. 2004. La narrazione come funzione della mente e come esperienza psicopedagogica, (Morlacchi, 2004).
● Vercelli, G. 2017. L'intelligenza agonistica. Affrontare le sfide nella vita, nel lavoro, nello sport, (Ponte alle Grazie, 2017 ).
● Vercelli, G. 2006. Vincere con la mente. Come si diventa campioni: lo stato della massima prestazione, (Ponte alle Grazie, 2006).
● Watzlawick, P., Beavin, J.H., Jackson D.D., Ferretti, M. 1971. Pragmatica della comunicazione umana. Studio dei modelli interattivi, delle patologie e dei paradossi, (Astrolabio, 1971)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The Psychology Exam consists of two different components: Written Examination + Supplementary Work.

1) Written Exam (mandatory): Written exam consisting of three open-ended questions on topics covered in lectures.
2) Written Paper (optional): Work in a small group through the drafting of a written essay focused on a topic chosen from those proposed in class. This individual work must be sent 15 days before the exam date and is evaluated with extra points to be added to the exam grade.
This individual paper must be submitted 15 days before the exam roll call and is graded with extra points to be added to the exam grade.
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Cornacchia Vito Michele